A new Congress  
Plenary Session of the Congress (27-29 May 2008) Strasbourg, France

Yavuz Mildon elected President of the Congress 
Yavuz Mildon (Turkey, EPP-CD) has been elected President of the Congress, by acclamation, at the opening of the 15th Plenary Session of the Congress, on 27 May, in Strasbourg. He is the 26th President of the Congress, since 1957, the first from Turkey. (more...)
Congress decides to hold two plenary sessions as from 2009
The Congress adopted new Rules of Procedure and decided, with effect from 2009, to meet in two plenary sessions to be held in the spring and autumn of each year. This change reflect the heightened political role of the Congress in a Europe in which local democracy is a key condition for building a society based on peace, democracy and stability. (more ...)
Congress to respect gender balance
The new national delegations sitting in the Congress must include a minimum of 30% of women in each delegation. The Congress is the first elected political assembly to establish a 30-per cent minimum gender representation as a condition for membership. All delegations have met this requirement.  (more...)
''Congress has a reinforced political role and unique institutional presence'', says Halvdan Skard
''This is a session of the renewal of Congress membership and leadership. I strongly believe that the Congress has a bright dynamic future, propelled by the will of its members to move forwards,'' said the outgoing Congress President Halvdan Skard presenting his activity report, at the opening of the 15th Congress Plenary Session on 27 May. ''The role and activities of the Congress puts it in a unique position among European institutions to make a major contribution in this respect'', he concluded.  (more...)
The other themes of the session
A new Congress
Social cohesion and sustainable development
All the guests


Yavuz Mildon is the new Congress President, Ian Micallef was re-elected President of the Chamber of Local Authorities and Ludmila Sfirloaga was elected President of the Chamber of Regions
Election of 3 new Presidents

see also ...

The Congress of the Council of Europe launches the ''Prize of the Regions'' (more ...)
Prize of the Regions of the Congress



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Congress Communication Unit
Tel.: + 33 (0)3 88 41 38 44