



New Strategy and Council of Europe Action Plan

for Social Cohesion



 Die neue Strategie und Aktionsplan des Europarates für soziale Kohäsion


  Revised Strategy for Social Cohesion - 2004

  Strategy for Social Cohesion - 2000

Warsaw Action Plan

Specific terms of reference of the European Committee for Social Cohesion (CDCS)


Report of the High-Level Task Force on Social Cohesion in the 21st Century

Executive Summary


Task Force report Russian version

Executive summary


Responsible Territory for Social Cohesion: territory in which all the players, not least citizens themselves, co-operate and are committed to meeting expectations regarding well-being and social cohesion.


Recent years have brought a growing realisation that social cohesion is an essential condition for democratic security and sustainable development. Divided and unequal societies are not only unjust but also cannot guarantee stability in the long term. It is now increasingly recognised that governments need to aim not only at making the economy work but also at making society work; economic development without accompanying social development will result in serious problems sooner or later. At present, many people are excluded in practice from the benefits of the social and economic progress to which the Council of Europe is committed by its founding Statute.

Since its Second Summit of Heads of State and Government in 1997, the Council of Europe identified social cohesion as "one of the foremost needs of the wider Europe and ... essential complement to the promotion of human rights and dignity".

Social cohesion must be firmly based on human rights (as codified in the European Convention on Human Rights and the Revised European Social Charter) as well as an acceptance of shared responsibility for the welfare of all members of society, especially those who are at risk of poverty or exclusion.

The main lines of the Organisation's work in this field are defined by the recently revised Strategy for Social Cohesion, as follows:

promoting ratification of the Council of Europe's legal instruments on social security and monitoring their implementaion;

drawing up policy guidelines on access to social rights, covering in particular access to employment, access to social protection and access to housing;

carrying out a series of activities on children, families and the elderly;

assisting member States of Central and Eastern Europe in applying Council of Europe guidelines in various areas of social policy;

carrying out research and analytical work in support of the activities included in the Strategy.

The Summit of Heads of states and Governments held in Warsaw in 2005, decided the creation of a High Level Task Force which would renew the social cohesion strategy, according to the 21st century challenges namely posed by ageing and other social and economic developments.





Second Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsibe for Social Cohesion
"Building a secure future for all"


The Second Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Social Cohesion takes place in Istanbul (Turkey) on 11-12 October 2012 on the theme "Building a secure future for all - Protecting and empowering groups of vulnerable persons, particularly in times of crises - Achieving social sustainability through intergenerational solidarity (more...)



First Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsibe for Social Cohesion
"Investing in social cohesion – investing in stability and the well-being of society"


The First Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Social Cohesion took place in Moscow (Russian Federation) on 26-27 February 2009 on the theme "Investing in social cohesion – investing in stability and the well-being of society" (more...)




European Committee for Social Cohesion (CDCS)

Terms of reference

Terms of reference 2012-2013
