Information about measures taken from the Albanian Government on the occasion of the global campaign to combat violence against women, including domestic violence.

In the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities in compliance with policy of Government about the restriction of the institutions, was created inside this Ministry and is functioning the Department of the Policy of Equal Opportunities, which has in its focus gender issues and the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, giving priorities the Combat of Violence against Women, including domestic violence.

In the occasion of the execution of recommendations about international obligations, of which Albania is a part of it, concretely everyday work of us is focused in two main directions, according to the measures taken for the making of new policies and laws in this field.

1- Legislative measures

Draft law about measures against violence in the family relationship

Is done draft law about "Measures against violence in the family Relationship" actually this law pass from the Albanian Parliament on December 2006. In collaboration with some experts our Department will interfere that domestic violence will be penalized as a separate criminal offence.

The law is prepare from the civil society and of a group of NGO-s and is represented in Parliament as a initiative of 20.000 signs of citizens.

2- Government Policies

National Strategy against domestic violence

The cooperation and the collaboration of all actors against domestic violence as a part of this big project :"The National Strategy and the Action Plan Against Domestic Violence", was represented on 25th of November 2006 lunch in the activity organized by Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and woman NGO- Gender Alliance.

The main aim of the Albanian National Strategy Against Domestic Violence and a national Plan of Action for the protection of woman from all the forms of violence in the family, is for prevention and elimination, to combat the domestic violence as a social problem that is a real obstacle for the development and welfare of society, and to be able to offer support and ensure assistance to its victims, to be able to take proper measures for the responsible structures and to coordinate their efforts for the prevention and to combat the violence in Albanian family.

As a coordinator authority is responsible Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.

The draft Strategy is planned to be approve from the Albanian Government after the first period of year 2007(April 2007). This strategy is prepare from Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and Gender Alliance(NGO)

The global campaign about violence against woman in the family

On the occasion of the campaign against domestic violence and for the sensibility of the society with the slogan:" for a society without violence", Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities in collaboration and supported by UNDP has publish the poster, a work of well known Albanian painter entitled:

" The Violence Against Woman is Destructive - All Together for a Family and a Society Without Violence "

On the occasion of the Campaign the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities in collaboration with UNDP organized an exhibition with paintings, created and realized from the pupils of the Art Secondary school "Jordan Misja" with the theme: "The Violence is not any more your problem it belongs to all society"

We distribute three awards, of the best paintings, at the same time we distribute Certificates of Thanks from the representative of Ministry and of UNDP. The exhibition is shown in different schools in different regions of Albania. Always Our Ministry in collaboration with students NGO, in the University of Law in Tirana organize a wide conversation with experts and social workers and students about family crime and about the draft law of prevention of the domestic violence.

On the occasion of the Global Campaign we organize many programs in different radio stations and in the national radio station (RTVSH) of Albania, with the presence of -Director of Equal Opportunities, Parliamentarians, Academics, Persons of social society, journalists etc.

A television spot against domestic violence is shown in some Television channels as Klan, News 24, Albanian TV etc., produced from the Ministry and UNDP. It is represented from well-known Albanian artist of movie-theatre.

In newspaper "Standart" We have begin to publish many articles, analysis, opinions written by well-known persons about the gender and against domestic violence based on gender.

The lunch of the Strategy Against Domestic Violence is very important measure in order to combat this radical violence against woman. We will make our campaign in collaboration and with the support of national and international actors, we will put on end to this violation of human rights.

We will support the work of woman's NGO and individuals working against violence.

We will take the active role in supporting regional and international institutions to combat violence against woman and on traditional practices.