Video records

All this multimedia resources are free downloading in professional format.
These resources can be published with the mention ©Council of Europe.

12 October

A video of the inauguration of the stand dedicated to the European Local Democracy Week is available in Digital Betacam upon request to:

13 October

- Press Conference of the Congress acting President Ian Micallef

       Original version

- Presentation of the Activity Report by acting President Ian Micallef

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Press Conference of the vice-President of the Congress, Svetlana Orlova, for the presentation of a russian magazine "Municipal Russia"

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Debate on the European Local Democracy Week

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Debate on Youth participation in local democracy

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Debate on challenges of Local democracy in the world

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Gunther Krug declaration on 20th anniversary of the fell of the Berlin Wall

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Dubravca Suica presenting the declaration for the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

14 October

- Debate on the situation of local democracy in South-East Anatolia

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Debate on climate change

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Debate on preventing violence against children

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

15 October

- Debate on the elections for the mayor of yerevan

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

- Debate on co-operation in the Baltic Region

       Original version    |    English version    |    French version

Session Agenda


Working documents

Dmitri Marchenkov
+33 (0)3 88 41 38 44

Table Office
Delphine Weisshaupt
+33 (0)3 88 41 31 94