Building a Europe for and with children

Policy review process on child and youth participation will be piloted in Finland in 2010

The ad hoc Advisory Group on child and youth participation that was established under the co-management structures of the Directorate of Youth and Sport in 2009 has finalised a framework and an implementation plan for a policy review process on child and youth participation in 2010-2011.

The policy review will be piloted in Finland in co-operation with the Finnish Ministry of Education in 2010.

The overall objective for the review is :

(a) to provide member states with an analysis of the extent to which legislation and policy in their country complies with the rights in the UN Convention of the rights of the child pertaining to children and young people’s participation and influence in decision-making;
(b) to give member states advice and recommendations that will help them to implement international and national provisions on child and youth participation in practice;
(c) to work towards a comparative framework in the field of child and youth participation in different member states and identify ‘parameters’ of participation.

The outcomes of the review process will contribute towards

creating Pan-European guidelines on how to mainstream child and youth participation at different levels of decision-making;
developing educational and training tools on child and youth participation.

Read the whole framework for the policy review process here

More on Council of Europe and children’s participation here