MARS - Media Against Racism in Sport

21 - 22 January 2012, Warsaw (Poland)

The 2nd MARS National Media Encounter – Ethics & Editorial Management, co-organised by the EFJ (European Federation of Journalists) and SDP, the Polish Journalists’ Association, was held in Poland on 21 & 22 January 2012 in Warsaw. Held at at the SDP building for 2 days, more than 50 journalists discussed possible actions to strengthen the role of diversity and non discrimination in journalism ethics. For various participants, if this debate on media and diversity is not a new issue a in Poland, it is even more significant given the next EURO 2012. and The participants expressed their strong will to disseminate their first proposals in Polish newsrooms. The report will be available at the end of February 2012.
To allow prospective and in-service journalists and media professionals to include non discrimination and expression of diversity in their proper professional ethics and to consider non discrimination and expression of diversity as an ongoing angle of media coverage in editorial management.

Presentation of the activity
MARS Partner

The International Federation of Journalists is the world's largest organisation of journalists representing over 600.000 journalists.

Local partner

Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich
The encounter in the news
Media Diversity Requires Independent Media, Says Polish Journalists
The Ethical Journalism Initiative - 25/01/2012
Examples of social responsibility projects within the framework of the UEFA EURO 2012
By Markus Pinter - FairPlay. Different Colours. One Game.

Guest of the Day
Interview with Zbigniew Rytel about racism and chauvinism in sports, and sensitivity of Polish journalists to those phenomena, by Blazej Toranski - 27/01/2012