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17 mai 2005
16 mai 2005
Sommet jeunesse
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Représentation permanente Pologne
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Sommets précédents
Dans le cadre du Sommet des Chefs d'Etat et de Gouvernement, plusieurs expositions ouvertes au public sont organisées à Varsovie.

Affiches des expositions d'art du Conseil de l'Europe
Une exposition présentant une rétrospective des affiches des expositions d'art du Conseil de l'Europe (de 1954 à 2004) est organisée par le Centre d'Information polonais du Conseil de l'Europe. Ouverte au public, elle se tiendra à l'Université de Varsovie du 14 au 17 mai 2005. (suite...)
"La Pologne et le Conseil de l'Europe , 1990- 2005”
Une exposition photo "La pologne et le Conseil de l'Europe, 1990- 2005" consacrée aux relations et à la coopération entre le Conseil de l'Europe et la Pologne depuis 1990 sera présentée au Warsaw City Hall, Bankowy Square , du 16 au 22 mai 2005. (suite...)

Exposition internationale de jeunes artistes ''European Blue – Young Generation'' inaugurée par Terry Davis
Le Secrétaire Général a inauguré le 14 mai l’exposition de jeunes peintres d’Europe centrale et de l’est, qui exposent leurs œuvres jusqu’au 22 mai à l’ Academy of Fine Arts de Varsovie.


(version anglaise uniquement)

Exhibition „ Warsaw bids The Holy Father farewell”
13 th April – 18 th May - The Historical Museum of Warsaw

The Historical Museum of Warsaw presents an exhibition “ Warsaw bids The Holy Father farewell”. The exhibition consists of two parts: archival which reminds pilgrimages of The Holy father to Warsaw in 1979, 1983, 1987, 1991 and 1999, and the second – contemporary, documenting days of National Mourning after the death of Jan Pawel II. Among the photographs given by the Polish Press Agency worth mentioning are i.e. a picture taken in 1979 by Teodor Walczak which shows the moment of prayer of The Holy Father together with primate of Poland Stefan Wyszynski in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, unique shots of Cezary Langda taken during the mass at the Decennary Stadium in 1983 and the photo taken by Maciej Belina Brzozowski of Pope in front of the monument of the victims killed in the east. Visitors will be able to see also other tokens of remembrance: belonging to Warsaw arch-see chasubles and stoles in which The Holy Father celebrated masses in Warsaw , numismatic objects with Jan Pawel II, plaques and periodicals.

In the part of the exhibition that shows how Varsovians paid a tribute to The Holy Father's memory in the days of the mourning one can see pictures of Ewa Kisielewska, Maciej Osiecki and photographers working for the Historical Museum – Grazyna Kulakowska, Halina Niewiadomska and Ewald Pawlak. They commemorated all the crucial moments of farewell – mass at the Pilsudskiego square, place of remembrance in front of St. Ann 's Church, people walking city's streets in commemorating march.

At the front elevation of the museum a banner with taken by Adam Bujak picture of Jan Pawel II was hanged.

Exhibition is opened from 13 April to 18 May

Exhibition organizer: The Historical Museum of Warsaw
Further details: Department of Promotion, +48 (22) 635-16-25 ex. 113  

These days visitors of The Historical Museum of Warsaw will be able to see also two other temporary exhibitions: batons from the collection of Monika and Tadeusz Strugal entitled „Dirigentis Instrumentum” and „ Elblag – everyday life of Hanseatic city in the archeological excavations”.  

Exhibition of Paintings of Jacek Dluzewski
14 th May – 12 th June - Nizio Gallery

Nizio Gallery presents the exhibition of a Cracovian artist Jacek Dluzewski entitled The Voyage Series. There will be two series of displayed paintings from the years 2004 and 2005. The pictures make use of a very simple topic which is close to everybody. When watching the train scenes we do not have a difficulty to identify ourselves within them.

The Train Series consists of 15 scenes taking place on a train and behind its window. The artist watches women traveling by train and working on a train. The women are captured at different times of the day.

The Atlantic Odyssey 2001 is a series of ten canvasses showing an oil tanker in the open sea. Both series, when shown simultaneously, create an interesting perspective which we usually adopt when travelling. Jacek Dluzewski's paintings constitute a rare example of a precise and mature creation among dominating trends.

Jacek Dluzewski is one of the most interesting artists of the younger generation with considerable artistic achievements. He has taken part in dozens of individual and collective exhibitions. He is a holder of the Minister's of Culture scholarship.  

3 Inzynierska St .
03-410 Warsaw

Exhibition of Paintings of Franciszek Masluszczak
“… 30 th Anniversary Of The First Individual Exhibition”
6 th – 21 st May - Gallery of Graphics and Poster  

On the 30th anniversary of artistic public activity of Franciszek Masluszczak the Gallery of Graphics and Poster will make available to the public a collection of his watercolour paintings. For many years the artist has presented in them the chosen and consequently followed way. Multicoloured, fairytale-like in aquarelles, characters of vague origin – existing somewhere between people and angels are associations with or rather constitute distinctive features of the artist's style. This time this might be an opportunity to have a closer look to the titles of the works. The author himself talks about the process of entitling: „Titles are like first and last names of paintings. Sometimes they are clear, and sometimes it is just one word. (…) When the painting is ready, I often do not know how to name the painting. But I have to come up with something. The painting should have a label. The title is as important as a painted work. These are not coincidental words, a whim or a folly. In galleries people usually do not read titles, but assign them themselves. So there are two titles to each of my paintings: mine and of those who watch. In other words my painting has both a numerator and denominator, like in a fraction. The Gallery of Art and Poster invites everybody who feels like finding in the paintings of Franciszek Masluszczak a part of themselves.

Franciszek Masluszczak (born in 1948 in Kotlice), the alumnus of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (1974), creates paintings, drawings and graphics. He has classes in painting in the Architecture Department of the Warsaw School of Technology. He has held over 100 individual exhibitions, among the others in Warsaw , Vienna , Stockholm , Berlin and Sofia . His works are in possession of the National Museums in Szczecin and Cracow, the Geneva, the Museum of Peace in Tokyo, Chagall Museum in Witebsk, the museums in Lublin, Zamosc, Torun, Radom, Gdansk, Siedlce, Slupsk and others, as well as by private collectioners. He is the author of illustrations to books for adults and children. He also designs book covers and posters and publishes drawings in press. Masluszczak is a painter and visionary of a great format and at the same time a modest and kind person.  

Gallery of Graphics and Poster
40 Hoza St .
00 – 516 Warszawa
tel/fax: (0 – 22) 621 40 77  

Exhibition: The Potential. Collections of Contemporary Art For The Museum...
13 th – 29 th May - The Foundation of the Contemporary Art Collection of the National Museum in Warsaw

Young Polish art experiences currently a period of great interest on the part of international art markets and prestigious museum institutions worldwide. The works of all the important artists (among the others by Miroslaw Balko, Wilhelm Sasnal, Pawel Althamer, Piotr Uklanski and others) will be presented at The Potential in the context of the Polish art of the last thirty years, with which the art of the young artists is very strongly connected.

The exhibition offers a rare opportunity to see so many works at a time (over 100 paintings, sculptures, photographs and spatial installations of over 70 artists), because they are the property of private foundations and Warsaw galleries, which do not have permanent exposition venues on their disposal. The organisers hope that it will be precisely these works which will find their place in the new museum of contemporary art, which will open in Warsaw . At the moment plans are being made to establish a new institution and principles are being worked out for the international architecture competition for the project of a new building.

In connection with these plans the exhibition The Potential presents to the public the collections which the new museum can immediately inherit, as well as it shows in a microscale, what a museum of contemporary art can become in a modern building in the city centre. Out of this reason the Metropolitan Building , designed by Norman Foster, the world famous architect, has been selected for the site of the exhibition.

The Foundation of the Contemporary Art Collection of the National Museum in Warsaw is the organiser of the exhibition.

Further information can be obtained from Dorota Monkiewicz,
phone: + 48 602 713 827;

„Metropolitan” Building,
1 Pilsudskiego Sq.
Exhibition opening hours: 12.00 – 20.00  

Exhibition of paintings “Jan Cybis and Artur Nacht-Samborski – in a color zone”
14 th – 19 th May - Academy of Fine Art

Exhibition of paintings “Jan Cybis and Artur Nacht-Samborski – in a color zone” – masters of color, the greatest Polish artists associated with the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. This extraordinary exhibition is a tribute to two outstanding Polish painters, whose uplifting art infects with its joy and visual tribute to the world. It is a declaration that that the world is beautiful, unique and shared by all. Cybis was close to the impressionists, while Samborski espoused clarity of composition, though both recognized the crucial significance of color in their painting. After studies in Paris , they infused Polish art with broader European trends .

Cybis had German roots, while Nacht-Samborski was a Polish Jew. After the war, both were associated with the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts and educated another generation of great painters. They were among the last Masters with such great authority in matters of art. The collected pictures, sketches and drawings reflect different stages of their artistic careers. The works presented at the exhibition come from the Cybis family collection, Museum of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts and the Poznan National Museum .

The exhibition will be organized in co-operation with the Academy and presented at the Studio Gallery, on 14th May – 19th June 2005 . It is addressed to the general public.

Interactive exhibition “The Road To Freedom”
14 th – 31 st May - Department of Culture Warsaw City Hall

The exhibition under the honorary auspices of the Mayor of Warsaw City Lech Kaczynski

On-line exhibition

The exhibition “THE ROAD TO FREEDOM. The Polish Underground State 1939-1945. The Warsaw Rising August-October 1944” . The Warsaw Rising, that is often confused with other tragic event of the wartime – 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, is a key moment in the XX century history of Poland . In order to better understand Poland and the Polish people one has to learn about the Warsaw Uprising.

Poland was the first country in Europe that militarily stood up to Hitler's demands. The German aggression that started on the 1st of September 1939 began the II world war. Poland , which was later, on the 17th of September 1939 , attacked by the second invader – Soviet Union , was called in the British nation's telegram message to Warsaw , sent by BBC, “Standard-bearer of freedom in Europe ”.

The Polish Underground State , effectively performing its functions in the occupied country, gained widespread prominence in Europe during the war. It was the only state-like structure (subordinate to the Polish government in exile) in the Nazi occupied Europe , which was capable of maintaining the biggest and best organized underground army – the Home Army. Its membership equaled 350 000 soldiers, 60 000 of which was killed in combat or murdered.

The high-point of the Polish Underground State 's struggle against the oppression was the Warsaw Uprising (1st of August – 5th of October 1944). Immense human sacrifice and massive material losses stood for an enormous cost of this bloodiest battle in the history of Poland .

The Solidarity movement substantially benefited and grew strong on this tradition. Solidarity's outreach, strength and determination influenced profoundly the course of historical events in Poland and indirectly – in the whole Europe . Today Poland is returning to the European community equipped with its rich historical heritage, which includes the memory of the huge price that had to be paid for the fight for the right to be free and able to stand for one's own beliefs.

Site: the tent in the proximity of the Center Of Modern Art in Aleje Ujazdowskie

Opening of the House of Encounters with History
8th May - Department of Culture Warsaw City Hall  

The House of Encounters with History. In the very heart of Warsaw , at the 20 Karowa St. the House of Encounters with History welcomes the guests. The main part of the House is dedicated to the permanent on-line exposition “ Europe of the XX century – aspects of totalitarianism” (app. 420 sq. m .). The focal points of the exposition are: The birth of the totalitarianism (1917-39), Apogee (II world war) and The division of Europe (1945-89) – altogether 12 thematic groups (marked with numbers on the attached three dimensional plan). Each topic represents a precisely composed entirety, that is composed of such basic elements as: general facts and statistics of events, photos, dated quotations taken from individual evidence, fragments of recorded voice messages of witnesses, fragments of archival movies, dated excerpts from documents and complete documents, plastic objects of the epoch. The opening ceremony will take place on the 8th of May 2005 . The exhibition will be open during the III Summit of the Council of Europe.
Site: 20 Karowa St . 

Exhibition “Tadeusz Kantor - The Interior of Imagination”
16th April – 12th June - The National Art Gallery Zacheta, the Cricoteka Centre for Documentation of Tadeusz Kantor's Art

The exhibition under the honourary patronage of Waldemar Dabrowski, the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Poland , and Janusz Sepiol, the Marshal of the Little Poland Voyvodship.

The exhibition, mainly through its approach to the subject, diverges from the majority of presentations to date of Tadeusz Kantor's achievements. Its objective does not boil down to a reconstruction of a „modelled”, sanctioned by the very artist image of his creation, but is an attempt at showing this art from the point of view of a contemporary recipient who has grown on different cultural experiences and has been gifted with a different visual sensitivity. Although the exhibition does not omit anything important, it does not limit itself, unlike typical monographies, to the description of a work determined by its historical context. It rather constitutes such an attempt at its interpretation, which will allow to see Kantor's art as an everlastingly current phenomenon.

The concept of the exposition is based on the presumption that it is not just single works in Kantor's art which are important (even though some of them rightly deserve the name of a masterpiece), but ideas created by the artist. Consequently, the exhibition does not focus on exposing the works as closed artifacts, but shows how they got translated into artistic experience.

The present effort to (re)construct Kantor's „interior” is based on three key notions for Kantor's art: avant-garde, reality, memory. As it seems it is the presence of these three elements connected with each other by means of a multi-layered combination of tension and interrelationships which determine the extraordinary power of this art. The chronic state of „dynamic imbalance” between them causes that the art is perceived today as amazingly homogeneous entirety, in spite of huge inner diversity reflected in going through different stages, appropriating subsequent languages and concepts, covering new spheres.

As a part of the exhibition the gallery Kordegarda at Krakowskie Przedmiescie will present Tadeusz Kantor's installation The Machine of Love and Death.