"Investing in social cohesion – investing in stability and the well-being of society"







 Opening speeches :

Right Honourable Terry DAVIS, Secretary General of the Council of Europe



Mr Alexander ZHUKOV, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Mr Vladimir PUTIN,  Prime Minister of the Russian Federation



Mrs Tatiyana GOLIKOVA, Minister of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Mrs Mercedes CABRERA, Minister of Education, Social Policy and Sport of Spain, Chairmanship of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers





Session I : “Reinvesting in social rights and building confidence in a secure future”

     moderated by Keynote Speaker and Session Chair:

     Mr Thomas HAMMARBERG, Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner


     Session Speakers:

·         Mr Zoran MARTINOVIC, State Secretary of Labour and Social Policy, Serbia

·         Ms Bettina KASHEFI, State Secretary to the Minister of Social Security, Sweden

·         Mr Ahmet ERDEM, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey

·         Mr Jean-Marie HEYDT, President of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe

·         Mr Bernard MARQUET, Chair of the Sub-Committee on the European Social Charter and Employment

·         Ms Maria Alexandra PIMENTA, Vice-Chair of the Governmental Committee of the European Social Charter

·         Ms Viveca ARRHENIUS, Chair of the European Coordination Forum for the Council of Disability Action Plan 2006-2015 (CAHPAH)

·         Mr Joe GERADA, Adviser to the Minister for Social Policy of Malta

·         S.E. Mgr Antonio MENNINI, Apostolic Nuncio and Representative of the Holy See to the Russian Federation



Session II :  “Social cohesion as a responsibility shared by all - strengthening mechanisms of representations and social and civic dialogue”


     moderated by Keynote Speaker and Session Chair:

     Mr Philippe COURARD, Minister of the Interior and Public Service of Wallonia, Belgium   


     Session Speakers:

  • Mr. Marian SARBU, Minister of Labour, Family and Social Protection, Romania
  • Mr Xhelal BAJRAMI, Minister of Labour and Social Policy, "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
  • Mrs Dorica NIKOLIC, State Secretary of Social Welfare, Croatia
  • Mr  Radoslaw MLECZKO, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Poland
  • Ms Bernadette LACEY, Secretary General of the Department of Social and Family Affairs, Ireland
  • Ms Vibeke ABEL, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Welfare and Gender Equality, Denmark
  • Mr Paul VAN KALMTHOUT, Chair of the Committee for Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR)     



Session III :  “Policies for social cohesion and for well-being for all – a vision for the future”


      moderated by Keynote Speaker and Session Chair:

      Mrs Sotiroula CHARALAMBOUS, Minister of Labour and Social Insurance of the Republic of Cyprus


      Session Speakers:

  • Mme Iveta PURNE, Minister of Welfare, Latvia
  • M. Michal SEDLACEK, Deputy Minister of European Affairs, Czech Républic
  • Mme Laila GUSTAVSEN, Secretary of State, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Norway
  • Mme Erzsebet KOVARIK, Secretary of State of Social Affairs, Hungary
  • M. Guenther HORZETZKY, Secretary of State, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Germany
  • M. Klaudijus STANIONIS, Vice-Minister of Social Security and Labour, Lithuania
  • Mme Liz TILLETT, Head of International Employment and Social Policy, Department for Work and Pensions, United Kingdom
  • Mme Assia TCHOLASKA, Director of European Integration and International Relations, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Bulgaria



Final Declaration of the Conference