Intercultural Dialogue: The Way Ahead

Ministerial Conference
Closing Conference of the 50th Anniversary of the European Cultural Convention
Faro, Portugal
27-28 October 2005

Memorandum of co-operation between the Council of Europe and the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures

I. Background

Article 1 – The purpose of this memorandum of co-operation is to develop the cooperation between the Council of Europe and the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures (hereinafter ALF).

Article 2 – Cooperation between the Council of Europe and the ALF shall be based on the principles of reciprocity and work-sharing. An annual meeting will be held between the Council of Europe and the ALF to establish and review the work implemented under this memorandum.

Article 3 – The cooperation between the Council of Europe and the ALF shall be based on their respective work programmes and be focused on intercultural and inter-religious dialogue to strengthen Euro-Mediterranean and Euro-Arab cooperation. The two Organisations shall work in consultation, aiming to avoid duplication of activities, to formulate joint projects, action plans, guidelines, reports, and so on in the fields of education, culture, youth and civil society. The European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity of the Council of Europe, based in Lisbon, will participate in these initiatives ensuring appropriate synergy with the ALF.

Article 4 – The Council of Europe will provide the results of its work programmes and activities, and assist the ALF to widen its geographical scope.

Article 5 – The ALF will inform the Council of Europe about developments in the areas of education, culture and youth that are taking place in countries outside Europe.

II. Resources and work programmes

Article 6 – The objectives and principles on which ALF-Council of Europe cooperation is based imply a free flow of mutually useful information between the two organisations, without accompanying financial implications. If the ALF or the Council of Europe require assistance from the other for the implementation of specific projects which are not included in their work programme(s), then they may consider awarding contracts for the implementation of such projects, following the normal contractual agreements and procedures of the two Organisations.

Article 7 – Specific work projects shall be discussed and agreed upon with reference to the ALF and the Council of Europe work programme, taking into consideration the appropriate project formulation processes, existing competencies and available budgets of both parties. These will be selected on a regular basis according to mutual geographic and thematic priorities, and specified in an exchange of letters.

III. Working relationships and procedures

Article 8 – As far as possible, decisions shall be taken at an operational level between the contact points referred to in point 9 below, or at the project level between other responsible personnel.

Article 9 – The working links between the ALF and the Council of Europe at an operational level will be handled by regular contacts between a designated member from each Organisation.

Article 10 – The ALF shall inform the Council of Europe of its work programmes and national networks in partner countries.

Article 11 – The Council of Europe shall inform the ALF of its work programmes and of possible partners for ALF national networks.

Article 12 – The ALF and the Council of Europe may invite each other and possible partners for ALF networks to participate in working meetings. Normally the invited party will pay its own travelling expenses to meetings.

Article 13 – The copyright of joint publications shall be decided each time on a case-by-case basis.

IV. ALF-Council of Europe joint activities

Article 14 – The ALF and the Council of Europe have mutually complementary activities, goals and requirements. The ALF-Council of Europe collaboration is therefore based on geographic, practical (resource-related) and thematic priorities. Such a mutually advantageous collaboration will allow both Organisations to have a greater reach and extension of their activities in a logical as well as complementary fashion.

Article 15 – The main themes of cooperation between the ALF and the Council of Europe are grouped under three main headings listed in paragraphs a, b and c below. Details assuming the form of cooperating and/or specific work projects will be agreed upon by an exchange of letters:

a) Cooperation on issues related to formal and non-formal education, such as “the image of the other in history teaching”, citizenship and human rights education, teacher training, cross-border teaching, languages and intercultural competence, student exchanges, and higher education policies, in particular relating to mobility of students and staff and to the interaction between the European Higher Education Area and the southern Mediterranean states;

b) Cooperation on issues related to culture, such as intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity – including good practice reporting -, cultural heritage, heritage education, heritage interpretation and understanding, intercultural cities and the network of Euro-Mediterranean libraries;

c) Cooperation on issues related to youth, such as youth policy, youth and civil society, training of youth workers and youth leaders, human rights education with young people, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue and the role of young people therein, issues concerning young people and participation.

V. Amendment and termination

Article 16 – This memorandum may be amended by mutual agreement using an exchange of letters. Such amendments shall come into force on the day they are signed by the two parties.

Article 17 – Either party may terminate this memorandum by giving six months written notice to the other party.

VI. Entry into force

Article 18 – This memorandum shall come into effect upon signature, and shall be extended automatically every twelve months unless one of the signatories indicates otherwise in writing.


For the Council of Europe:
The Secretary General
of the Council of Europe
Mr. Terry Davis

Signature: ____________________

For the ALF:
The Executive Director
Dr. Traugott Schöfthaler

Signature: ______________________

Faro (Portugal), on 27 October 2005