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33rd Session / 18-20 October 2017

Decentralised policies for the successful integration of migrants
Session file

32nd Session / 28-30 March 2017

Decentralised policies for the successful integration of migrants
Session file

31st Session / 19-21 October 2016

Preventing corruption and promoting public ethics at local and regional levels, the inappropriate use of administrative resources during election campaigns and the role of local and regional elected representatives, the situation of Roma and Travellers in the context of the rise in xenophobia, the participation and representation of women, gender budgeting, good governance of metropolitan territories...
File Session

30th Session / 22-24 March 2016

Debates on transparency of public procurement, integration of migrants at local level, internally displaced persons, local authorities' role in fighting human trafficking, and on creating intercultural societies at local level. The Congress also considered reports on local and regional democracy in France and the Slovak Republic, post-monitoring dialogue, and observation of the local elections in Ukraine.
File Session

29th Session / 20-22 October 2015

Guidelines for local and regional authorities on preventing radicalisation - debates on citizen participation and social cohesion issues - the situation of local democracy in Luxembourg, Montenegro and France - new forms of local governance, Regionalisation trends in the Council of Europe member states, E-democracy and conditions of office of local and regional elected representatives.

Session file

28th Session / 24-26 March 2015

"Local responses to human rights challenges – migration, discrimination, social inclusion" will be the overarching theme of the two annual sessions of the Council of Europe's Congress in March and October 2015. The 28th Session will include in particular a debate on the response of local and regional authorities to migration flows on the first day, the award ceremony for the first prize in the Diversity Advantage Challenge, and a presentation of the Council of Europe's No Hate Speech Campaign.
Session file

27th Session / 14-16 October 2014

The overarching theme of this Session was "Empowering youth: a shared responsibility for cities and regions". This was the common thread running through the Congress's activities in 2014 and the aim is to provide a forum for exchanges between European local and regional elected representatives on the participation of young people as stakeholders of local and regional democracy. In this context, young delegates, aged 16 to 30 years, from 34 different countries took part for the first time in the Congress's activities and debates.
Session file

26th Session / 27-29 March 2014

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe has decided to devote a large part of its two annual sessions in 2014 (March and October) to the theme "Empowering youth: a shared responsibility for cities and regions". The aim is to generate exchanges between European local and regional elected representatives on the participation of young people, as actors of local and regional democracy.
Session file

25th Session / 29-31 October 2013

On the agenda: debates on "Integration through self-employment: promoting local entrepreneurship of migrants", "Migrants' access to regional labour markets" and "Regionalisation and devolution in Europe in a context of economic crisis" | monitoring reports concerning Ireland, Hungary, Ukraine, Albania and Denmark, and a report on the election of the members of the Avagani (Assembly) of the city of Yerevan and another on the local elections in "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia".
Session file

24th Session / 19-21 March 2013

Under the theme ''Europe in crisis – the challenges for local and regional democracy'', a number of debates were held during the 24th session: on 19 March, on fostering active citizenship, on 20 March, on combating social exclusion, and on 21 March, on how ethical conduct can be promoted and corruption combated at local and regional level. The Congress examined the state of local and regional democracy in Spain, Italy and Georgia, and the local elections in Armenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Session file

23rd Session / 16-18 October 2012

The 23rd Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, taking place from 16 to 18 October 2012 in Strasbourg (France), will bring together more than 300 local and regional elected representatives from 47 Council of Europe member states, to discuss the current challenges for grassroots democracy, in particular in those Arab countries which are undertaking major institutional transformations.

Session file

22nd Session / 20-22 March 2012

The 22nd Congress Session brought together more than 300 local and regional elected representatives from 47 Council of Europe member states, to discuss the current challenges for grassroots democracy, in particular the financial crisis and its impact on local and regional authorities.

Session file

21st Session / 18-20 October 2011

"Living together in dignity" will be the theme running through three debates at the 21st Session of the Congress. They will focus on the situation of Roma and the role of local and regional authorities in promoting their integration, the report by the Group of Eminent Persons on Living together in 21st-century Europe, and efforts to combat child sex abuse through the Council of Europe's ONE in FIVE campaign.
Session file

20th Session / 22-24 March 2011

At the top of the agenda of the 20th Session are debates on human rights issues at local level, in particular the situation of Roma in Europe. An urgent debate will be dedicated to the role of the Congress in the context of the current reform process of the Council of Europe.

Session file

19th Session / 26-28 October 2010

The 19th Session of the Congress approved the credentials of new national delegations and elected Presidents of the Congress and its two Chambers, as well as Congress Vice-Presidents. The Session also adopted political priorities for 2011-2012 and proposals for the Congress' reform, including changes in its structures and working methods, and set up three new committees.

Session file

18th Session / 17 - 19 March 2010

Among the highlights were, notably, related to climate change, local authorities and human rights, North-South co-operation, gender equality in politics, intra-regional transport, minority languages, as well as local democracy in Portugal and Iceland, and regional democracy in Switzerland nad the observation of elections in Azerbaidjan from 23 December 2009

File of the session

17th Plenary Session / 13 - 15 October 2009

The Congress of local and regional authorities of the Council of Europe held its 17th Plenary session in Strasbourg from 13 to 15 October 2009. In preparation for the UN Conference in Copenhagen in December, the Congress held a debate on the important contribution of local and regional policy makers to the global challenge of climate change.

File of the Session

16th Plenary Session/ 3 - 5 March 2009

During the 16th plenary Session of the Congress several debates were held in plenary sittings, in particular on the Euro-mediterranean co-operation and the role of local and regional authorities, public water and sewer services, combating domestic violence, the situation of local and regional democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the international financial crisis and its consequences for European territorial authorities as well as transborder cooperation.

File of the session

15th Autumn Session / 1 - 3 December 2008

Among the highlights were local consequences of the Georgian-Russian conflict, non-appointment of three mayors in Belgium, the situation of non-Latvian speaking minorities in Latvia and local democracy in Armenia.

File of the session

15th Plenary Session / 27 - 29 May 2008

The 15th Plenary Session of the Congress was one of the Congress’ membership renewal. The President of the three Chambers were elected, as well as the Secretary General. The main debates focused on social cohesion, e-democracy, transfrontier cooperation, regional democracy and interreligious dialogue

File of the session

14th Spring Session / 12 - 14 March 2008

Local and regional policies on adaptation to climate change, sustainable consumption, urban biodiversity policies, and services of general interest in rural areas were the main items on the agenda of the Congress' Spring Session in Malaga, Spain.

File of the session

14 Autumn Session / 19 - 21 November 2007

The Congress members discussed a report on local democracy in Turkey, following a fact-finding mission to South-East Anatolia lead by Anders Knape (Sweden, EPP/CD) and Hans-Ulrich Stöckling (Switzerland, ILDG) in August this year. A round table on regional democracy in Europe was organised by the Chamber of Regions focusing in particular on the proposal for a European Charter of Regional Democracy

File of the session

14th Plenary Session / 30 May - 1er June 2007

Co-operation on local democracy beyond Europe's borders, in particular with Morocco, Japan and Mexico, was one of the items on the agenda. Delegations from these three countries addressed the Chamber of Local Authorities and the Chamber of Regions of the Congress.

File of the session

13th Spring Session/ 26 - 28 March 2007

Among the main issues addressed were, in particular, the Congress's participation in the Council of Europe campaigns against domestic violence and building a Europe for and with children.

File of the session

13th Autumn Session  / 13 - 15 November 2006

The Council of Europe Congress of Local and Regional Authorities is holding its autumn session from 13 to 15 November 2006 in Moscow , in the framework of the Russian Federation 's Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers.

File of the session

13th Plenary Session  / 30 May- 1st June 2006

The session began with the renewal of the delegations and elections for the posts of President of the Congress and Presidents of the chambers, Vice-presidents and Chairs of the Statutory committees. 

File of the session


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Saida Theophile
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Delphine Weisshaupt
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Find all the documents from the 1st to the 12th session in our online archives.