Debate on the situation of local and regional democracy in Romania, Turkey and Austria, and on local democracy in Malta

The Congress debated reports and adopted recommendations on the state of local and regional democracy in Romania, Turkey and Austria on 22 and 24 March 2011. The Chamber of Local Authorities of the Congress debated a report and adopted a recommendation on the state of local democracy in Malta on 23 March. Monitoring reports aim at monitoring of one country's obligations according to the European Charter of Local Self-Government.

In its monitoring report and recommendation, the Congress invites the Romanian authorities to pursue their efforts with a view to putting into practice all the principles of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. The report, which was presented by Jean-Claude Frecon, France (L, SOC), follows a monitoring visit carried out from 24 to 26 May 2010. (more...)

The report on Local and Regional demcracy in Malta welcomes the local government reform undertaken by this counrtry in the last three years, in particular, the initiative to lift reservations to the Charter of Local Self-Government. According to Congress Rapporteur, Emil Calota, Romania (L, SOC), the amended 2009 Local Councils Act met most of Malta's obligations under the Charter. (more...)

The Congress recommends that Turkey pursue constitutional reforms with regard to decentralisation as emphasised in a monitoring report. The report, presented by Anders Knape, Sweden (EPP/CD) and Herwig Van Staa, Austria (EPP/CD), follows visits to Turkey carried out in 2008, 2009 and 2010, and a fact-finding mission sent to South-East Anatolia in 2007. (more...)

The Congress carried out the first mission to assess the situation of local and regional democracy in Austria. The Rapporteurs on Austria, Irene Loizidou, Cyprus (EPP/CD) and Marc Cools, Belgium (ILDG) expressed satisfaction over the general state of local democracy and the specific co-operative nature of Austria's federal system which is "consensus oriented". The Congress recommends financial strengthening of Austria's federal system. (more...)

Documents of the debates

Local and Regional Democracy in Romania

Press release

Local democracy Malta

Press release

Local and Regional Democracy in Turkey

Press release

Local and regional democracy in Austria

Press release

Video records of the debates

Local and Regional Democracy in Romania
      Original   |   English   |   French

Local and Regional Democracy in Turkey
      Original    |   English   |   French

Local and regional democracy in Austria
       Original    |    English    |    French

Local democracy Malta
       Original    |    English    |    French

Session agenda



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