European Forum Cyprus

27 May 2010

Benefits, opportunities and challenges for a reunited Cyprus

3rd seminar of the 2nd year (2009/2010)

of the European Forum Cyprus

in co-operation with the

Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)

co-funded by the European Commission

Rome, 27-30 May 2010

Hotel Clodio

Address: Via di Santa Lucia,10I- 00195 Roma, Tel.: 0039 06 372 1122, e-mail :,

Thursday, 27 May 2010

11:30 Arrival of participants at the Airport Roma Leonardo da Vinciā€“ Transfer to Hotel

Accommodation at Hotel Clodio

Free afternoon

20:00 Dinner for Secretariat members, experts and group leaders


La Taverna deā€™ Mercanti

Address: Piazza dei Mercanti, 3aI-00153 Roma Tel.: 0039 06 588 1693,

Friday, 28 May 2010

9:30 Opening of the meeting

Welcome addresses by:

    Ā· Dr Ettore Greco, Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)

    Ā· Mr Aristophanis Georgiou, Head of the Delegation of Cyprus to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Nicosia

    Ā· Mr Ɩzdil Nami, former Turkish Cypriot special representative for the European Union and the United Nations

    Ā· Mrs Claudia Luciani, Director for Political Advice and Co-operation, Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs, Council of Europe (Strasbourg)

    Ā· Mr Andrew Rasbash, Head of Unit for support to the Turkish Cypriot Community, Directorate for Enlargement, European Commission, Brussels

9:45 Europe and Cyprus ā€“ what are the expectations?

Introduction by the moderator:
Mr Aristophanis GEORGIOU Head of the Delegation of Cyprus to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


    Dr. Erhan ERCIN: Co-ordinator of the European Union Co-ordination Center

    Andrew RASBASH: Head of Unit for Support to the Turkish Cypriot Community, Directorate General for Enlargement, European Commission, Brussels


11:15 Coffee Break

11:30 The opportunities of a single Cypriot economic space within the EU

Introduction by the moderator: Mr Ɩzdil NAMI, former Turkish Cypriot special representative of the Turkish Cypriot community to the European Union and the Unites Nations


Fiona MULLEN, Director of Sapienta Economics Ltd, Nicosia

Dr. Charalambos PAPAGEORGIOU, European University, Nicosia


13:00 Lunch

14:00 Working groups

16:00 Coffee Break

16:15 Presentation of the results of the working groups


17:15 Closing of the 1st day of the seminar

20:00 Dinner for all participants

Il Galeone di Corsetti
Piazza San Cosimato I-00153 Roma, Tel.: 0039 06 581 63 11,

Saturday, 29 May 2010

9:30 Opening of the second day

9:45 Democratic culture in a diverse society

Introduction by the moderator: Mrs Claudia LUCIANI, Director for Political Advice and co-operation Director General of Democracy and Political Affairs, Council of Europe (Strasbourg)


Dr. Tony BRESLIN, Chief Executive of the Citizenship Foundation, London

Dr. Isabelle IOANNIDES, Free University of Amsterdam

Ɩzdil NAMI, former Turkish Cypriot special representative for the
European Union and the United Nations


11:15 Coffee Break

11:30 Parameters for the foreign policy of a reunited Cyprus

Introduction by the moderator: Mr Stefano SILVESTRI, Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)


Stefanos EVRIPIDOU, Chief Reporter Cyprus Mail

Dr.James KER-LINDSAY, London School of Economics


13:00 Lunch

14:00 Working groups

16:00 Coffee Break

16:15 Presentation of results of the working groups


17:45 Summing-up of the seminar ā€“ End of seminar

19:30 Reception on the roof terrace of the Hotel Clodio

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Afternoon: Departure from Rome


Dr Anthony Breslin
has been Chief Executive at the Citizenship Foundation, the independent education and participation charity, since September 2001 and has played a leading role in the development of thinking and practice on a range of issues: the development of ā€œcitizenship-richā€ schools and communities, the nature of citizenship as a school subject, the emergence of the ā€˜participation gapā€™ in civic and civil life, the tensions between different conceptions of citizenship as process, identity and status and the interplay between citizenship and national, faith and community identities. Against this background, he sits on a range of national policy bodies, forums and advisory groups and works extensively with various government departments and statutory agencies including the Ministry of Justice, DCSF, the Department for Communities and Local Government, the Cabinet Office, the Home Office and QCA on issues as varied as community cohesion, youth participation, political engagement, qualifications reform and citizenship education. Previously, Mr.Breslin was General Adviser (14-19 Education) in the London Borough of Enfield and has taught and held senior and middle management positions at comprehensive schools in Haringey and Hertfordshire. A past Chair and current Vice-president of the Association for the Teaching of Social Sciences (ATSS), he is also a Trustee of the Association for Citizenship Teaching (ACT), the Vice-Chair of Speakers Bank, a non-executive director at ARC Theatre for Change, a member of the National Cohesion Panel and an Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck, University of London. He has served as a Chief Examiner at GCSE and a Principal Examiner and Chair of Examiners at Advanced level and is an experienced teacher trainer and qualified OFSTED inspector. Granted the Freedom of the City of London in 2004, Mr.Breslin is widely published and frequently gives keynote addresses at conferences and seminars - in the UK and overseas - on education, participation and related aspects of public policy. He has presented at venues as diverse as City Hall, Tate Britain, 11 Downing Street and the American University in Beirut for a range of organisations including the British Council, the BBC, EMAP Media and the Runnymede Trust.

Dr Erhan Ercin
graduated from European University of Lefke in 1998 and received his BA degree in International Relations. In 1999, he attended University of Kent, where he obtained his MA in European Studies. He then earned his Ph.D. in EU Politics and International Relations from Marmara University in 2008. Between 2000 ā€“ 2004, he worked as a senior expert on EU affairs at Economic Development Foundation (IKV), an Istanbul based think-tank specialised on Turkey-EU relations and EU matters in general. Since 2004, he has been working as the Head of the European Coordination Centre at the office of the Turkish Cypriot leader. In addition to managing the Centreā€™s daily functioning, he advises the Government and the President on EU related affairs. Between September 2008 ā€“ April 2010 he was a member of the Turkish Cypriot negotiation team during Cyprus unification talks.

Dr. Stefanos Evripidou
has graduated from University of London, King's College London with MA in International Conflict Studies (British Chevening Scholarship) . From 2007 he has been Cyprus News Editor / Chief Reporter at the ā€˜ā€™Cyprus Mailā€™ā€™ English-language newspaper in Nicosia. He also has represented Cyprus in the 11th Asia-Europe Young Leaders Symposium - First Asia-Europe Young Urban Leaders Dialogue, in November 2008 in Madrid, Spain.

Mrs Isabelle Ioannides
is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute for European Studies, Free University of Brussels (ULB) and a freelance expert consultant and trainer on post-conflict reconstruction and peace building. She holds a PhD in International Relations and Security Studies from the Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK. She specialises and has published widely on EU crisis management and state-building in the Western Balkans. As part of her studies and work, she has lived in Macedonia/FYROM, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and the Palestinian Territories. She has actively participated in bi-communal activities in Cyprus since 1996 and was a member of the Democratic Leadership Programme of the Council of Europe.

Dr. James Ker-Lindsay
is a Senior Research Fellow on the Politics of South East Europe at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science. A specialist on issues relating to conflict, peace and security in the Western Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean, his authored books include Kosovo: The Path to Contested Statehood in the Balkans (2009), Crisis and Conciliation: A Year of Rapprochement between Greece and Turkey (2007), and EU Accession and UN Peacemaking in Cyprus (2005). Additionally, he has published several co-edited volumes, such as The Government and Politics of Cyprus (2009, with Hubert Faustmann), and The Work of the United Nations in Cyprus (2001, with Oliver Richmond). A further co-edited volume, New Perspectives on Yugoslavia (with Dejan Djokic), is due to be published in 2010. He is also the co-editor of The Cyprus Review, a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies and Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, and co-convenor of the British International Studies Association (BISA) Working Group on South East Europe. In addition to his academic work, he has undertaken regular media commentary and analysis, including writing for Jane's Foreign Report and the Economist Intelligence Unit, as well as public and private sector consulting and advising. He also has a practical background in conflict analysis and resolution, having served as the co-ordinator of the Greek-Turkish Forum, a peace support initiative run by the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI), where he was based, and the International Peace Research Institute (PRIO). He holds a BSc (Econ) in Economics and Politics from the University of London and an MA and PhD in International Conflict Analysis from the University of Kent at Canterbury.

Mrs Fiona Mullen [presentation]
has been providing economic analysis and research to an international audience for over 15 years. She has been the economic advisor to the UN in the Cyprus peace negotiations since the preparatory phase began in April 2008 and she served as a UN staff member (P4) from March 2009 to April 2010. She is a former Senior Europe Analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit in London, where she produced political and economic analysis and forecasts on eastern and western Europe. She was the Director of the flagship Economist Intelligence Unit Country Reports until late 2001. She is the EIUā€™s contributor for Cyprus and Bahrain. She was the Senior Analyst from 2002 until 2006 at the Financial Mirror, Cyprusā€™ only financial newspaper and continues to write for the publication. Fiona Mullen has also produced in-depth economic analysis on a wide range of Middle Eastern countries. In 2009 Fiona Mullen was awarded the Stelios Hadjioannou Award for Business Cooperation in Cyprus together with her Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot associates, Praxoula Antoniadou Kyriacou and Ɩzlem Oğuz. The team is known as ā€œThe Three Ladiesā€.

Ɩzdil Nami
is a member of parliament in the Turkish Cypriot Legislative Assembly from the Turkish Republican Party since December 2003. In 2004 he became the first Elected Representative of the Turkish Cypriot Community at the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe. Until 2008 he was also the observer of his party at the Socialist Group of the European Parliament. From 2008 until April 2010 he served as the Special Representative of Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat in charge of UN led negotiations. Before joining political life he was the Chairman of the Turkish Cypriot Businessmen Association as well as an Assembly member of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce in the 1999-2003 period. He served as an advisor to President Denktas for three years between 1996 and 1999. He holds an MBA degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

Prof. Charalambos Papageorgiou
received his PhD from University College London in Political Philosophy. He worked shortly in the financial derivatives industry and in 1991 joined the European University (then ā€œCyprus Collegeā€) Research Centre. Today he heads the Centreā€™s socio-economic and political research department. He participated in many research programmes and published numerous articles and studies. He conducted research for many public organizations, including the Cyprus Central Bank and the Cyprus Exchange and Securities Commission. He was also the presenter of Cyprus Broadcasting Corporationā€™s financial TV programme for six years. He has also worked as part of a team assisting the Altai local government in Siberia in attracting foreign investment. In 2000 he was awarded the ā€œYiannos Kranidiotis Prizeā€ in honour of his research and commentary work.Appointed by the Cabinet, he served on the Board of Directors of Cyta (Cyprus incumbent telecoms provider) from 2000 to 2006. In 2008, he was appointed as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Cyprus for a seven year tenure.