Study Tour Prague - Strasbourg

In the period 2nd till 7th November 2006, thirteen participants from the countries included in the Social Institutions Support Programme (including Bulgaria and Romania), had the opportunity to participate in the Study Tour organised by DG III and the SISP Office in Skopje. The Study Tour included the attendance to the Social Security Co-ordination Training Course in Prague, Czech Republic (2-4 November), followed by the Study visit to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg (6-7 November).

Participants in the Study Tour were selected on the basis of their results achieved during the 1st and the 2nd summer school on social security organised by SISP. Participants of the Study Tour that were awarded a Magna Cum Laude Diplomas during the summer school were automatically accepted as candidates to the Study Tour. Those CARDS countries that did not had Magna Cum Laude representatives from the summer school, have appointed one person per country (usually member of the national administration) to participate in the Tour.

During the co-ordination training in Prague, participants became familiar with the principles of the social security co-ordination in the pension, health care, applicable legislation and the unemployment area. Almost all lectures were followed by working groups, were participants received an opportunity to implement lectures in practise through solving concrete cases.

The Study visit to Strasbourg, among others, was used to inform participants mainly about the work of Directorate General III, Social Cohesion, and Directorate General II, Human Rights (in particular the European Social Charter) but also to give an overview about the European Court of Human Rights and about the Council of Europe as an Organisation in general.

Training course Prague, Programme


Study visit Strasbourg, Programme


List of participants


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