Project team


Anne-Lise Arnesen is Professor of education at the Faculty of Education, Østfold University College. She started out as a teacher and special education teacher in lower secondary school for 11 years. She then worked as senior advisor at several agencies, among them the National Centre for Multicultural education. She was appointed Head of a National Plan for Equality in Education for 10 years at The Ministry of Education and Research. She has been teacher educator and researcher for the last 20 years. She has headed Nordic and European projects on teaching diversity and equality in teacher education. She is now head of a Norwegian research project on inclusion in kindergartens, as well as chair of the Council of Europe project in focus at this conference. She has published books and articles at national and international levels on issues relating to diversity, equality, marginalization and inclusion in schools and kindergartens. Her latest book is on teacher education and inclusion in view of student diversity (Det pedagogiske nærvær. Inkludering i møte med elevmangfold, 2004).


 Julie ALLAN

 Julie Allan is Professor of Education at the Stirling Institute of Education, University of Stirling, Scotland and Deputy Head of Department. She is also visiting professor at the University of Borås, Sweden. She has been adviser to the Scottish Parliament, given evidence to the Welsh Assembly and worked with the Queensland Government on policy relating to inclusion. Her research interests encompass the inclusion, children’s rights, the arts (especially disability arts) and social capital and she has published widely in these areas. Her most recent books are Rethinking inclusive education: the philosophers of difference in practice (published by Springer), Doing inclusive education research (with Roger Slee and published by Sense) and Social capital, professionalism and diversity (edited with Jenny Ozga and Geri Smyth and published by Sense).



Karmen Trasberg is teacher trainer at the University of Tartu (Estonia) since 1994. Her research and teaching fields are: comparative and intercultural education; history of educational thought. Since 2007 she is responsible for developing Master in School Management curriculum for mentors and heads of schools. As a project coordinator and trainer she has been involved to many international projects in the field of intercultural education: Erasmus CDI “European Programme for Intercultural Education”(1999-2003), Tempus Phare JEP “Intercultural Competence in EU Training Modules” (200-2004), CoE “ Policies and Practices for teaching Socio-cultural Diversity" (2006-2009). She is the Board member of Estonian Academic Association of Pedagogy, member of EERA and IAIE (International Association for Intercultural Education).


Elisabeth Furch

Professor at the Pädagogische Hochschule Wien (Austria) for: Intercultural Education, Supervisor in practice, Education in general, German as a second/foreign language, university lecturer at the University of Vienna (German as a second language), partner in and co-coordinator of several projects (EU, CoE, bilateral projects). Former primary teacher for 18 years, esp. in classes with a high number of children with migrant backgrounds (diploma in 1975); also qualified as a teacher for children with special needs (1992); Master degree at the University of Vienna/Austria - Master of Philosophy in Education and “Sonder- und Heilpädagogik” (special needs and health) (1998), PhD at the University of Vienna - Doctor of Philosophy in Education (2004) .


Siyka Chavdarova - Kostova

Assos. Professor, PhD. Head of chair “Theory of Edcuation”, Faculty of Pedagogy, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaia. Master degrees of Pedagogy and Philosophy. Lecturer in Faculty of Pedagogy, Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Classic and New Philologies. Main courses: Pedagogy, Theory of Education. Intercultural education, Work with family, Intellectual differences and education (Bachelor degree), Equal access to education – management aspects, Culture and Education – management aspects (Master degree). Work with many in-service teachers in the courses as Work in multiethnic environment, Integration of ethnic minority children in the school, Intercultural competence. Participation in many international and national conferences and seminars, head and team member of projects in the field of the intercultural, university, preventive education etc. Main publications: 2 monograph and some books in co-authorship, more than 80 scientific studies and articles in the spheres of the intercultural, intellectual, religious, patriotic, preventive, family, university education, social work with minorities and refugees in international and Bulgarian collections and scientific magazines.



Dr Pavlina Hadjitheodoulou-Loizidou is a teacher trainer in Intercultural Education at the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute since 2000. She got her MA in Education and Society (1989-1990) at the University of Reading, UK and her PhD in Pedagogics at the University of Ioannina (1996). She has worked at ASPAITE Pedagogy School in Athens (1996-2000) and she is a tutor at the Greek Open University. She has worked as a post doc researcher for the Education of Roma Children project of the Greek Ministry of Education and the University of Ioannina, (1996-2000). She has worked for the Council of Europe Project on Teaching Socio-cultural Diversity and the Pestalozzi Modules on Intercultural Education.


Angelos Vallianatos

Dr Angelos Vallianatos is a school advisor for religion teachers in secondary education in Greece. He has got his PhD in Theology and attended the post graduate course of Religiology and Sociology at the University of Athens. He was educated in Communication, Radio and Television Arts in London and in intercultural education in Athens University. He has worked for the Council of Europe Project on Teaching Socio-cultural Diversity and the Pestalozzi Modules on Media Literacy. He has worked as a theologian in secondary education. He is involved in pre and in service teacher training. His area of interest and publishes is communication, religious and intercultural education and the use of media at schools.


Bernard DUMONT

Dr. Bernard DUMONT is a senior consultant, specialised in e-learning, in the use of ITC in education and in quality in training. He is expert by the Council of Europe, for issues about ICT in teacher training and socio-cultural diversity and Human Rights. He contributed to the project on the design of the methodology to be used for the survey, and on the analysis of the collected data. He created and managed a collaborative space on Moodle Platform for the group of experts and the participants of the consultation tables. Dr. Bernard DUMONT is also an expert by the European Commission for evaluation of projects dealing with ICT. He was formely Professor of Educational Sciences at the University of Paris 7, and invited Professor and Director of Department of Sciences and Technology at the distance French speaking university, Tele-university of Quebec (Canada).

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