The reform of the Congress within the Council of Europe reform

Debate on Council of Europe and Congress Reform with the participation of Philippe Richert, French Minister responsible for Local and Regional Authorities

Council of Europe reform, and in particular the role of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities within this context, is one of the highlights on the agenda of the 20th Session of the Congress.

Philippe Richert, French Minister for Local authorities under the Minister of Interior, Overseas, Local authorities and Immigration, responsible for Local and Regional Authorities, adressed the Session in Strasbourg, France, on Tuesday 22 March from 15.00. A report on "the reform of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities within the Council of Europe reform", was presented by Karl-Heinz Lambertz, Belgium (R, SOC) and Anders Knape, Sweden (L, EPP/CD). (more...)

Speakers at the debate

Philippe Richert French Minister responsible for Local and Regional Authorities : "The Europe of local democracy, the Europe of the 200 000 local and regional authorities, Greater Europe, needs the Congress"
"The Congress has been relevant, effective and exemplary in carrying out its monitoring activities, fact-finding missions, observing of elections, and programmes of cooperation and has demonstrated its ability to foster local and regional democracy in Europe", he pointed out.
More specifically regarding the ongoing reform of the institution, Mr Richert backed a refocusing of the Congress on its fundamental missions. (more...)

Karl-Heinz LAMBERTZ, Belgium (R, SOC), rapporteur on the Congress reform took stock of the first two phases of Congress reform already implemented and presented the third phase to be embarked upon.


Anders KNAPE, Sweden (EPP/CD) rapporteur on the Congress reform: "the Congress needs to strengthen institutional links and political dialogue with the Committee of Ministers and the other organs of the Council of Europe in order to incorporate the local and regional dimension in any action of the Organisation".
The rapporteurs further stressed the importance of developing active cooperation with the Committee of the Regions and the Agency for Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

Video of the debate

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Session agenda



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