bullet point
Fact sheet
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Task Force
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Campaign blueprint
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Campaign material
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National campaigns
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National contacts
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About domestic violence
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Council of Europe recommendation
bullet point Protecting Women Against Violence
Analytical study on the effective implementation of Recommendation Rec(2002)5 on the protection of women against violence in Council of Europe member states
bullet point
Stocktaking study on the measures and actions taken in Council of Europe member states (2006)
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Other resources
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Press brief
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Press releases
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Press review
bullet point
bullet point
bullet point Closing Conference
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Launching Conference
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Regional Seminars
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Other events

Participation of NGOs

The Council of Europe has always operated in close co-operation with NGOs in areas of interest to their work. This co-operation has been strengthened following the adoption of Res(2003) 8 on participatory status for international non-governmental organisations and Res(2003) 9 on status of partnership between the Council of Europe and national non-governmental organisations. Therefore, wide participation of NGOs with expertise in the field of preventing and combating violence against women, including domestic violence, is aimed at for the entire duration of the Campaign.

NGOs wishing to participate in the Launching Conference may be invited upon request if they meet the following criteria:

    - active in preventing and combating domestic violence
    - enjoy participatory status with the Council of Europe or otherwise active at European level.

On the basis of these criteria, registrations will be considered but it should be noted that the number of places is limited. Only in exceptional circumstances will more than one representative per organisation be admitted.

Requests for participation may be addressed to:

    Marta Requena
    Head of the Equality Division
    Directorate General of Human Rights
    Council of Europe
    67000 Strasbourg Cedex
    Tel: (33) 3 88 41 25 99
    Fax: (33) 3 88 41 27 05