Social Cohesion Research and Early Warning

The Department
Social Cohesion Development and Research  
Social Security
Access to Social Rights
Social Policy for Families and Children


Dialogue platform on ethical and solidarity-based initiatives for combating poverty and social exclusion
Awareness raising seminars
Methodological tool to develop co-responsibility for social cohesion
Annual Forums
Series Trends in social cohesion
Methodological Guides
Sessions and Speakers

Forum 2002 – New social responsibility in a globalising world: the role of the state, the market and civil society
Opening session
Walter Schwimmer, Secretary General, Council of Europe

Marie-Hélène Gillig, Member of the European Parliament; Vice-President of the EP Committee for Employment and Social Affairs

Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Director General of Social Cohesion, Council of Europe

Michael Remmert, Director of the Council of Europe project "Making democratic institutions work"  
Session I: A framework to promote social responsibility in a global world
Chair: Gilda Farrell, Head of Social Cohesion Development Division, Council of Europe

Marie Hélène Gillig, MEP, Committee for Employment and Social Affairs: "The current concept of social responsibility in Europe: legitimacy, hierarchy and values"
Pierre Calame, General Director, Foundation for the progress of humankind: "In which context can one talk of a society of stakeholders? Tools for social and economic responsibility: the Human Responsibility Charter"
Andrew Gross, Member of Parliament, Switzerland: "What role can politics play in social responsibility? New and old forums of expression; new and old actors"
Dominique Be, Deputy Head of Unit, Interprofessional Social Dialogue - Industrial Relations, DG Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission "Adapting to change"
Session II: Governments and social responsibility of enterprises
Chair: Denis Stokkink, Adviser to the Belgium Vice Prime Minister, Chair of La Fondation pour la Solidarité
Orhan Güvenen, President of the Governing Board of the Council of Europe Development Bank: « Social responsibility of governements in international financial structures: the experience of the CEB »

Giuseppe Pennisi: National School of Public Administration, Rome: "To what extent does globalisation weaken the capacity for action by governments?"
Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, European University Institute, Florence: "Human rights and the liberalisation of the markets: what is the social responsibility of governments in international organisations?"
Peter Kenway, New Policy Institute, London: "Do governments still have the power to impose legal (socio-economical) frameworks for the exercise of social responsibility?"
Session III: Governance and corporatesocial responsibility
Chair: Jean Lapeyre - European Trade Union Confederation
Karol Sachs, Cooperative Credit, Paris: "Towards the construction of new ethical reference criteria for exercising social responsibility in the financial sector"
Rinaldo Bontempi, European Initiative Centre and Vice-president of the Vice-president of the Turin Organising Committee of the XXth Winter Olympics in 2006, Turin: "The Charter of Commitment of the Committee for the 20th Winter Olympic Games in Turin in 2006"
Nicole Notat, former Secretary General of the CFDT, Paris: "Social rating of enterprises"
Dominique Danon, Managing Director, Alsatel, Strasbourg: "Criteria for ethical rating"
Hans Hofmeijer, Acting Director, Multinational Enterprises programme, ILO: "Global Compact and impact in terms of social responsibility of enterprises"
Session IV: Europe's international social responsibility
Chair: Jos Lemmers, Director of the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity, Council of Europe
Ulrich Becker, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Law, Munich:  "The importance of the European social model in the debate on globalisation"
Souad Bendjaballah, University of Constantine, Algeria and member of the National Commission on Human Rights and Hilan Rizkallah, Former adviser to the Prime Minister's office, Damas: "Social responsibility towards the South and in the South"
Barbara Labuda, State Secretary responsible for Social and Cultural Affairs, Poland, "The role of the state, the market and civil society in the posttotalitar Europe", and Kovilja Spiric, Futura Plus, Bosnia and Herzegovina: "Social responsibility towards the East and in the East"