Sustainable Development of Mountains, Landscape and Coastal Regions
On the occasion of the 19th Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, the Sustainable Development Committee tabled three reports for debate:Sustainable development of mountain regions and the experience of the Carpathian Mountains; Landscape: a new dimension of public territorial action; and Coastal towns and cities tackling threats from the sea.

Speakers at the debate
Mykhayo Kichkovskyy, (Ukraine, EPP/CD) Mykhaylo Kichkovskyy: “Economic and social cohesion should be at the heart of mountain policies”
Presenting the report, Mykhayo Kichkovskyy, (Ukraine, EPP/CD) Rapporteur for the for the Committee on Sustainable Development, stressed: “These policies require measures compatible with the protection of, and respect for, the environment and which take into account the human and democratic rights of mountain residents”.
Speech (Russian version)

Devrim Cukur (Turkey, SOC)Devrim Cukur: “Increased attention must be paid to the landscape from all levels of governance”
"Local and regional authorities should be supported in their landscape- related tasks both at national and international level, which today represents a new dimension of public territorial action”, stressed Devrim Cukur (Turkey, SOC, photo), as he led the debate on public action for landscape, based on the report co-written with Rapporteur Inger Linge (Sweden, EPP/CD).

Rapporteur Iñigo de la Serna Hernáiz (Spain, EPP/CD)Iñigo de la Serna Hernáiz: “Short, medium and long-term responses are crucial in improving the resilience of coastal towns to maritime threats”
“Local and regional authorities have a major role to play in reacting to the specific challenges facing coastal areas which demands the development of a new risk culture and new governance practices,” Rapporteur Iñigo de la Serna Hernáiz (Spain, EPP/CD, photo) emphasised when presenting a report on municipalities tackling the impact of climate change on coastal areas.
Documents of the debates

Sustainable development of mountain regions and the experience of the Carpathian Mountains

Landscape: a new dimension of public territorial action-Committee on Sustainable Development

Coastal towns and cities tackling threats from the sea
Video of the debates

Sustainable development of mountain regions and the experience of the Carpathian Mountains
       Original    |    English    |    French

Landscape: a new dimension of public territorial action-Committee on Sustainable Development
       Original    |    English    |    French

Coastal towns and cities tackling threats from the sea
       Original    |    English    |    French
Session agenda


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