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24 May – 6 June 2009



Many of the persons who start to work in social security administrations have got a mono-disciplinary education (law, economics, sociology, etc.); they often receive an in-house training in their specific field of activity but lack a general knowledge of the general principles shaping their work-field. Hence, the Summer School provides in a multidisciplinary way a first initiation in the general principles of social security. It allows the participants to understand better the theoretical framework in which they operate daily.

This training course deals with social security in its broadest sense, including cash benefit schemes, pensions and health care systems. The programme provides a general introduction into social protection from a legal, economic, sociological and administrative perspective. As well as being multi-disciplinary, the course is also multi-national. Throughout the courses, a strong comparative element is present. By providing the different approaches to social security that co-exist within Europe, the school will enable the participants to understand better the general principles that shape social security. They will be able to situate better their own system in the broad spectrum of social security systems. The programme also pays attention to the role of international bodies such as the European Union.

The staff of the programme is composed of social security professors from various European countries.


The Summer School consists of four compulsory courses, two optional courses (out of which one has to be chosen by the participants), and two compulsory seminars. All subject matters are taught is English. The units deal with:

- Basic principles of social security policy
- Social security comparison and social security systems in Europe
- International and European social security law
- Social security economics
- Social security management and IT
- Social protection philosophy

Two seminars integrate the various units around one or more central topics. One seminar will deal about the co-ordination of social security systems in the South-Eastern Europe, the other about converging social policies in the South-Eastern Europe. Participants will have to prepare a presentation on a certain topic. Participation and presentation by the participants will be evaluated by the tutors; these evaluations will be part of the general evaluation of the participants.

A certificate will be presented to the participants who attended the classes and seminars on a regular basis; a diploma will be handed over to those who passed the evaluations successfully.

The programme for the edition 2009 of the Summer School has been provisionally set up in the following way:



OPTIONAL COURSES[1] (one to be chosen)




Provisional time table








Sunday 24






Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 4

Unit 4


Unit 1

Unit 4

Unit 3

 intro optional courses

+ intro unit 2 (1hour)


Unit 3

Unit 3









Unit 5

Unit 5




Unit 5

Unit 6

Intro seminar 1

 Intro seminar 1

Sunday 31

Unit 6

Unit 6









Unit 2

Unit 2

Reporting seminar 1

Reporting seminar 1


Intro seminar 2

Intro seminar 2




Reporting seminar 2

Reporting seminar 2

















Evaluation of the participant


The seminars are one of the components of the general evaluation of the participants. For the occasion of the seminar, participants will have to prepare an oral presentation in group on a defined topic. The introduction into the proceedings of the seminars and the distribution of the various topics will be done in the first week of the programme.

Besides the presentation in-group at the occasion of the seminars, an individual assessment (multiple choice test) covering the various units, will be organised as well. This double-assessment will allow us to have an outbalanced view on the general knowledge of the participants.

A certificate of attendance will be presented to the participants who followed the classes and seminars on a regular basis; persons who pass the evaluations successfully will receive a summer school diploma.


Teaching staff of the summer school for the year 2009:


Academic Directors of the Programme


- Prof. Paul Schoukens (K.U. Leuven – European Institute of Social Security)




- Prof. Jos Berghman (K.U. Leuven – European Institute of Social Security)
- Prof. Paul Schoukens (K.U. Leuven – European Institute of Social Security)

- Prof. Danny Pieters (K.U. Leuven – European Institute of Social Security)
- Prof. Tine Stanovnik (University of Ljubljana)
- Steven Segaert (e-Governance Academy Tallinn)
- Prof. Grega Strban (University of Ljubljana)
- Prof. Gijs Vonk (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)

Practical Information

The opening of the programme will take place the evening of May 24 at Hotel Sürmeli Efes:

The classes will be held at:

Hotel Sürmeli Efes
Efes Antik Şehir Plajı Kuşadası Yolu
35920 Selçuk İzmir
Tel: + 90 232 893 10 96
Fax: + 90 232 893 10 95



The classes will be held at Hotel Sürmeli Efes


[1] Composed of min. 10 participants and max. 20 participants for each optional course. As far as it is possible the course of their  preference (1) will be allocated.