CMFE - Community Media Forum Europe
Founded in 2004, CMFE links various members of the Third Media Sector at the European level. The "Third Media Sector" is made up of non profit-making media serving a local community and has as such a clearly distinct identity alongside the national public service sector and private commercial media. The CMFE is a common platform for networks, national federations and projects active within this sector. It has an observer status with the Steering Committee on the Media and Information Society (CDMSI) of the Council of Europe and is part of the CoE International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGO) Conference. Currently, CMFE has 107 members (of which 26 are National Federations) from 25 European countries. Among its affiliate members it counts also individuals and organisations from Africa, Asia and North America. Community media, taking the form of broadcasting and/or other electronic media projects, as well as print format, may share to a greater or lesser extent some of the following characteristics: independence from government, commercial and religious institutions and political parties; a not-for-profit nature; voluntary participation of members of civil society in the devising and management of programmes; activities aiming at social gain and community benefit; ownership by and accountability to the communities of place and/or of interest which they serve; commitment to inclusive and intercultural practices.
EFJ - The European Federation of Journalists
As the regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalists, EFJ has been within the framework of the IFJ Constitution to represent the interests of journalists' unions and their members. The EFJ links about 260.000 journalists in over thirty European countries. The EFJ supports its affiliates to foster trade unions, to recruit new members and to maintain or create environments in which quality, journalistic independence, pluralism, public service values and decent work in the media exist. The EFJ is recognised by the European Union, the Council of Europe and the European Trade Union Confederation. The EFJ's headquarters is in Brussels.
EJTA – The European Journalism Training Association
Grouping 55 Journalism centres, schools and universities from 23 countries across Europe, EJTA aims at improving journalism education in Europe, enabling members to collaborate on exchanges and teaching and research projects, and meeting regularly to exchange ideas and information. The association organises conferences and seminars to encourage discussions about journalism and journalism training and stimulates long and medium term exchanges within students' and/or lecturers' communities. It is revising its Tartu Declaration, which provides a benchmark for what training journalism should cover. The declaration has been adopted by UNESCO among others
Media Animation
Conceived as a media education resource centre and lifelong learning organization for the Brussels Wallonia Federation, Media Animation is recognized and subsidized by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Culture. The centre is specialised for implementing research, information, training and educational resources for teachers, social workers, adults and professionals in the educational sector. Media Animation coordinates and participates in different EC funded projects in the fields of media literacy, cultural diversity, citizenship and non-discrimination. Media Animation facilitates a European network for media literacy -
European Exchanges of Media Practices (EEMPs)
MEDIANE Consultant
Freelancer Radio Journalist
Born in 1982, I spent my childhood in England, which made me a weirdo at the small town Hungarian elementary school I entered upon my return to Hungary in 1987. This experience determined the rest of my path: I was bound to be an out-of-the-box person - with all the beauties and hardships. Studied English and German Literature and Linguistics in Budapest at Eotvos-Lorand Tudomanyegyetem, graduated MA, later studied Cultural Journalism MA in Berlin at Universitaet der Kuenste.
Media Index for Diversity Inclusiveness
MEDIANE Consultant
Senior lecturer, Dept of Media and Communications, London School of Economics
Dr Myria Georgiou teaches at the Dept. of Media and Communications, LSE. She has a PhD in Sociology (LSE), an MSc in Journalism (Boston University) and a BA in Sociology (Panteion University, Athens) and her research focuses on the areas of diaspora, transnationalism and the media, and media and the city.
Diane KEMP
MEDIANE Consultant
Course Director, Birmingham City University
Diane Kemp is a Course Director of postgraduate broadcast journalism courses at the Birmingham School of Media. She teaches radio and television skills and newsroom/production practice on the MA in International Broadcast Journalism and the professionally accredited Postgraduate Diploma in Broadcast Journalism courses. Prior to that Diane worked for the BBC in local radio and regional television. She also freelanced for BBC network radio, although she initially started out in commercial radio. Diane has been a member of the Broadcast Journalism Training Council representing other Universities on the Board for some years. She's also an external examiner at two other 'BJTC' accredited institutions. Through her work with the BJTC she has contributed to and run workshops for the Council of Europe in their anti-discrimination campaign. As part of this she's co-written and compiled a journalism training pack promoting diversity for the Campaign. She's also conducted journalism diversity training for the Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU and taught journalism ethics for Transparency International in Lithuania. Diane also collaborates with colleagues from the University's Centre for Criminal Justice, writing articles investigating media coverage of serious crime.
Participating Networks
ACT – Association of Commercial Television in Europe
The Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) is a trade body for the commercial broadcasting sector in Europe. Formed in 1989, the ACT has thirty-three member companies active in 37 European countries, operating and distributing several thousand free-to-air and pay-tv channels and new media services. By offering a wide range of choice and variety to the viewer, the sector is a leading source of entertainment and information to millions of European citizens. These companies, via their membership in the ACT, are part of a unique European platform for learning about new developments and case studies in the fast-moving world of digital media, either via our Working Groups, or on individual request.
AER – Association of European Radios
The Association of European Radios (AER) is a Europe-wide trade body representing the interests of over 4,500 private/commercial radio stations across the EU27 and in Switzerland. AER's main objective is to develop and improve the most suitable framework for private commercial radio activity. AER constantly follows EU actions in the fields of media, telecommunications and private radio transmission, in order to contribute, to enrich and develop the radio sector. Furthermore, AER intends to promote the diffusion and the use of new technologies in radio transmission. AER encourages co-operation between its members and with other European radio stations and associations, in order to preserve and develop freedom of speech, freedom of enterprise, private initiative and the protection of listeners.
EBU – European Broadcasting Union
The EBU is the world's foremost alliance of public service media organizations, with Members in 56 countries in Europe and beyond. The EBU's mission is to defend the interests of public service media and to promote their indispensable contribution to modern society. It is the point of reference for industry knowledge and expertise. The EBU operates EUROVISION and EURORADIO. EUROVISION is the media industry's premier distributor and producer of top quality live sport and news, as well as entertainment, culture and music content. EURORADIO enhances public service radio through the exchange of music, professional networking and the promotion of digital and hybrid radio – to ensure radio remains a key protagonist in a multimedia world.
ENPA – European Newspaper Publishers' Association
ENPA is an international non-profit association, advocating the interests of publishers of newspapers and news media in Europe. ENPA has 32 member associations from the EU Members States, as well as Norway, Switzerland and Serbia. Together its membership represents some 5,200 national, regional and local newspaper titles, published across Europe. More than 150 million print newspapers are sold and read by over 300 million Europeans every day, in addition to the millions of readers of newspapers and news.
EPC – European Publisher Council
The European Publishers Council is a high level group of Chairmen and CEOs of leading European media corporations. Members are the most senior representatives of European newspaper and magazine publishers. Their companies are involved in multimedia markets spanning newspaper, magazine, book, journal, internet, online database publishers, radio and TV broadcasting.