Elections des vice-présidents des commissions du CongrèsThe three Congress committees will be electing their Vice-Chairs at their meetings of Wednesday 23 March.

Basic rules pertaining to these elections:

  • The deadline for sending candidatures (written and personally signed) to the Secretariat is 22 March at 6 p.m
  • Candidatures must be in French or English and can be sent using the enclosed form.  They MUST contain the following information: name, Chamber, member state of which candidates are a national, the political group belonged to or, in the case of non-registered members, their motivation. Curriculum vitae are optional.
  • Please note that each letter or form of candidacy must be signed.
  • Those members who are affiliated to political groups are invited to indicate their intention to be a candidate to their group secretariat.
  • These candidacies will then be discussed at their group meetings on 22 March in the morning.

    Candidature form Picto word


Session du Congrès du Conseil de l'EuropeCongress members are invited to note the new provisions concerning the tabling of amendments in Rule 26 of the current Rules of Procedure (adopted at the October 2010 session).

There is a reminder of these provisions on the cover page of the agenda of the Session and in the appended forms for registration of speakers for debates (bilingual):

In Congress (Plenary) sittings

Amendments should be tabled in writing to the Secretariat, Office No. 1081 (1st floor). They should be handed in and signed by at least five Representatives (or duly mandated Substitutes) from at least two delegations at the latest at 10.00 am on the eve of the day when the texts to which they refer are to be discussed. Each amendment must specify which one of the signatories will present it. This member will automatically have the right to speak during the examination of the amendments.

Form for registration of speakers in PLENARY SITTINGS Picto word

In sittings of the Chambers

Amendments should be tabled, in writing to the Secretariat, Office No. 1081 (1st floor). They should be handed in and signed by at least five members of the Chamber from at least two delegations at the latest at 10.00 am on the eve of the day when the texts to which they refer are to be discussed. Each amendment must specify which one of the signatories will present it. This member will automatically have the right to speak during the examination of the amendments.

Form for registration of speakers in the CHAMBER OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES Picto word
Form for registration of speakers in the CHAMBER OF REGIONS Picto word

Session agenda



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