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Fact sheet
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Task Force
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Campaign blueprint
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Campaign material
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National campaigns
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National contacts
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About domestic violence
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Council of Europe recommendation
bullet point Protecting Women Against Violence
Analytical study on the effective implementation of Recommendation Rec(2002)5 on the protection of women against violence in Council of Europe member states
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Stocktaking study on the measures and actions taken in Council of Europe member states (2006)
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Other resources
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Press brief
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Press releases
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Press review
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bullet point Closing Conference
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Launching Conference
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Regional Seminars
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Other events

The Heads of State and Government of Council of Europe member states recognised the importance of combating violence against women at the 3rd Summit of Heads of State and Government in May 2005 in Warsaw. Resolving to eradicate violence against women, including domestic violence, they decided in the adopted Action Plan that the Council of Europe will conduct a pan-European Campaign to Combat Violence against Women, including Domestic Violence, in close co-operation with other European and national actors, including NGOs.

A high-level Conference to launch this Campaign will be held in Madrid on 27 November 2006.

Participation of member states of the Council of Europe and international intergovernmental organisations

Participation of NGOs