Building a Europe for and with children

Facing up to sexual abuse of children
Cinema Debate Evening Friday 5 April, 8 pm
at the Star St-Exupéry Cinema, 18 rue du 22 novembre, Strasbourg

In Europe, about 1 in 5 children are victims of some form of sexual violence. In the majority of cases, the abuser is somebody the child knows. It is estimated that only 10% of these cases are reported. Breaking the silence surrounding sexual violence is paramount to preventing abuse, protecting children and combating impunity. The famous Spanish film director, Montxo Armendariz, brings this complex social reality to the big screen in his latest film “No tengas miedo” (“Don’t be afraid”) – a reality which is at the heart of the Council of Europe ONE in FIVE Campaign to stop sexual violence against children. After the film (shown in the original Spanish with French sub-titles) there will be a debate with the film director and experts on the fight against sexual abuse of children.

Topics to be discussed will include:
1. How to prevent and report sexual abuse?
2. What support for victims and their families?
3. Social issues in cinema
4. Public reaction to the film in Spain and internationally
5. Working with the actors

Free entry subject to available seating capacity.
Reservation strongly recommended by 27 March 2013:

Links: "Don't be afraid" Film synopsis
ONE in FIVE Campaign website