European Forum Cyprus

12th January 2011


The future of the European Project

1st alumni Seminar of the European Forum Cyprus (EFC)

in co-operation with
the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
and the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft

Co-funded by the European Commission

Athens, 14 – 15 January 2011

Hotel Electra Palace

8-20, N. Nikodimou Str., 10557 Athens, Greece, Tel : + 30 210 33 70 000 Fax: + 30 210 32 41 875, Subway Station: Syntagma

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Arrival of the experts and the participants

Transfer from airport to the hotel

20:00 Dinner for organisers, group leaders and experts

(Venue to be announced)

21:30 Cocktail reception for experts and participants

Bar at the Hotel Electra Palace

Friday, 14 January 2011

Conference room - Hotel Electra Palace

9:15 Opening of the meeting
Chairperson: Mrs Anna Capello-Brillat, Head of Division of Co-operation Programmes, Directorate of Political Advice and Co-operation, Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg

Welcome addresses by:

    · Mr Aristophanis GEORGIOU, Head of the Delegation of Cyprus to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Nicosia

    · Mr Mehmet ÇAĞLAR, Representative of the Turkish Cypriot Community to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Nicosia

    · Mrs Anna CAPELLO-BRILLAT, Head of Division of Co-operation Programmes, Directorate of Political Advice and Co-operation, Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg

    · Mrs Monika ALPOEGGER, Unit for support to the Turkish Cypriot Community, Directorate for Enlargement, European Commission, Brussels

    · Professor Loukas TSOUKALIS, President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Athens

    · Professor Heinz-Jürgen AXT, Südosteuropa–Gesellschaft (South East Europe Association), Munich

9:45 Why Europe?

    Introduction by the moderator:
    Professor Loukas Tsoukalis, President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Athens

    Mr Thomas FERENCZI, former Chief Editor and correspondent in Brussels of Le Monde, Editor of Boulevard extérieur


11:15 Coffee Break

11:30 The Lisbon Treaty and its impact

    Introduction by the moderator:
    Mr Aristophanis Georgiou, Head of the Delegation of Cyprus to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Nicosia

Mr Carsten VOLKERY, Journalist, Der Spiegel, Hamburg

    Mr. Heinz-Jürgen AXT, Professor for European Integration and European Policy, University of Duisburg


13:00 Lunch (Venue: Hotel Electra Palace)

14:30 The Euro and the European economy – a success story?

    Introduction by the moderator:
    Professor Heinz-Jürgen Axt Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft (South East Europe Association), Munich


    Mr George PAGOULATOS, Associate Professor of Politics at the Department of International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Bruges)


16:00 Coffee Break

16:15 Europe – what role in a multi-polar world?

    Introduction by the moderator:
    Mr Mehmet Çağlar, Representative of the Turkish Cypriot Community to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Nicosia


    Mr. Anton BEBLER, Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Mrs Katinka BARYSCH, Deputy Director, Centre for European Reform, London


18:00 End of First Day

20:00 Dinner for organisers, experts and participants

Restaurant Elea

Erehtheos 16/Erotokritou 12 (Plaka), Athens, Tel.: + 30 210 3249512

Saturday, 15 January 2011

8:30 Breakfast for experts and participants

    Venue: Hotel Electra Palace)

9:00 The state of Human Rights in Europe

    Introduction by the moderator:
    Mrs Monika Alpoegger, Unit for support to the Turkish Cypriot Community, Directorate for Enlargement, European Brussels


    Mr Andreas GROSS, Member of the Swiss Parliament, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Bern

Mr Nico MOL, Secretariat of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg


10:30 Coffee Break

10:45 Enlargement – what strategy?

    Introduction by the moderator:
    Mr Uwe Muller, Political Adviser, Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs, Council of Europe


    Mr Othon ANASTASAKIS, Director of South-East European Studies, St Anthony’s College Oxford

    Mr Peter BALASZ, Director, Centre for EU Enlargement Studies, Central European University, Budapest

Mrs Sonja LICHT, President and founder of Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence

12:30 Lunch (Venue: Hotel Electra Palace)

14:00 The future of the European Project


16:30 Coffee Break

17:00 Presentation of results by participants


19:00 End of seminar

21:00 Dinner

Avisinia Café

Address: 7, Kinetou Street (on Avinisia Square), Tel: +30 210 32 17 047, Subway station : Monastiraki

22:30 Cypriot/Levantine music evening (tbc)

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Departure of experts and participants


is the Director of South East European Studies at Oxford; Fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford; Associate Faculty at the Department of International Relations and Politics and of Russian and East European Studies, Oxford. Previously he was Researcher at the London School of Economics; Expert & Advisor on European Union matters at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He received his BA in Economics from the University of Athens, his MA in Comparative Politics and International Relations from Columbia University, New York and his PhD in Comparative Government from the London School of Economics. His research interests include comparative transition and democratization, the EU's South East European enlargement, EU conditionality, Greek foreign policy, Turkish relations with the European Union and regional cooperation in South East Europe. His most recent books include: In the Long Shadow of Europe; Greeks and Turks in the era of Postnationalism (co-edited volume with Nicolaidis & Oktem), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Brill publications, 2009); Greece in the Balkans: Memory, Conflict and Exchange (co-edited volume with Bechev & Vrousalis, Cambridge University Scholars Press 2009). He is the General Editor of Palgrave Macmillan, St Antony’s Series.

Heinz-Jürgen AXT [Presentation]
Professor for European Integration and European Policy, University of Duisburg

Peter BALASZ, Director, Centre for EU Enlargement Studies, Central European University, Budapest

Katinka BARYSCH [Presentation]
is deputy director of the Centre for European Reform. The CER is an independent, London-based think-tank devoted to making the EU work better and strengthen the Union's role in the world. The CER - pro-European but not uncritical - is not affiliated with any government, political party or EU institution. Katinka is an expert on European economics, Russia, Turkey, Central and Eastern Europe and questions of energy security. She joined the CER in 2002 as chief economist, when she worked on questions related to EU economic integration, the euro and globalisation. She has acted as an advisor to several EU governments, the EU Select Committee of the House of Lords, the World Economic Forum, as well as various financial institutions and business federations. She regularly comments on European developments in the media. Katinka previously worked as an analyst and editor at the Economist Intelligence Unit in London, specialising in Eastern Europe and Russia. Until 1998, she was a consultant in Brussels, where she was also involved in formulating the European Commission's strategy towards the Central and East European candidate countries. Katinka gained an MSc in International Political Economy from the London School of Economics and a BA in Political Science, Economics and Law from Munich University. She is a member of the advisory boards of FINCA UK and OMFIF. 

Anton BEBLER [Presentation]
Is studied various subjects in Slovenia, Serbia, Russia, USA, UK, France and earned his Ph.D. in Political Science at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA in 1971. Since 1972 he has thought at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and became a full Professor of Political Science and of Defense Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. For several years he regularly taught at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna, also occasionally lectured at various universities and institutes in North America, Europe and Asia and served as member of several national and international advisory boards and panels. Dr. Bebler authored several books, wrote chapters in numerous international compendia and over 300 scholarly articles on various topics in the field of international relations, international security, arms control, comparative politics systems, European, Eastern and South Eastern European, African and other regional studies, military politics and military sociology. In 1991 -1992 Dr. Bebler chaired the Slovenian Council of the European Movement. Dr. Bebler joined Slovenian Foreign Service in August 1992 and until September 1997 served as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Slovenia at the UN Office in Geneva. Since 1997 he is President, Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia. In 1999 – 2002 he served as President, Slovenian Emigrants` Association and in 1999 – 2002 as Vice-Chairman of the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA). Since July 2006 he is a member of the Executive Committee, International Political Science Association (IPSA)

Thomas FERENCZI [Presentation]
is a French journalist. Former editor of the daily Le Monde, he was also political editor, Brussels bureau chief and ombudsman. He is now a columnist for the website He is the author of several books about politics and about journalism. His last essay, Pourquoi l'Europe ?; deals with the history of the European Union. 

Andreas GROSS, Member of the Swiss Parliament, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Bern

Sonja LICHT [Presentation]
President and founder of Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence, Belgrade

Nico MOL [Presentation]
has a Law Degree from the University of Amsterdam. Since 1990 he is working at the Secretariat of the European Court of Human Rights

George PAGOULATOS [Presentation]
Associate Professor of Politics at the Department of International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Bruges)

Born in 1973 in Hannover. Studied Social Sciences in Berlin and New York. M.A. at the New School for Social Research. Internship at Spiegel online, Correspodent on economic topics in New York. For 18 Months free lance correspondent on South America in Santiago de Chile, .i.a. for DIE ZEIT, brandeins, mck Wissen. From August 2004 to December 2008 political editor at the Spiegel’s Berlin Bureau. Since January 2009 correspondent for Spiegel online in Great Britain.

