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Corruption and democracy

PACO-Impact Project

Implementation of anti-corruption plans in South-eastern Europe

The PACO-Impact regional project is implemented by the Council of Europe, Directorate General of Legal Affairs, Crime Problems Department.


The project supported countries of South-eastern Europe in their efforts and more specifically in the implementation of their anti-corruption plans and strategies. The project was launched on 1st of March 2004 and continued until July 2006. The PACO-Impact project followed up on the assessments carried out under the Stability Pact Anti-corruption Initiative (SPAI) and GRECO evaluations/recommendations.

The project furthermore builded on the commitments made by countries of South-eastern Europe and took into account the anti-corruption measures identified within the Stabilisation and Association process. The project implementation area covered Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Serbia and Montenegro (including Kosovo).

PACO-Impact Project has been fully financed by the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (Sida)


Council of Europe holds Final Conference on PACO Impact project

Strasbourg, 13 July 2006 - The PACO Impact project - aimed at supporting the implementation of anti-corruption plans in south-eastern Europe - ended with the closing conference in the Council of Europe, Strasbourg on 10-11 July 2006.

More than 60 participants from countries of the region and from international organisations noted the progress made since the start of the project in March 2004. This includes the adoption of anti-corruption strategies in all seven project areas, that is, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo and “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. Implementation of these plans is well underway and innovative measures are being carried out, ranging from improved case management for prosecutors, integrity plans and public awareness activities, provision of equipment for specialised anti-corruption services and many others.

Representatives from the region underlined in particular the progress made in the cooperation between their countries in anti-corruption matters, and their desire to further strengthen such cooperation. Furthermore, these countries are now fully participating in European anti-corruption mechanisms, in particular the Group of States against Corruption, GRECO. The valuable contribution of PACO Impact to the follow up to GRECO recommendations, to the Stabilisation and Association Process of the European Union and accession to the United Nations Convention against Corruption by countries of south-eastern Europe was highlighted.

Project Summaries: Albanian | Croatian | English French | Macedonian | Serbian

Summary of Project

Project Management Team
PACO Impact  in Pictures
Workplan of Activities
Project Proposal
Project Documents
Press Releases/Media Coverage
Technical Papers (TP)
Matrix: Anti-Corruption Related Conventions-
Current Status

Pilot Activities
Final Narrative Report
(March 2004-July 2006)

Activity Report
(March 2004-July 2006)

CoE Project Assessment Report (July 2006)
IPM Evaluation Report
(July 2006)

Corruption and Fraud Unit
Economic Crime Division
: +33 (0)3 90 21 59 48
: +33 (0)3 90 21 56 50
: colette.heitz@coe.int 


Final Conference of PACO Impact – Closure and Evaluation of the project

10-11 July 2006, Strasbourg (France) Representatives from South-eastern Europe (SEE) in charge of fighting corruption and leading anti-corruption reforms from seven project areas in SEE met in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe from 10 – 11 July 2006 for the Final Conference of the regional PACO Impact project. In addition, representatives from various international organisations, the Swedish Development International and Cooperation Agency (Sida) - donor of the project, independent evaluators and Council of Europe experts participated.

Final Narrative Report( September 2006)
Activity Report (July 2006)
CoE Assessment Report (July 2006)
Conference file (press release, agenda, participants, project activity report)

Regional Thematic Seminar: Strengthening Anti-corruption Prosecutorial Services in SEE (in co-operation with the Internal Investigation Department of Hamburg)

20-21 April 2006, Hamburg (Germany) The event co-organised with the Department of Internal Investigations at the Ministry of Interior of Hamburg, Germany brings together the main actors involved in investigation and prosecution of economic crime and corruption in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro (including Kosovo) and "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia". Its purpose is to provide anti-corruption services within the Prosecutors Offices and Specialised Units within the Ministry of Interiors with guidelines and recommendations on modalities/regulations of interaction, strengthening capacities and networking among those law enforcement agencies (nationally and regionally).

Press release : Invitation of the MoI (German),"Die Welt" article (German)
List of participants

Regional Thematic Seminar: Anti-corruption services and conflict of interest laws (in co-operation with OECD)

18-19 November 2005, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro) The event brings together the main actors involved in anti-corruption and prevention of conflict-of-interest measures in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro (including Kosovo), Moldova, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", and Romania. Its purpose is to provide guidelines and tools for further strengthening of the role of anti-corruption services and of conflict-of-interest laws in preventing corruption domestically and regionally.

Press release
Practical Information

Regional Thematic Seminar: Application of Treaty Law - CoE and UN Conventions against Corruption

10-11 June 2005, Durrës (Albania) The event brings together the main actors involved in anti-corruption measures in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro (including Kosovo), Moldova, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", and Romania. Its purpose is to provide guidelines and tools for applying treaty law into domestic legislation when aimed at preventing and combating corruption into domestic legislation.

Summary of the discussions
Matrix of Treaties/Countries
Treaty Compliance Matrix
Albania ,Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"

Regional Thematic Seminar and High Level meeting: Strengthening Anti-corruption Services in South Eastern Europe

31 March-1 April 2005, Skopje (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Ministers and other high-level representatives of countries of south-eastern Europe, on 1 April in Skopje, adopted a declaration expressing their support to the implementation of anti-corruption strategies and the strengthening of anti-corruption services. The declaration as well as detailed recommendations are the results of the regional event organised by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the authorities of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” within the framework of the PACO Impact project.

Joint declaration
Information sheet
Agenda: Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, English, Serbian .

Start-up Conference - Implementation of Anti-corruption Plans in South-eastern Europe (Impact)

8-10 July 2004, Budva, Montenegro (Serbia and Montenegro)

Conference file