Building a Europe for and with children

Council of Europe workshop at World Congress III against sexual exploitation of children and adolescents

Under  World Congress theme 2 – legal frameworks and law enforcement – the Council of Europe organised a workshop on "the role of the Council of Europe convention in the fight against sexual exploitation of children and adolescents",  held on 26 November in Rio de Janeiro. The workshop followed on from a high-level panel moderated by Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe. The workshop highlighted the key features of the new Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse. Experts from Denmark and the United States explained the importance of the convention throughout the world in the investigation of offences of sexual violence against children and the prosecution of perpetrators. They also explained how children will benefit for the convention's ground-breaking preventive actions and child-sensitive protection measures.
Learn more about work to stop sexual violence against children.
The convention
World Congress site