Share your views on intercultural dialogue

The Council of Europe is convinced that a basic policy document like the White Paper on intercultural dialogue cannot be developed “top-down”. The White Paper has to be the result of an interactive process, open to everybody and every type of organisation that wishes to participate. Civil society organisations, religious and ethnic communities, experts, politicians, parliamentarians, administrators, simply everyone has a lot to contribute.

A document on dialogue must be borne in dialogue. And dialogue must continue after the publication of the White Paper.
You are therefore cordially invited to share with the Council of Europe your views on intercultural dialogue. This web site offers two opportunities to contribute:

Your contribution should be in English or French. It should reach us


Mrs Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni
Coordinator for Intercultural Dialogue, DG IV
Council of Europe
67075 Strasbourg

Please note that your contribution should reach the Council of Europe by
31 May 2007 at the latest