Projects against money
laundering implemented by the
Council of Europe include rope include rope include rope include rope include rope include rope include rope include rope include rope include rope include rope include rope include rope include rope include rope include
three completed projects fully
financed by the European Commission:
· MOLI-RU in the Russian
Federation (February 2003 – June
2005), fully financed by the
European Commission
· MOLI-UA in Ukraine
(February 2003 – June 2005), fully
financed by the European Commission
· MOLI-MK in "the Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
(June 2004 - May 2006) – fully
financed by the European Agency for
· MOLI-RU Policy Advice
in the Russian Federation (November
2005 – October 2006) – co-financed
by the European Commission and the
Council of Europe
Major Activities
International meeting on
terrorist financing – Moscow, 5-6
October 2004
Strengthening cooperation against
terrorist financing is the objective
of an international meeting in
Moscow on 5 and 6 October 2004. It
will bring together experts of more
than 30 financial intelligence units
from Europe and central Asia as well
as a range of international
organisations. The event is
organised by the Russian
Federal Service for Financial
Monitoring with the
support of the
Project Against Money Laundering
in the Russian Federation (MOLI-RU)
– a project funded by the European
Commission and implemented by the
Council of Europe.
The issue of terrorist financing
moved higher on the international
agenda following the tragic events
of September 2001. In October 2001,
the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
adopted eight special
recommendations on
terrorist financing:
1. Take immediate steps to ratify
and implement the relevant United
Nations instruments
2. Criminalise the financing of
terrorism, terrorist acts and
terrorist organisations
3. Freeze, seize and confiscate
terrorist assets
4. Report suspicious transactions
linked to terrorism
5. Provide the widest possible range
of assistance to other countries’
law enforcement and regulatory
authorities for terrorist financial
6. Impose anti-money laundering
requirements on money remittance
systems, including informal value
transfer systems
7. Strengthen customer
identification measures in
international and domestic wire
transfers; and,
8. Ensure that entities, in
particular non-profit organisations,
cannot be misused to finance
Measures against terrorist
financing form an important part of
Council of Europe’s approach against
terrorism *. In terms
of standard setting, work on a new
treaty is currently underway to
update the
Convention on Laundering, Search,
Seizure and Confiscation of Proceeds
from Crime.
Provisions on terrorist financing
are envisaged in this new treaty.
Council of Europe’s anti-money
laundering monitoring mechanism – is
evaluating compliance of 27 European
countries also with international
standards against terrorist
financing. MONEYVAL
report of July 2004
noted that over the past two years,
most countries had made considerable
progress in the implementation of
the FATF’s special recommendations.
The forthcoming meeting in Moscow
is a first step to support countries
now also through capacity building
measures. It is intended to:
· help practitioners of financial
intelligence units develop links and
exchange information on terrorist
financing with counterparts of other
· identify good practice in dealing
with terrorist financing and help
remove obstacles to effective
· determine needs and opportunities
for international support to
national strategies against
terrorist financing.
The Moscow meeting may thus be
the starting point for more
comprehensive technical cooperation
programmes in this area.
Seminar agenda
Workshop agenda
*Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe Documents