European Forum Cyprus

24 September 2010

Peace and Security in the Eastern Mediterranean

4th seminar of the 2nd year (2009/2010)

of the European Forum Cyprus

in co-operation with the Goethe-Zentrum Nicosia

Co-funded by the European Commission

Nicosia, 24-25 September 2010

Goethe Zentrum Nicosia
Address: 21 Markou Drakou Street, 1102 Nicosia
Tel. 22 674 608 / 22 666 614

Friday, 24 September 2010

19:30 Dinner for participants and experts

Restaurant Château Status
Address: 12 Markou Drakou Street, 1102 Nicosia
Tel : 77 771 167
e-mail :

Saturday, 25 September 2010

9:00 Opening of the meeting

Welcome addresses by:

      · Mr Aristophanes GEORGIOU, Head of the Delegation of Cyprus to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

      · Mr Mehmet ÇAGLAR, Representative of the Turkish Cypriot Community to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

    · Ms Mary Ann HENNESSEY, South-East Europe Coordinator, Directorate for Political Advice and Co-operation, Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs, Council of Europe (Strasbourg)

    · Ms Virginia CEZILLY FERNANDEZ DE LIGER, Task Manager Reconciliation, Civil Society, People to People contacts and Demining, Task Force Turkish Cypriot Community- DG Enlargement, European Commission

9:30 Shifting balances of powers? What may change in the Eastern Mediterranean

Introduction by the moderator: Ms Mary Ann Hennessey South-East Europe Coordinator, Directorate for Political Advice and Co-operation, Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs, Council of Europe (Strasbourg)


Dr. Arad NIR Head of Foreign News Desk

                  Chief International Commentator
                  Channel 2 News (Tel-Aviv)


10:45 Coffee Break Goethe Zentrum

11:00 The position of Cyprus in the political architecture of the Eastern Mediterranean

Introduction by the moderator: Mr. Mehmet ÇAGLAR, Representative of the Turkish Cypriot, Community to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Dr. Ahmet SÖZEN Associate Professor

                Director of Cyprus Policy Centre, (Nicosia)

Dr. Adamos ADAMOU former Member of the European Parliament (Nicosia)

12:15 Lunch Restaurant Château Status

14:00 Workshops

16:00 Presentation of results of workshops

16:15 Coffee Break Goethe Zentrum

16:30 Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean

    Introduction by the moderator: Participant


Prof. Iván MARTIN Associate Researcher at the Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales, (Madrid)


18:15 Turkey – an emerging centre power in the Eastern Mediterranean?

Introduction by the moderator: Mr Aristophanes GEORGIOU Head of the Delegation of Cyprus to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


    Dr. Soli ÖZEL Professor of International Relations and Political Science, Kadir Has University (Istanbul)

    Mr Nikos MOUDOUROS Head of the Turkish Affairs Department of the Presidency, Special Advisor to the President of the Republic of Cyprus


20:00 Reception Goethe Zentrum

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Departure of experts


Mr Adamos Adamou [presentation]
has been in 2003-2004 a Member of the Cyprus House of Representatives, between June 2004 and July 2009 he has been elected Member of the European Parliament. Dr Adamou has also been Member of the Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left; Chairman of the Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council (2004-2006); Member of the Conference of Delegation Chairmen (2004-2006); Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (2004-2009); Substitute for the Committee on Culture and Education (2004-2006); GUE/NGL Coordinator for the Committee on Culture and Education (2004-2006); Substitute for the LIBE committee (2006-2009); Member of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Committee (2006-2009); Substitute for the delegations for the relations with Turkey (2006-2009); GUE/NGL co-coordinator for ENVI committee; Substitute for the Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee Representative of the GUE/NGL group at the Health working group of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety; Co-Founder of the MEPs Against Cancer Forum, formally launched on November 30th, 2005.(Co-chair); Vice-president of the Intergroup on Bioethics.

Mr Iván Martin [presentation]
(1964), economist, is Associate Fellow of the Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales (ICEI) in Madrid (Spain) and Research Administrator on the European Neighbourhood at the College of Europe, Natolin Campus (Poland). In 2009, he worked for the European University Institute in Florence as Scientific Coordinator of the “Labour Markets and Migration in Arab Mediterranean Countries” project. Formerly, he has been Director of the Socio-economic Forum of Casa Árabe (Arab House) and its International Institute for Arab and Muslim World Studies in Spain (2006-2008). Before that, he was Associate Professor of International Political Economy at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid for six years. He teaches in a number of master programmes of universities in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Granada and Paraguay. His research interests and publications focus on the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the European Neighbourhood Policy, Europe-Maghreb economic relations and the impact of Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Areas, Maghreb and Arab economies and employment and employment policies in Arab Mediterranean countries. He has directed or contributed to several international research projects on Euro-Mediterranean economic relations and employment in Arab Mediterranean Countries sponsored by the British Council, the European University Institute of Florence, the Institut français de relations internationals, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Morocco, the European Mediterranean Institute (IEMed) of Barcelona and the Fundación Tres Culturas (Seville). His publications can be found at

Mr Nikos Moudouros [presentation]
is Advisor to the President of the Cyprus Republic. From 1999 to 2000 he has been part-time journalist in Haravgi Newspaper in Nicosia and from 2006 to 2007 he has been part –time Journalist in Haravgi and Paroikiaki Newspaper in London, Great Britain. Mr Moudouros researched and wrote about matters concerning the contemporary history of Cyprus and politics in Turkey. He has also been member of Member of the Central Council of EDON; member of the State Council of Higher Education of Cyprus Republic; re-elected as a member of the Central Council of EDON at the 14th Congress. Between 2003 and 2004 he has been President of the Progressive Student Union Movement (Proodeftiki) at the University of Cyprus.

Mr Arad Nir [presentation]
Head of Foreign News Desk and Chief International Commentator has joined Channel 2 News in 1994, since then he has fulfilled a variety of positions, culminating in his present post. He undertakes assignments all over the world. He covers international politics and diplomacy, ethnic conflicts, natural disasters and manmade catastrophes. He has extreme personal and professional interest in Turkey. He follows closely the developments in Turkey on all aspects, namely political, diplomatic and cultural. Mr. Nir has interviewed President Abdullah Gül, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Deputy PM Bulent Arinç, former Foreign Minister Ali Babacan, Head of the CHP Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and other prominent political and professional figures. And he was the first journalist to reveal Turkey’s indirect mediation between Israel and Syria and covered it. He has interviewed various other world leaders: Kanzlerin Angela Merkel of Germany, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice of USA, President Michail Saakaschwili of Georgia, President Victor Yuschenko of Ukraine, President, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of Liberia, French Minister of Foreign Affairs Bernard Kouchner, former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, Javier Solana of the EU and many others. In 2001 he formatted Channel 2 News’s daily International News Magazine, "Global Agenda", which proved to be very successful and respected both in terms of prestige and ratings. He edited and presented this prime time magazine for 6 years. In 2007 the format was changed and now it is being broadcast as successful weekly international magazine. He is a member of the advisory board in the “Common Ground Journalism” project by “Search for Common Ground”, as well as a member of the task force that formulates the European Neighborhood Journalism Network (ENJN). In 2010 he published the book: “The Greatest Restaurant in the World” about Turkish culinary culture and Istanbul as its shrine. He writes occasional Op-Ed and analysis articles in various Israeli newspapers. Mr. Nir teaches TV-journalism at Natanya Academic College and at the IDC College, Herzliya. In 1992 he graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem bearing a DVM degree.

Mr Soli Özel
is a senior lecturer on international relations in Kadir Has University. He is also a columnist and foreign editor for Haberturk daily in Istanbul. He is an advisor to the chairperson of TUSIAD (Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen's Association).

Mr Ahmet Sözen [presentation]
is the Director of CPC (Cyprus Policy Center), Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus since 2004. Between 1999 to 2002 he has been Chair of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey. He has Ph.D.  (1999) from the Department of Political Science, University of Missouri-Columbia, M.A. (1993) in International Relations, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University and B. A. (1991) in Foreign Language Education (English), Bogazici (Bosphorus) University, Istanbul, Turkey. He specialises in International Relations (Primary Field) and Comparative Politics (Secondary Field), as well as in topical fields such as Foreign Policy Conflict Resolution (theory and practice of international and ethnic conflict resolution); Non-Academic Positions held by Prof. Sözen were: Trainer of Conflict Resolution (1994): Contracted by the consortium of the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy (Washington, DC) and the Conflict Management Group (Cambridge, MA) as a Trainer of Conflict Resolution for the Second CASP (Cyprus-America Scholarship Program) Students Conflict Resolution Workshop (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA); Steering Committee Member (1994): Served as the member of the Steering Committee of the Bi-Communal Conflict Resolution Group  (Cyprus); Assistant Analyst (Summer 1993): Worked as an assistant analyst on the project "Iraqgate" which consists of once classified government documents obtained by FOIA - Freedom of Information Act at the National Security Archive (Washington, DC., Summer 1992).  Basic duties include (1) writing letters to several government institutions, such as the DOS, Pentagon, DOE, CIA, etc. in order to obtain once classified documents; (2) reading and summarizing the disclosed de-classified documents: (3) archiving the de-classified documents into a computer database.