Plenary Session of the Congress
30 May to 1st June 2007 - Strasbourg, France

Images of the debate "50 years of local democracy" in MPEG2 format

The debate "50 years of local democracy in Europe" can be downloaded in MPEG2 format for televisions.
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Chamber of Regions
Chamber of local authorities
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press contact

Congress Communication Unit
Head of Communication Unit
Dmitri Marchenkov

Tel.: + 33 (0)3 88 41 38 44

Content of the file

00:00-00:30 WALTER SCHMIED, Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assemmbly, Chair of the Committee on Environment, Agriculture and Regional Affairs

00:30-00:57 NERIS GERMANAS, Committee of Ministers'Thematic Co-ordinator on Local and Regional co-operation, Ambassador of Lithuania to the Council of Europe

00:57-01:17 ANTONIO PAIVA, President of the Commission for Constitutional Affaris of the Committee of the Regions of the European Union, Mayour of Tomar (Portugal)

01:17-01:55 HALVDAN SKARD, Congress President

1:55-02:25 NERIS GERMANAS, Committee of Ministers'Thematic Co-ordinator on Local and Regional co-operation, Ambassador of Lithuania to the Council of Europe

02:25-2:52 WALTER SCHMIED, Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assemmbly, Chair of the Committee on Environment, Agriculture and Regional Affairs

02:52-03:20 DANIEL RIOT, journalist, the moderator of the "50 years of local democracy at the Council of Europe"