Objectives, outputs and activities


Project objective 1 – To strengthen the legal basis for international co-operation in criminal matters

Output 1.1 - Draft laws for the ratification of European conventions (CETS 182, CETS 172, CETS 197, CETS 190, CETS 196 and CETS 198) available for submission to the Government and Parliament

Completed: Review workshop : Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism (CETS 198) – Requirements for the Implementation of the Convention (Kyiv, 15 May 2006)

Output 1.2 - Proposals for amendments to the criminal legislation available for submission to the Government and Parliament


 Project objective 2 - To strengthen the human and institutional capacities of the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecution Service for international co-operation in criminal matters

Output 2.1 - Systems for efficient registration and follow up to requests for assistance established at the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Prosecutor General


On-going: Review of the registration systems and control of requests at the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Prosecutor General (requests for extradition and mutual legal assistance)

Output 2.2 - 40 Ministry of Justice officials and up to 40 prosecutors (central and regional administrative divisions) trained


 On-going: organisation of language training

 On-going: assessment of training needs of prosecutors and justice officials at central and regional administrative divisions on the requirements of relevant European treaties

Output 2.3 Co-operation at the national level enhanced between the Ministry of Justice, the Office of the Prosecutor General, Courts and the Ministry of Interior through joint training and a common cooperation manual


On-going: organisation of a study visit for officials from the Ministry of Justice, the Office of the Prosecutor General, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and courts

 Project objective 3 - To promote networking and direct contacts between Ukrainian Ministry of Justice officials and prosecutors with those of neighbouring countries and other European countries

Output 3.1 - Direct co-operation strengthened and experience exchanged with up to ten other European countries


Output 3.2 – Co-operation manual and web-site on international co-operation in criminal matters prepared with the participation of other European countries
