Building a Europe for and with children

Other independent human rights monitoring  bodies
The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights – country visits, reports, recommendations, issue papers and viewpoints

The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights was created in 1992, as an independent and impartial institution within the Council of Europe.  The Commissioner for Human Rights is responsible for promoting education in, awareness of and respect for human rights as embodied in the human rights instruments of the Council of Europe. The way in which the Office of the Commissioner exercises part of its mandate can be assimilated to a form of monitoring. The Commissioner focuses on encouraging reform measures that will mark tangible improvements in human rights protection and promotion. The Commissioner is not a judicial body and cannot act upon individual complaints but the Office draws conclusions and takes wider initiatives on the basis of reliable information regarding human rights violations suffered by individuals.
During the course of his work, the current Commissioner, Nils Muižnieks has paid particular attention to the plight of children. In his country reports, he has expressed concern over such issues as:

domestic violence
urban youth violence
institutional housing for children, including orphanages and psychiatric institutions
detention of migrant minors
street children
children as victims of trafficking

More information about the Commissioner's work on children's rights can be consulted on the following website.

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights website

Selected topics

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) – country-by-country reports and thematic guidelines 
 ECRI's task is to combat racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance in the member sates from the perspective of the protection of human rights. ECRI's action covers all necessary measures to combat violence, discrimination and prejudice faced by persons or groups of persons, notably on grounds of "race", colour, language, religion, nationality and national or ethnic origin.
The members of this independent monitoring body have in-depth knowledge in the field, and neither receive instructions from nor report to any government.  Besides country-by-country reports, its monitoring activities include drawing up general policy recommendations and maintaining relations with civil society, whose input can be used in its reports. ECRI follows up on its country reports to determine if its recommendations have been put into practice.
ECRI also issues theme files which contain detailed guidelines for policy makers to use when designing national strategies.
Learn more
ECRI country-by country monitoring
Thematic files
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