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17 maja 2005
16 maja 2005
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      Calendarium of activities in the framework of the European Youth Summit

      „Youth – Future – Europe”
      - activities in the framework of the European Youth Summit
      the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, 14 May 2005

      On 14 May 2005 a number of seminars and debates attended for youth will take place in the Parliament of the Republic of Poland. The common theme of these meetings will be: “Youth – Future – Europe”.
      The Youth Department in the Ministry of National Education and Sport is the coordinator of this event. The seminars are organized by the following organizations and institutions: Center for Citizenship Education, Polish Forum of Young Diplomats, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Institute of Public Affairs, Polish-American Freedom Foundation and National Agency of Youth Programme.
      The beginning of the first seminar is planned at 12 o’clock. The other 5 debates will start at 2 pm.

      1. 12:00 – 13:50 (Parliament of the Republic of Poland, room 176)

      Seminar „Young People in Action” for 40 participants, initiators and organisers of local programs for young people, teachers supporting students in their projects and young leaders of local projects. The participants will use their own experience to work out recommendations how to support activities of young people for their environment. The recommendations will be addressed to local self-governments, schools, organisers of local activities and adult supporters of youth’s activities. The main questions to be raised are as follows: How to create a friendly environment for young people civic actions? How to support their activities? What kind of institutional support is necessary? What can be done by adult supporters?
      Language of the seminar: Polish
      Organiser: Center for Citizenship Education
      10 Noakowskiego St.
      00-666 Warszawa
      Contact person: Katarzyna Batko-Tołuć
      phone: (+48 22) 875 85 40 ext. 106

        fax: (+48 22) 875 85 40 ext. 102

      2. 14:00 – 17:30 (Parliament of the Republic of Poland, room 182)

      Seminar on the topic „Europe and the USA – diverging concepts of transatlantic cooperation in Europe”. Young politicians from various countries will present their views on the present and future shape of transatlantic relations’. They will discuss the future of the common transatlantic security policy and the future of international law. During theseminar, the German, French and Polish point of view will be put in contrast with each other. The seminar aims at working out a compromise between the different stands and at a common revision of the countries’ respective transatlantic policies.
      Language of the seminar: English
      Organiser: Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Warsaw

            56 J. Dąbrowskiego St.
            02-561 Warszawa
      Contact person: Ewa Kaczyńska

          phone: (+48 22) 845 93 30-1
          fax: (+48 22) 848 54 37

      3. 14:00 – 17:30 (Parliament of the Republic of Poland, room 179)

      The debate will examine the future of democracy in Europe perceived by the young generation. It will be entitled “Democracy in Europe: crisis or normality?”. The discussion will be based on the recommendations of the Green Paper of the Council of Europe “The Future of Democracy in Europe. Trends, Analysis and Reforms”. Number of participants: 60.
      Language of the debate: English.
      Organiser: Institute of Public Affairs

5/22 Szpitalna St.
00-031 Warszawa

      Contact person: Piotr Maciej Kaczyński

      4. 14:00 – 17:30 (Parliament of the Republic of Poland, room 217)

      The character of the meeting will be in the form of a discussion panel entitled "The participation of youth in peaceful revolutions from August '80 to December 2004". The purpose of the meeting, consisting of two panel sessions and discussions, is to summarise the participation of young people from Central and Eastern Europe in democratic movements during the past quarter of the century, and to look into the future and discuss the challenges that the young generation of our part of Europe will face in the oncoming 25 years. During the second part of the panel there will be time for reflection about the future and making the participants aware of their role in building a democratic and wealthy Europe of the 21'st century.
      Languages of the discussion: English, Polish, Russian.
      Organiser: Polish-American Freedom Foundation,

          Initiative “Free Ukraine”

      72 Dobra St.
      00-312 Warszawa

      Contact person: Maria Thun

      5. 14:00 – 17:30 (Parliament of the Republic of Poland, room 195)

      Debate on the role of youth in society: „Citizenship, Youth, Europe”. T-KITs (Training Kits) are the effect of partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission. Simply, these are a series of publications relating to different, practical aspects of working with youth. The National Agency of the YOUTH Programme has adopted and published Polish editions of all T-KITs available. The latest one “Under Construction… Citizenship, Youth and Europe” is an attempt to change the generally negative attitude of youth towards politics and motivate them to get involved in the matters of their own country and Europe as well. The debate that will take place on the 14th of May 2005 will relate to the strategies suggested in this T-Kit. It will also be an opportunity to confront practitioners’ views, opinions and experiences regarding youth participation in the civil society.
      Language of the debate: English.
      Organiser: Foundation for the Development of the Education System

          National Agency of the YOUTH Programme

      43 Mokotowska St.

      Contact person: Katarzyna Koper

      6. 14:00 – 17:30 (Parliament of the Republic of Poland, room 176)

      The aim of the seminar titled “BUT why not the EU?” (BUT – Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey) is to gather young representatives from Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey and Poland interested in the idea of European integration. The participants will discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of bringing their country into the European Union. The seminar will serve as a unique chance to get acquainted with the different perspectives of EU’s neighbours on the integration process, as well as the expectations of these countries towards the European Union.
      During the three-hour seminar the participants are expected to prepare a short presentation of the main obstacles for Belarus, Ukraine and Turkey to join the EU and possible solutions to overcome these obstacles.
      Language of the seminar: English
      Organiser: The Polish Forum of Young Diplomats
      10/2a Mariana Sengera „Cichego” St.
      02-790 Warszawa

      Contact person: Dariusz Rafał

      phone: (+48 22) 499 23 35

      Additionally, in the building of the Polish Senate, there will be a photo exhibition “MIXER” of works made by ex-volunteers.
      Finally, after the debates and seminars, at 6 pm. a meeting will be held for all participants. Selected representatives of each panel will present their conclusions and share interesting opinions that appeared in the course of the meetings.
      Final conclusion will then be passed on to the Polish delegates for the Youth Forum. They will have a chance to present them to their European colleagues during the plenary sessions. The event will close at 7:30 pm.
      Coordinator: Youth Department
      Ministry of National Education and Sport

      Contact person: Lidia Kilińska

      Moreover, in the framework of the European Youth Summit there will also be held:

      FAMA for Youth Summit

      FAMA is a „Festival of Youth Academic Artists” and in the year 2005 it celebrates its 40th anniversary. During the last day of the Youth Summit, in the evening of May 16th, the Polish Students’ Association organises an integration event, during which animations and music reminiscences of young FAMA artists will be presented.
      The event will be held in the „Skarpa” Club, where participants of different seminars, conferences and happenings within the framework of the Summit will join participants of the Youth Summit. Therefore, „Skarpa” will become a meeting point of Polish and European young people, who will have a chance to get to know each other, talk and have fun together.
      Date and place: May16th, 2005, „Skarpa” Club, 20.30 – 5.00
      Expected number of people: 600 people, including Polish and foreign participants of the Youth Summit and participants of events accompanying the Summit, access upon invitation.
      Organiser: Polish Students’ Association

            9 Ordynacka St.
            00-364 Warszawa

      Contact person: Renata Kościukiewicz