Reports are not legal texts in themselves but
form the basis of future legal texts. They are intended to lead the Assembly
to adopt one of three types of text:
- resolutions (adopted by a simple majority,
dealing with matters
within the institutional competence of the Assembly;
- recommendations (adopted by a two-thirds majority, calling for action from
the Committee of Ministers;
- opinions (adopted
by a simple majority and expressing the Assembly's view and proposals,
usually on draft conventions.
The following reports on children's issues are under preparation:
Guaranteeing a right to schooling for children with illness
or disabilities
- The
rights of today's girls, the rights of tomorrow's women
- Children without parental care: urgent need for
- Promotion of Internet and online media services
appropriate for minors (Not in French)
- Children as witness of domestic violence
- Social measures, education and rehabilitation of
young offenders
- Prohibiting the marketing and use of the
"mosquito" youth dispersal device (Not in French)