Nb. the links provided
give easy access to: the treaty, its chart of signatures, a list of declarations,
communications and reservations, a summary of the treaty, and its explanatory
memorandum. The titles of the conventions are followed by their European
Treaty Series number (ETS/CTS), the year the convention was opened for
signature, and the year it entered into force.
Convention for
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
This Convention, known as the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), protects civil and political
rights, and contains the core values of the Council of Europe. Article 1 states that the articles of the Convention
should "apply to everyone within their jurisdiction".
European Social Charter
The European Social Charter complements the European Convention on Human
Rights in the field of economic and social rights. The Charter
is a major European treaty which secures children's rights and in many
circumstances it guarantees
their rights from birth to adulthood.
Revised European Social Charter
The revised Charter is gradually replacing the European
Charter. Many of its provisions have specific relevance to
children, for example Article 16 (right of the family to social, legal and
economic protection) which protects the rights of children as family
members, and Article 11 (right to protection of health).
European Committee of Social
Rights (ECSR) was set up to judge the conformity of national law and
practice with the Charter. It is composed of independent members elected by
the Committee of Ministers for a period of six years.
Under a 1995 protocol, collective complaints procedure
may be lodged to the ECSR by certain international organisations of
employers and trade unions, certain NGOs, and employers' organisations and
trade unions in the country concerned.
European Convention for the Prevention of Torture
and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
This convention provides non-judicial preventive machinery to protect
detainees. It is based on a system of visits by the
European Committee for
the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Other conventions on children's rights
Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against
women and domestic violence
The European Convention on the Adoption of Children (Revised)
(CETS No. 201: 2007/2010) This is the first international treaty to criminalise sexual abuse. Preventive measures include the screening, recruitment and training of people working in contact with children, making children are aware of the risks and teaching them to protect themselves, as well as monitoring measure for offenders and potential offenders. The convention also establishes programmes to support victims, and sets up help lines for children. It ensures that certain types of conduct are classified as criminal offences and criminalises the use of new technologies to sexually harm or abuse children. To combat child sex tourism, the convention establishes that individuals can be prosecuted for some offences committed abroad in legality, when the perpetrator returns to his or her country of nationality.
Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
This convention recognises that all forms of trafficking
in human beings are a violation of human rights and requires states to
protect its victims, whether men, women or children. It applies to all forms
of exploitation whether sexual, forced labour or services.
Convention on Contact concerning Children
This convention determines the general principles to be applied when making or amending contact orders or agreements and establishes appropriate safeguards and guarantees to ensure the proper exercise of such contact and the immediate return of the child at the end of the contact period, in particular in cases of transfrontier contact.
Convention on Cybercrime
The preamble refers to the United Nations Convention on
the Rights of the Child and the International Labour Organization Worst
Forms of Child Labour Convention.
This convention aims to promote
children's rights and protect their best interests. It provides procedural
measures to allow children to exercise their rights, including the
obligation to provide them with the relevant information to do so, in
particular in family proceedings before judicial authorities.
European Convention on the
Legal Status of Children
born out of Wedlock The object of this convention is to assimilate the legal status of a child born out of wedlock with that of a child born in wedlock, and contribute to the harmonisation of the states' laws in this field.
European Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of
Decisions concerning Custody of Children and on the Restoration of Custody
of Children
The Central Authorities of contracting states (provided for in Article 2) are a key element in the application of this convention. |
European Convention on the Adoption of Children
(ETS No. 058: 1967/1968)
A revised version of this convention that will reflect both
legal and societal changes is currently being drafted by the Working Party on Adoption
(CJ-FA-GT1), a subcommittee of the European
Committee on Legal Co-operation. |