Key documents



. Recommendation Rec (2004)11 on legal,

  operational and technical standards for


. E-voting handbook - implementation of

  e-enabled elections

. Guidelines on certification of e-voting


. Guidelines on transparency of e-enabled


. Reports of biennial Reviews 2008 and


. Council of Europe studies on e-voting

. National developments on e-voting



. Recommendation (2009)1 on

  e-democracy and Explanatory


  (PdF version   -  Word version)

. Practical tools to Rec(2009)1

. Glossary of technical terms in the field

  of electronic democracy


Internet governance

. Recommendation (2004)15 and

  explanatory memorandum



Texts submitted by the Council of Europe


. IGF 2010

. IGF 2009

. IGF 2008

. WSIS 2005

. WSIS 2003


Internet literacy

Internet literacy handbook








Useful external links


. E-voting

. E-democracy

. Internet governance

. Internet literacy

. Media & elections


Integrated Project 1
Projet Intégré 1

    Making democratic institutions work
    Les institutions démocratiques en action

Resolution 1121 (1997) Instruments of citizen participation in representative democracy, Parliamentary Assembly

Participation of immigrants and foreign residents in political life in the Council of Europe member states (2000), Parliamentary Assembly, Doc. 8916

    Citizen's commitment to the political process : extract of minutes of the meeting on 10 December 1999 in Paris, Parliamentary Assembly. Committee on Parliamentary and Public Relations. Sub-Committee on Participatory Democracy. Meeting (19991210 : Paris) AS/PARL/DEM (2000)1

    Draft final activity report on the financing of political parties by the Project group "Human rights and genuine democracy" (CAHDD), CM(96)12, and relevant Committee of Ministers decisions, (2000), Council of Europe, Directorate General of Legal Affairs. Multidisciplinary Group on Corruption (GMC), 17 pages, GMC(2000)9

    Preliminary draft guidelines for the promotion of citizens' participation in local public life, Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR), (2000), 15 pages
    CDLR (2000)22

    “Toward a greater participatory democracy: report”, (1999), 10 pages, Marosi Zoltan, rapp., CDCC, CEYA/DOC.2

    Instruments of citizen participation in representative democracy (1997), Doc. 7781
    Conference on the Development of the Democratic Institutions in Europe

    The example of Charleroi (Belgium) : going ahead with participation social citizenship
    Standing Conference Of Local And Regional Authorities Of Europe (1994), 40 pages CLRAE , CGP(94)5

    Participation et partenariat : comment former les adultes à une participation active et responsable (1994) , CDCC, Gelpi, E., DECS/AE (94)4

    Participation and Democratic Oversight, Scacchi, D (1991), 8 pages, CLRAE

    Workshop IV : challenges to democracy : the weight of inadequate economic structures
    Strasbourg Conference On Parliamentary Democracy (1991), 11 pages

    Workshop IV : challenges to democracy : the weight of inadequate economic structures
    Strasbourg Conference On Parliamentary Democracy (1991), SXB.CONF(III)25

    Increasing the influence of individuals, (1981), 14 pages, Gottschalk, G., Seminar : Social balance in towns (Norrköping)

    Conditions of local democracy and citizen participation in Europe (1978), 54 pages, CDLR
    Council of Europe, COE.L.1.1/015

    Study of the problems of parliamentary democracy (1978), Parliamentary Assembly

    Symposium on the Role of Political Parties in the Development of Parliamentary Democracy (1978), Document 4178


    Seminar on participatory democracy in central and eastern Europe today : challenges and perspectives (1998), ISBN 92-871-3551-7

    Legal instruments

    Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (ETS N° 157) (1995) (Article 15), adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 10 November 1994
    ETS No157 / 01 February 1995

    European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ETS 148), (1992)

    Adopted texts

    Recommendation 1492 (2000) Rights of national minorities, Parliamentary Assembly
    REC 1492 (2001)

    Recommendation 43 (1998) on territorial autonomy and national minorities of the CLRAE
    Committee of Ministers.

    Resolution 65 (1998) territorial autonomy and national minorities
    , CLRAE

    Recommendation 11 (1995) on "Towards a Tolerant Europe: the contribution of Roma (Gypsies)", CLRAE

    Recommendation 1277 (1995) on migrants, ethnic minorities and media, Parliamentary Assembly, REC 1277 (1995)

    Resolution 249 (1993) on Gypsies in Europe : the role and responsibility of local and regional authorities, Standing Conference of Local And Regional Authorities of Europe, CLRAE

    Resolution 93 (1977) on the extension of civil and political rights to immigrants, CLRAE

    Resolution 85 (1976) on the measures to be taken to assist migrant workers concerning housing,schooling of their children and civil and political rights, CLRAE


    The participation of foreign residents in public life at local level, consultative bodies" - preliminary draft explanatory memorandum : conclusions of the hearing of Stuttgart (Germany), 14 December 2001, 19 pages, CPL/CULT(8)11REV

    Right of national minorities to create and use their own media in the Council of Europe member states: Motion for a Recommendation (2001), Parliamentary Assembly
    DOC. 9151

    Conference on diversity and cohesion : new challenges for the integration of immigrants and minorites – Actes, Namur, 2000, 91 pages
    Resolution 93 (1977) on the extension of civil and political rights to immigrants

    Resolution 85 (1976) on the measures to be taken to assist migrant workers concerning housing,schooling of their children and civil and political rights
    Link to file "CDMG _2000_ 35e Proceedings Conf Namur3.pdf"

    Study on the participation of minorities in decision-making processes (1999), CDLR

    Migrants and minorities in the community : a challenge for local and regional government and training organisations, (1997) 143 pages Conseil de l'Europe, Y.323.15 MIG

    Local self-government, territorial integrity and protection of minorities (1997)
    Collection  "Science and technique of democracy" No. 16

Recommendation 1430(1999), on access to information, public participation in environmental decision-making and access to justice - implementation of the Århus Convention, Parliamentary Assembly

Access to information, public participation in environmental decision-making and access to justice (1999)- implementation of the Århus Convention, DOC. 8565

Proceedings of the Seminar “Equality between women and men in the political decision-making process” organised by the Finnish Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (Helsinki, 11 March 1997), EG (97) 2, CDEG

    3.3 Media and elections

    Legal instruments

European Convention on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional access (2000) 

European Convention on Transfrontier Television (1989) with the amending protocol (1998)

European Convention relating to questions on copyright law and neighbouring rights in the framework of transfrontier broadcasting by satellite (1994)

European Agreement for the Prevention of Broadcasts transmitted from Stations outside National Territories (1965)

European Agreement on the Protection of Television Broadcasts (1960)

European Agreement concerning Programme Exchanges by means of Television Films (1958)

    Adopted texts

    Recommendation (1999) 15 on measures concerning media coverage of election campaigns, Committee of Ministers Rec (99) 15

    Recommendation 1077 (1988) Access to transfrontier audiovisual media during election campaigns- Doc 5766 et 5866 (Guerra, E, Coalition populaire), Parliamentary Assembly, Rec 1077 (1988)

    Resolution 900 (1988) Access to the audiovisual media during election campaigns - Res 900 (1988), Docs 5766, 5866, Parliamentary Assembly


    Right of national minorities to create and use their own media in the Council of Europe member states (2001), Boriss CILEVICS (Lithuania, SOC), Parliamentary Assembly
    Doc. 9151
    (Motion for a Recommendation)

    Freedom of expression and information in the media in Europe (2001), Parliamentary Assembly Doc. 9213 (Reply)

    Media education (2000) , Tytti ISOHOOKANA-ASUNMAA (Finland, LDR), Parliamentary Assembly, Doc. 8753 (Report)

    Media and democratic culture (1999) , Josef JARAB (Czech Republic, EPP/CD, Parliamentary Assembly , Doc. 8355 (Report)

    Image of women in the media (1998), Elena POPTODOROVA (Bulgaria, SOC) Parliamentary Assembly , Doc. 8230 (Motion for a Recommendation)

    Role of the media in education for democracy and in the promotion of humanism and tolerance (1998), Josef JARAB (Czech Republic, EPP/CD), Parliamentary Assembly
    Doc. 8031
    (Motion for a Recommendation)

    Media variety (1997), Parliamentary Assembly
    Doc. 7953
    (Motion for an Order)

    Parliaments and media (1997), Sören LEKBERG (Sweden, SOC), Parliamentary Assembly
    Doc. 7905

    Minors and the media (1997), Parliamentary Assembly
    Doc. 7859
    (Motion for a Recommendation)

    Migrants, ethnic minorities and media (1995), Narcis VÁZQUEZ (Spain, UEL), Parliamentary Assembly, Doc. 7322 (Report) ;

    Doc. 7496 (Communication) Reply to Recommendation 1277 (1995) on migrants, ethnic minorities and media, Parliamentary Assembly,

    Call for greater pressure on governments who violate freedom of expression in the media
    (2001), Parliamentary Assembly

Council of Europe activities in the media field (March 2000) / DH-MM (2000) 1

ms-word (EN)

Co-operation and Assistance programmes in the media field for Central & Eastern European Countries / DH-MM (2001) 5

ms-word (EN)

Report on media pluralism in the digital environment, released 20 October 2000 

ms-word (EN) 

Conference on freedom of expression and the right to privacy, Strasbourg 23 September 1999 / DH-MM (2000) 7

ms-word (EN)

Universal community service: Access for all to internet services at community level - general report from a conference in Malta, 2-3 November 1999 / DH-MM (2000) 8

ms-word (EN)

Case-law concerning Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (updated once a year) / DH-MM (2000) 6

ms-word (EN)

Pluralism in the multi-channel market: suggestions for regulatory scrutiny, by Mr Chris Marsden (October 1999)

ms-word (EN)

European Ministerial Conferences on mass media policy: Texts adopted / DH-MM (2000) 4

ms-word (EN)

The protection of neighbouring rights of broadcasting organisations in the digital environment,  by Ms Natali Helberger (October 1999)

ms-word  (EN)

Media and elections - Handbook (1999) (59 pages)

Media and democracy (1998), Jakubowicz, 176 pages

Proceedings of the information seminar on self-regulation by the media (Strasbourg, 7-8 October 1998) / DH-MM (99) 7

ms-word (EN)


    3.4 E-voting

    Recommendation Rec (2004)11 of the Committee of Ministers to member states
    on legal, operational and technical standards for e-voting

1 The texts before 1994 are not available on the internet.