European Forum Cyprus

13 November 2008


Cyprus without water?

One island, one problem and some related challenges

2nd Seminar 2008/2009 of the

European Forum Cyprus

in co-operation with
The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED)

Barcelona, 13 – 16 November 2008

European Institute of the Mediterranean
Address: Carrer de Girona 20, 5th floor
08010 Barcelona
Tel. 0034 93 244 98 50
Subway: Line 2: Tetuan/ Line 1 and 4: Urquinaona

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Afternoon: Arrival of participants in Barcelona

Accommodation at Confortel Auditori
Address: Carrer de Sicilia 166-170
08013 Barcelona
Tel.: 0034 93 243 76 00
Subway: Line 2: Sagrada Familia

20:00: Dinner for experts and participants

Brasserie Flo
Address: Carrer Jonqueres 10
08003 Barcelona, Spain
Tel.: 0034 933 193 102
Subway: Line 2: Tetuan
Line 1 and 4: Urquinaona

Friday, 14 November 2008


Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED)
Sala Noble (2nd floor)

9:00 Opening of the meeting

9:30 The impact of water stress and strategies for coping – the example of Barcelona

Introduction of the theme and moderator: Mr Christos Christophides

10:15 The impact of water stress and strategies for coping – the example of Cyprus (Part 1)

Introduction of the theme and moderator: Mr Uwe Muller

11:00 Coffee break

11:15 Access to water – a Human Right?

Introduction of the theme and moderator: Mrs Claudia Luciani


12:30 Lunch (at Brasserie Flo)

14:30 The impact of water stress and strategies for coping – the example of Cyprus (Part 2)

Introduction of the theme and moderator: Dr Mehmet Çağlar

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 Summing-up of discussions – Project leaders – Mrs Claudia Luciani

18:15 Reception at the IEMED (Entrance Hall)

Saturday, 15 November 2008


Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED)
Sala Annexa (Groundfloor)

9:00 Perspectives of regional climate change and water stress in Cyprus

Introduction of the theme and moderator: Participants


10:15 Coffee break

10:30 Water shortage – an incentive for conflict or for co-operation?

Introduction of the theme and moderator: Participants

11:45 Water shortage in Cyprus – a European perspective

Introduction of the theme and moderator: Participants

12:45 Lunch (at Brasserie Flo)

14:15 Working groups

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 Presentation of results – Discussion

17:00 Wrap-up of discussions by project leaders - End of seminar

Evening free

Sunday, 16 November 2008

10:00 Departure for the airport


Mr Davide Bixio [presentation]
is working since 16 July 2008 with the European Commission as task manager for water projects in the task force implementing the EU aid programme to the Turkish Cypriot community. He trained in environmental engineering, with specialization in water resource engineering, as well as in business administration, and has worked in the water field for 12 years. Before entering the European Commission, Davide Bixio worked with the Belgian wastewater utility Aquafin NV where he held the position of project engineer, then project manager and finally account manager, covering all the aspects of the project cycle. Mr Bixio authored a water reuse manual and chaired the programme committee of the last biennial water reuse conference of the international water association.

Dr David Bondia Garcia
is Professor at the Department of International Law and Economics at the Law Faculty of the University of Barcelona. He is also an expert on international law and international relations. He also functions as Director of the Institute of Human Rights of Catalonia. Dr Bondia is a known Human Rights expert and activist in Spain. He has taught classes on the European Convention on Human Rights at the universities of Sofia, Sarajevo, Mostar and Tuzla. He is founding member of the Mediterranean Network on Human Rights Training and Research.

Mrs Anthi Dionissia Brouma [presentation]
is finalising her doctoral thesis in the field of political geography at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (UK). Her thesis delves into and analysis the topic of Bi-Communal Water Policy Networks in Nicosia, Cyprus. Anthi holds a B.A. in Political Science (International and European Studies)(Athens National University, Greece), a M.A. on the EU and Developing Countries (Panteion University, Greece), as well as a M.Sc. in Development Studies (SOAS, UK). Her research interests include the themes of water governance with an emphasis on policy networks, water policy and discourse analysis of national and transboundary watercourses. Through her research work she has looked into the interaction of geopolitics and security in the context of water resources management in the Mediterranean. In addition to her research, Anthi is a programme officer in the Global Water Partnership-Mediterranean (GWP-Med) working on issues of IWRM and water governance at regional and national level around the Mediterranean, with emphasis on the countries of North Africa and the Middle East.

Dr Marwa Daoudy [presentation]
received her PhD in Political Science from IUHEI in 2003. She was a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania and a post-doctoral researcher at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. She has given lectures and presentations at the University of Geneva, SOAS and King's College in London, IUHEI, and taken part to various international conferences. In parallel to her academic work, she has worked in the field of international commercial negotiations for a private telecommunications company. She is currently an affiliated researcher at the Centre for International Studies and Research in Paris (Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, CNRS). Her research interests are non-traditional security studies, water conflict, and negotiation analysis, with a special focus on the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Middle East peace negotiations. Her classes and seminars introduce undergraduate and postgraduate students to Water Conflict, Security and Cooperation, International Negotiation, Issues of Power and Identity in the Arab Middle East, Political Science and the Study of International Relations (IUHEI), and Islam in World Politics (Université Libre de Bruxelles). Dr Daoudy has completed a book "The Water Divide between Syria, Turkey and Iraq, Negotiation, Security and Power Asymmetry" which was published by CNRS Editions (Paris), 2005. Her book was awarded a prize by the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques of the Institut de France (Prix Ernest Lémonon 2005). Her study on Syria and the Peace Negotiations with Israel was published by Les Etudes du CERI (Sciences Po-CNRS, 2005). She has recently carried out consultancy work for the Expert Group on Development Issues of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and completed a book on “Transboundary Water Cooperation as a Tool for Conflict Prevention and Broader Benefit-Sharing”.

Mr Iacovos Iacovides [presentation]
was born in 1943; he has a B.Sc. in Hydrology at University of Arizona, 1966 and a M.Sc. in Water Resources at Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1976. Appointed as Hydrologist at Water Development Department (WDD), on 1966, Senior Hydrogeologist, Head of Hydrology Division at WDD since 1982 and Chief Water Engineer at WDD in 2000. Since 2002 he established I.A.CO Environmental and Water Resources Consultants Ltd. I.A.CO Ltd is specialising in the provision of studies and consulting services in the sectors of environment protection and management, water development and management, in the planning and the technical support of environmental protection works as well as in hydrologic/hydrogeologic and hydraulic analyses and designs that are related to water development works and other construction works. Mr Iacovides is a Water Resources Consultant with specialization in the evaluation of the water resources of aquifers and their exploitation and management; groundwater and rainfall-runoff modelling; optimisation of conjunctive use of multiple sources and their operation; water resources evaluation for master plans and feasibility studies; groundwater artificial recharge, flood studies and reservoir operation studies; use of environmental isotopes in hydrogeology; selection of drilling sites, execution and analysis of pumping tests, well design; setting up of hydrological surveys and processing of hydrologic data; surface and groundwater environmental and pollution studies. He was the WDD-FAO National Project Coordinator, Member of a USAID Evaluation Team for Strategic Objectives in Jordan, worked as consultant / advisor with UNEP, FAO, PAP/RAC, UNESCO, private consultancy companies in Arab Emirates, Libya, Egypt, Greece, Syria, Jordan for short missions. He has published more than 150 Departmental and consultancy reports, contributions to conference and workshop proceedings and journals totalling more than 6000 pages. He has attended more than 60 international conferences and workshops as invited speaker in most of them.

Professor Manfred Lange [presentation]
received a PhD in Geophysics from the University of Kiel, Germany in 1980 after spending one year as graduate student at the Californian Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, USA (CalTech). After a two-year post-doctoral fellowship at CalTech, where he was involved in high-pressure geophysical and planetary sciences (impact cratering) research, he held a position as staff scientist/glaciologist at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Bremerhaven, Germany. During the last two years of his tenure at the AWI, he was the Director of the German Global Change Secretariat, an institution under the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology. From 1992 to 1995, he was the Director of the Arctic Centre at the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi, Finland, where he started various initiatives related to global change impact research in the European Arctic. Between 1995 and 2007, Manfred Lange was appointed full professor in Geophysics and was the Director of the Institute for Geophysics at the University of Münster, Germany. Since 1998, he was also the Director of the Center for Environmental Research (CER). The CER is a central institute at the University of Münster and is involved in the initiation, coordination and execution of interdisciplinary research projects. Manfred Lange has been coordinator of numerous projects under the Fourth and Fifth Framework Programme of the European Union and the European Science Foundation and coordinates various nationally funded research projects. In 2003, he spent six months as a guest scientist at the Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas in Heraklion, Greece. Since September 2007, he is the founding Director of the Energy, Environment and Water Research Centre of the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia, Cyprus. His main research interests centre around the assessment of climate change impacts through integrated assessment (models) and the specification of possible mitigation and adaptation strategies with a particular focus on natural resources and ecosystem services (e.g., energy and water). In addition, he maintains his involvement in physical glaciology related to the fate of the cryosphere under conditions of climate change and to a lesser degree in planetary sciences with specific emphasis on impact catering processes.

Mrs Serap Öztürk [presentation]
graduated in 1976 at the faculty of Civil Engineering at the "Middle Eastern Technical University" in Ankara. She has an experience of more than 30 years of work in the sector of public water management in the North of Cyprus, where she was responsible for the overall planning of water supply. During her career, she completed studies in Italy and Germany with scholarships granted by the governments of these countries. In recent years she has also worked with the European Commission on the implementation of water projects for the Turkish Cypriot community. In addition she has been a resource person for international experts working on the water question in Cyprus. Mrs Öztürk retired recently from the public service. She is now an independent expert.

Mrs Esther Suarez Albi
graduated as an industrial engineer from the Polytechnic University of Catalunya. She also holds a Master Degree in Water Administration from the same University. Since 2003 she is working in the municipality of Barcelona as engineer in the Unit for water supply, distribution and waste water management. She has participated as an expert in several European and international conferences on water issues.


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