Social Cohesion Research and Early Warning

The Department
Social Cohesion Development and Research  
Social Security
Access to Social Rights
Social Policy for Families and Children


Dialogue platform on ethical and solidarity-based initiatives for combating poverty and social exclusion
Awareness raising seminars
Methodological tool to develop co-responsibility for social cohesion
Annual Forums
Series Trends in social cohesion
Methodological Guides
Forum 2006 – Achieving social cohesion in a multicultural Europe

Reference texts

Revised Strategy for social cohesion (2004)
Strategy for social cohesion (2000)

Council of Europe Treaties

European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers  
European Convention on Establishment  
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region  
European Convention on Social and Medical Assistance  
European Convention on Social Security  
European Social Charter  
European Social Charter (revised)  
Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level  
European Convention on Nationality  

Texts adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe

Recommendation Rec(2006)9 on the admission, rights and obligations of migrant students and co-operation with countries of origin
Recommendation Rec(2004)2 on the access of non-nationals to employment in the public sector
Rec(84)18   on the training of teachers in education for intercultural understanding, notably in a context of migration
Rec(84)9   on second-generation migrants
Rec(84)7   on the maintenance of migrants' cultural links with their countries of origin and leisure facilities
Rec(80)14   concerning the vocational re-integration of migrant workers who return to their countries of origin
Rec(79)10   concerning women migrants

Texts adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Integration of immigrant women in Europe Rec. 1732Res. 1478
Policies for the integration of immigrants in Council of Europe member states – Rec.1625 (2003)
Migrants in irregular employment in the agricultural sector of southern European countries - Rec. 1618
Rights of elderly migrants - Rec. 1619
Situation of young migrants in Europe - Rec. 1596
Residence, legal status and freedom of movement of migrant workers in Europe: lessons from the case of Portugal - Rec. 1587
Health conditions of migrants and refugees in Europe - Rec. 1503
Non-expulsion of long-term immigrants - Rec. 1504
Participation of immigrants and foreign residents in political life in the Council of Europe member states - Rec. 1500
Migrants, ethnic minorities and media - Rec. 1277
Situation of refugee women in Europe - Rec. 1261
Integration of migrants and community relations - Rec. 1206
Relations between migrants and trade unions - Rec. 1187
Education of migrants' children - Rec. 1093
Right of permanent residence for migrant workers and members of their families - Rec. 1082
Social protection of migrant workers and their families - Rec. 1066
Xenophobic attitudes and movements in member countries with regard to migrant workers - Rec. 968
Migrant women - Rec. 956
Second generation migrants – Rec. 841
Education and cultural development of migrants - Rec. 786
Integration of migrant workers with the society of their host country - Res.551
Migrant workers – Rec. 36

Texts adopted by the Congress

Recommendation 76 (2000) on the participation of foreign residents in local public life
Recommendation 115 (2002) on the participation of foreign residents in local public life: consultative bodies
Resolution 92 (2000) on the participation of foreign residents in local public life
Resolution 141 (2002) on the participation of foreign residents in local public life: consultative bodies
Recommendation 129 (2003) on employment and vulnerable groups
Recommendation 147 (2004) on migration flows and social cohesion in South-East Europe: the role of local and regional authorities
Recommendation 153 (2004) on a pact for the integration and participation of people of immigrant origin in Europe’s towns, cities and regions
Recommendation 147 (2004) on migration flows and social cohesion in South-East Europe: the role of local and regional authorities
Recommendation 165 (2005) on the fight against trafficking in human beings and their sexual exploitation: the role of cities and regions
Recommendation 194 (2006) on effective access to social rights for immigrants : the role of local and regional authorities
Resolution 175 (2004) on migration flows and social cohesion in South-East Europe: the role of local and regional authorities
Resolution 196 (2005) on the fight against trafficking in human beings and their sexual exploitation: the role of cities and regions
Resolution 218 (2006) on effective access to social rights for immigrants : the role of local and regional authorities