European Forum Cyprus

25 February 2010


Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus – facing the challenge of migration

2nd Seminar of the 2nd year (2009/2010)

of the European Forum Cyprus

organised with the support of the Goethe-Zentrum Nicosia

Co-funded by the European Commission

Nicosia, 25-27 February 2010

Goethe Zentrum Nicosia

Address: 21 Markos Drakos Street, 1102 Nicosia
P.O.Box 21813, 1513 Nicosia
Tel. 22 674 608 / 22 666 614
Fax. 22 669 377

Thursday, 25 February 2010

19:15 Opening of the meeting
Chair: representative of the CoE

Welcome addresses by:

    · Mr Aristophanis Georgiou, Head of the Delegation of Cyprus to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Nicosia

    · Mr Mehmet Çağlar, Representative of the Turkish Cypriot Community to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

    · Ms Claudia Luciani, Director of Political Advice and Co-operation, Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg

    · Mr Andrew Rasbash, Head of Unit for support to the Turkish Cypriot Community, Directorate for Enlargement, European Commission, Brussels

20:15 Dinner for participants and experts

Château Status
Address: 21 Markos Drakos Street, 1102 Nicosia
P.O.Box 21813, 1513 Nicosia

Friday, 26 February 2010

8:30 Breakfast for participants-experts

9:00 Patterns of migration in the Eastern Mediterranean

    Introduction by the moderator: Ms Claudia Luciani, Director of Political Advice and Co-operation, Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs


    Mr Julien Simon, Programme Manager, Mediterranean Transit Migration, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (IMCPD), Vienna (Austria)


10:00 Mixed migration from a European Human Rights perspective

    Introduction by the moderator: Mr Aristophanis Georgiou, Head of the Delegation of Cyprus to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


    Mrs Sylvia Grundmann, Adviser, Office of the European Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (France)


11:15 Coffee Break

11:30 A satisfying European response to irregular migration? – Frontex and the Dublin II regulation

    Introduction by the moderator: Mr Mehmet Çağlar, Representative of the Turkish Cypriot Community to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Annette Bombeke, European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), Brussels


12:45 Lunch

14:00 European societies and migration – risks and gains

Introduction by the moderator: Participant


    Prof. Dr. Dietrich Thränhardt, Professor emeritus for Political Science, University of Münster (Germany)


15:00 Coffee Break

15:15 The impact of migration on Cyprus

Introduction by the moderator: Participant


    Mr Nicos Trimikliniotis, Assistant Professor of Law and Sociology , Director of the Centre of the Study of Migration, Inter-ethnic and Labour Relations University of Nicosia

Mrs Mine Yucel, Director The Center for Migration, Identity and Rights Studies (CMIRS), Nicosia

16:30 Workshops

19:00 End of First Day


Saturday, 27 February 2010

8:30 Breakfast for experts-participants

9:00 Presentation of results of workshops

10:15 Coffee Break

10:30 The new face of global migration

Introduction by the moderator: Uwe Muller

    Mrs Cathérine Withol de Wenden, Director of research, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) Paris (France)


Summing-up of the seminar

13:00 Lunch

End of seminar


Ms Annette Bombeke [presentation]

Mrs Silvia Grundmann [presentation]
is administrator at the Office of the European Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe, Strasbourg (France)

Mr Julien Simon [presentation]
is Programme Manager of the Dialogue on Mediterranean Transit Migration (MTM) and the Interactive Map on Migration (i-Map) at the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). His activities in the field of immigration and Asylum include activities in the Mediterranean region, Africa and the Middle East at ICMPD; he is Head of the Secretariat of the Dialogue on Mediterranean Transit Migration (MTM) gathering 44 Arab, Sub-Saharan and European Partner States and 10 international organisations; Creator and Manager of the interactive map on migration (i-Map) implemented under the steering of the European Commission, selected Arab and European Partner States in partnership with Europol, Frontex, IFAD, Interpol, IOM, UNHCR, UNODC; Since 2007 he is Lecturer on Fighting Against Illegal Immigration at the annual Summer School "European Union Law and Policy on Immigration and Asylum", Free University of Brussels.

Professor Dietrich Thränhardt [presentation 1] [presentation 2]
Professor emeritus for Political Science, University of Münster, 2008/09 Senior Fellow at the Transatlantic Academy, Washington D.C., Research fields: comparative politics and comparative migration studies. Latest publications: National Paradigms of Migration Research, 2010; Open borders in the EU - Death Walls in NAFTA, in: Leviathan 1/2010.

Mr Nicos Trimikliniotis
is currently working at the PRIO Cyprus Centre on a project entitled ‘’Rethinking the socio-economic, ideological and political dimensions for societal reconciliation in Cyprus’’. He is also Director of the Centre for the Study of migration, Inter-ethnic and Labour Relations, as well as Assistant Professor of Law and Sociology, Director of the Centre of the Study of Migration, Inter-ethnic and Labour Relations, University of Nicosia. He directs the Cyprus National Focal point for Fundamental Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination. He has researched ethnic conflict and resolution, constitutional and state theory, multiculturalism, education, migration, racism and discrimination and has published several articles in books and journals. He is also project leader Reconciliation 2.

Mrs Cathérine Wihtol de Wenden
is Director of research at CNRS (CERI). For 30 years she has been a researcher on international migration, from a Political Science and Public Law approach. She studied in Sciences-Po Paris and University Paris I (Panthéon- Sorbonne) She got her Ph D in Political Science in 1986. She has published 20 books, alone or as co-writer and around 150 articles. She is also teaching at Sciences-Po, at the University La Sapienza in an EU Socrates Program. She has been President of the Research Committee Migration of ISA –International Sociological Association- (2002-2008) and expert for several international organisations (UNHCR, Council of Europe and European Commission). Her main books are Les immigrés et la Politique. Paris, Presses de Sc Po, 1988, Le défi migratoire (with Bertrand Badie, Presses de Sc Po, 1995, L’immigration en Europe, La Documentation française, 1999, Faut-il ouvrir les frontières, Presses de Sc Po, 1999, La Citoyenneté européenne, Presses de Sc Po 1997, La beurgeoisie (with Rémy Leveau), CNRS Editions 2001, Police et discriminations (with Sophie Body-Gendrot), L’Atelier, 2003, Atlas mondial des migrations , Autrement 2005 and 2009 (2nd edition), Les couleurs du drapeau (with Christophe Bertossi), 2007, Sortir des banlieues (with Sophie Body-Gendrot), Autrement, 2007, La Globalisation humaine, PUF, 2009.

Mrs Mine Yucel [presentation]
is the founder and director of Prologue Consulting Ltd and The Center for Migration, Identity and Rights Studies. She has been working on migration and trafficking issues since 2006 and has published 2 papers on women trafficking in the Turkish Cypriot Community and Policy Recommendations on what needs to be done to solve the problem. Prior to the establishment of Prologue Consulting Ms Yucel taught international relations and human rights at Girne American University. Ms Yucel holds BA degrees in Mathematics and Financial Economics and an MA degree in International Relations.