Contact Parliamentarians

Contact Parliamentarians and Actions by country

List of Contact Parliamentarians involved in the parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe campaign to combat Violence against Women, including Domestic Violence (2006 – 2008) appointed by national parliaments

To find a list of high-level officials and focal points appointed by governments of member states involved in the Council of Europe Campaign to Combat Violence against Women, including Domestic Violence

This page has not been updated since 30 June 2008

Contact Parliamentarian
Assembly of the Republic of Albania
Bulevardi Deshmoret e Kombit nr. 4
AL- Tirana
Tel: +355 4 237413
Fax: +355 4 227949
25 November 2007: The speaker of the Parliament Ms Jozefina COBA TOPALLI took part to a TV spot on national television to promote the campaign of the Council of Europe. She initiated a SMS-campaign to send the motto of the campaign to each Albanian citizen.
Inauguration of a sub-committee inside the parliament of male parliamentarians involved against domestic violence.
Documents and publications
Translation of the handbook for parliamentarians and the Campaign material in Albanese

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Maria Pilar RIBA FONT
Casa de la Vall
AD Andorra la Vella
Tel: +376 877 877
Fax: +376 869 863

May 2008: conferences in educational centres for baccalauréat with the participation of M Sanmartin, director of the Centre Reina Sofia, Valencia (Spain) on domestic violence

April 2008: Publication of the results on the analyses on domestic violence (defining profiles of perpetrators)

January - February 2008: Meetings with experts to assess the current criminal code of Andorra and to suggest modification in accordance to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Res 1582)

13 December 2007: The parliamentary working group on the Council of Europe Campaign, which unites essentially women, invited male parliamentarian to join the initiative of the Parliamentary Assembly “Men Get Involved to Combat Domestic Violence”. 4 male parliamentarians joined the initiative.

14 November 2007: Conference by Ms Carman NAVARRO, Professor of Legal proceedings, on the role of parliamentarians, government and local authorities involved in the defence of Women's rights.
TV Spot of the Council of Europe is aired on ATV (Télévision nationale d'Andorre).

1 October 2007: Inauguration of the itinerary exhibition about Domestic Violence. (October 2007 - March 2008)

19 April 2007: Press conference by the the vice-speaker of the Parliament and Ms Ferrer Obiol, Contact Parliamentarian for Andorra about the campaign of the Council of Europe: translation into Catalonian of the  campaign material, consultation with the regional bodies and the NGOs.

24 November 2006: Presentation of a Manifesto against Domestic Violence by the President of the Parliament of Andorra, in the presence of all members of Parliament and Government. (French only)

Documents and publications

National Law - 2007

Translation of the Campaign material into Catalan

Contact Parliamentarian
Chair of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Youth of the Parliament
National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
19, M. Baghramyan Ave
AM - 375095 Yerevan
Tel: +3741 52 46 14
Fax: +3741 52 98 26
Documents and publications
National Law - 2007  
Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Gisela WURM
Dr Karl Renner-Ring 3
A - 1017 Wien
Tel: +43 1 401 10
Fax: +43 1 401 10 2537

6 December 2007:
Ms Wurm launched a campaign to collect signatures of male MPs during the plenary session of the National Council. (PDF, in German)

25 November 2007: Vienne supports the campaign against Domestic violence (PDF, in German)

5/7 November 2007: International conference "Stop domestic violence against women - 10 years of Austrian anti-violence legislation in the international context" organised by the Federal Minister for Women, Media and Civil Service and the Federal Minister of the Interior

16 October 2007: Meeting of Regional Grouping E in Vienna

October 2007: Contribution of Ms Wurm to the Magazine published by the Wave Office / European Info Centre against Violence (Fempower n°12) (PDF)

4 December 2006: Official launching of the campaign to combat violence against Women, including domestic violence, in the Austrian Parliament, under the auspices of the Speaker of the Parliament Ms Barbara Prammer.

Documents and publications
National Law - 2007  
Contact Parliamentarian
Milli Mejlis
Parliamentary Ave. 1
AZ - 1152 Baku
Tel: +994 12 439 97 50
Fax: +994 12 493 49 43

11 April 2008: Conference devoted to the CoE Campaign “Stop Domestic Violence Against Women”. The Conference was attended by Mr Akram Abdullayev, MP, Mr Nizami Isgandarov, MP, and Deputy Heads of 24 Regional Police Stations. The meeting was addressed by Ms. Gular Ahmadova, MP, Contact Parliamentarian, Mr Akram Abdullayev, MP, Mr D. Bribosia, CoE Representative in Azerbaijan, Ms. E. Selimovic, Information and Public Relations Department, UN Office in Baku and Dr. Rena Mirzazade, representative of the Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Science of Azerbaijan. The conference was highlighted by local press and TV channels. (Pictures of the event)

February and March 2007: Ms Gular Ahmadova, Contact MP met with Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, and almost the all Chairpersons of the capital's district courts to discuss with domestic violence related issues.

21 December 2006: On 21 December 2006, the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan held its hearing devoted to the Council of Europe Campaign to Combat Violence Against Women, Including Domestic Violence. High level officials of the different ministries, representatives of the international organizations accredited in Baku, NGOs  and mass media also attended this event. The meeting was chaired by Ms Bahar Muradova, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament. She made a short introduction and gave a floor to Ms Gular Ahmadova, liaison MP with the PACE, Ms Elmira Akhundova, member of the PACE Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, Ms Hijran Huseynova, Chairperson of the National Committee on Family, Women and Children Problems, Mr Rustam Usubov, First Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr Vilayat Eyvazov, Deputy Minister of the Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Ms Tamam Jafarova, NGO representative. There were some questions and interventions of MPs regarding the discussed topic. At the end of the meeting parliamentarians adopted a Statement.

Documents and publications

Proposals of Ms Gular Ahmadova to make amendments to the current Criminal Code of the Republic Azerbaijan

Contribution of Ms Gular Ahmadova, Contact Parliamentarian – State of Play in Azerbaijan (2006)

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Miet SMET
Natieplein/Place de la Nation 2
B-1009 Brussels
Email :


Ms Colette BURGEON
Chair of the Committee on Equal Opportunities of the Chamber of Deputies
Place de la Nation/Natieplein 2
B-1008 Brussels


Public hearings at the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies (Report 3-1417)

5 December 2006: Ms Pehlivan, contact parliamentarian of the Belgian Senate and member of the PACE Equality Committee, presented the parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe Campaign to Chairpersons and Members of parliamentary bodies dealing with Gender Equality at the seminar on “the role of parliamentary committees in mainstreaming gender and promoting the status of women” organised by the Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU). She expressed the wish that further co-operation be developed between the Parliamentary Assembly and the IPU, which adopted the Resolution on “how parliaments can and must promote effective ways to combat violence against women in all fields” at its last general assembly in Nairobi in May 2006.

23 November 2006: At the Federal Parliament of Belgium, discussion of a draft resolution during the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. On the same day, press conference given by Ms Burgeon and Ms Pehlivan, Chairs of the Advisory Committee for social emancipation of the Chamber of Deputies and the Advisory Committee on equal opportunities for Women and Men of the Senate respectively.

Documents and publications
National Law - 2007

  Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contact Parliamentarian
 Ms Mirjana MALIC
Trg BiH 1
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: +387 33 284 41733 284 417
Fax: +387 33 233 480

June 2008:
Presentation and promotion of the “National strategy for the prevention and combating domestic violence against women, regarding the gender, violation and sexual violation”

7 March 2008: the Ceremonial Session of the Committee on Gender Equality of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH was held, where the significance of the International Woman’s Day was indicated and also continuation of the fight for implementing women rights, including combating domestic violence against women. Also, a donor action implements in the Parliament, in which Members of the Parliament and civil servants participate in order to raise funds for the work of one of the Safe Shelters

30 November 2007: Council of Europe exhibition «Stop Domestic Violence Against Women« and presentation of the BiH campaign under the slogan «Choose brighter side of the life. Mr Vinko Zorić, Chair of the Commission for Gender Equality of the House of Representatives of the BiH PA addressed the media inviting them to look exhibition and to recognise that these human rights violations happen everywhere.

14 September 2006: Recommendation 26 UN (CEDAW) of the Committee for elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, referring to the women violation, is incorporated in the Gender Action Plan of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Documents and publications
The Government of the Republika Srpska adopted the Action Plan for combating domestic violence in Republika Srpska in 2008 – 2009 (Decision on the adoption is published in the “Official Gazette of Republika Srpska”, No: 58/07).

The Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Resolution on Combating Domestic Violence Against Women (“Official Gazette” , No 15/08)

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
National Assembly
No 1 Place Narodno Sobranye
BG - 1163 Sofia

29 November 2007:
Meeting of Regional Grouping D in Sofia

8 December 2006: Ceremony in the Plenary Hall was held and a Declaration adopted in support of the COE campaign 'Parliaments united in combating Domestic Violence against Women" 2006-2008. Representatives of diplomatic missions and international organisations have been invited to attend the sitting. The Ombudsman, the Minister for Labour and Social Policy, representatives from government institutions took part in the ceremony.
This event marked the formal opening of the national campaign in relation with the initiative of the COE.
A press conference was held in the National Assembly after the sitting to announce the adoption of a Declaration in Plenary earlier the same day. Bulgarian parliamentarians of various parliamentary groups were present and answered the questions of the media.

24 November 2006: Press conference in the National Assembly to announce the launch of the campaign. Representatives of all parliamentary groups were present and answered the questions of the media.

Documents and publications

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian

15 March 2007:
Public presentation of the national campaign to prevent gender-based Violence and the Council of Europe Campaign by Ms Gordana Sobol, Chair of the Gender Equality Committee of the Croatian Parliament, in the presence of Members of the Croatian Parliament, diplomats, representatives of international institutions, ministries, governmental bureaux, offices of the City of Zagreb and non-governmental organisations.

9-10 March 2007: Participation of Ms Ms Gordana Sobol, Chair of the Gender Equality Committee and other members of the Equality Committee of the Croatian Parliament to the Council of Europe regional seminar on “men’s active participation in combating domestic violence”.

24 November 2006: At 12pm, the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament halted deliberations for several minutes to symbolically join all Parliaments of Council of Europe member states.
The members of the Croatian Parliament called on all relevant governmental institutions to consistently implement all enacted legislation, strategies and protocol that pertain to combating domestic violence against women.
The Croatian Parliament will organise, through its relevant committees, a series of deliberations with the objective of assessing and improving the effectiveness of legislative and other measures in combating domestic violence against women in the Republic of Croatia.

23 November 2006: The gender equality committee organised a round table on the topic of combating sexual Violence against Women.

Documents and publications

National Law - 2007


Contact Parliamentarian
House of Representatives
P.O. Box 21885
CY 1514 Nicosia
Tel: +357 22407249
Fax: +357 22346828

Mrs Papadopoulos, Member of PACE launch the initiative “real men are not practicing violence against women” more than 200 eponymous men (Ministers, Deputies, Chairmen of Administrative Councils, high-ranking executives of organisms, political parties and organizations etc) have already signed.

13 March 2008:
Mrs. Sotiroulla Charalambous, contact parliamentarian, was appointed by the President of the Republic, as Minister of Labour and Social Insurance

5 June 2007: the Chairwoman of the House Standing Committee on Equal Opportunities between Men and Women, and Contact Parliamentarian, Mrs. Sotiroulla Charalambous, MP, participated in a Joint meeting for the Contact Parliamentarians and the national focal points, which was held in Strasbourg. During this meeting Mrs. Charalambous, delivered a speech on the issue of “Multi – Agency co- operation to combat violence against women (The Parliamentary Perspective). The national focal point, Advisory Committee for the Prevention and Combating of Domestic Violence, also participated in this meeting.

8 March 2007: On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Speaker of the Parliament Mr Demetris Christofias and all political party leaders delivered speeches, during the Plenary Session of the House, related to this Day and on the issue of Violence against Women. Officials, including the Minister of Justice and Public Order and representatives of Women’s Organizations, were invited to attend this Plenary Session.

1 March 2007: The House of Representatives organised a public event on the premises of the House of Representatives entitled “No to Violence against Women”. At the opening of this event, the President of the House delivered a speech on the Council of Europe’s Campaign, and referred to specific proposals on ways and means to combat this phenomenon. A speech was also delivered by the Minister of Justice and Public Order of the Republic, Mr Sofoclis Sofocleous. During the event, a film was shown on Violence against Women and Campaign material prepared by the Council of Europe, translated into Greek, was distributed to everybody who attended. This event was connected to International Women’s Day. It was well attended by Members of Parliament, representatives of the government and governmental institutions, representatives of political parties, NGOs and citizens and enjoyed large media coverage. (more...)

7 February 2007: The House Standing Committee on Equal Opportunities between Men and Women organised an exchange of views on a plan of action by the House in keeping with the criteria of the Council of Europe Campaign. The Committee decided to organize 1) a public event on 1 March entitled “No to Violence against Women” and 2) a meeting on the occasion of International Women’s Day in the plenary session of the House, with statements delivered by the President of the House of Representatives and all political party leaders. The President of the House immediately approved and supported the decisions taken by the Committee.

24 November 2006: The President of the House, Mr Demetris Christofias, chaired a special meeting attended by Ms Sotiroulla Charalambous, Chairwoman of the House Standing Committee on Equal Opportunities between Men and Women, the Minister of Labour and Social Insurance, the Minister of Justice and Public Order and Representatives of Women Organisations. During the meeting there was a thorough exchange of views on relevant problems and also on further action that needed to be undertaken to combat Violence against Women.

23 November 2006: The Council of Europe Campaign was launched by the House of Representatives. Mr Demetris Christofias, President of the House of Representatives, delivered a speech in the Plenary Session of the House on that occasion.

Documents and publications

National Law - 2007

Contribution of the Contact Parliamentarian, State of play in Cyprus (2006)

Czech Republic
Contact Parliamentarian
Chamber of Deputies
Poslanecká Snemovna Parlamentu
Snemovni 4
Praha 1 CZ - 118 26
Tel: (42 02) 5717 1111 (switchboard)

21 November 2007:
International Conference in the Chamber of Deputies "What will happen then?-When the dissolution of partnership doesn't mean the end of domestic violence". (PDF, in Czech)

7 March 2007: Press Conference in the Chamber of Depuites on the occasion of the International Woman's Day.

27 December 2006: Press conference in the Chamber of the Deputies "Human Rights=Women'sReights" on the occasion of the Human Rights Day.

5 December 2006: Mr Miloslav Vlček, President of the Chamber of Deputies, together with Ms. Anna Curdova took part at a press conference on the 5 December to inform Czech media about the launching of the campaign to fight domestic violence.
Ms. Anna Curdova presented the issue of domestic violence and the aims of the Campaign in a TV programme (daily TV show focused on Women).  The resolution adopted by the Standing committee on 17 November in San Marino will be discussed in the Parliament early next year.

Documents and publications

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Christiansborg Slot
Copenhagen DK - 1240
Tel: (45.33) 37 55 00 (switchboard)
Fax: (45.33) 32 85 36 (general)

2 March 2007: Parliamentary Hearing in the Danish Parliament

Documents and publications

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Mailis REPS
Lossi plats 1A
EE-15165 Tallinn
Tel: +372 631 6628
Documents and publications
Contact Parliamentarian
FI-00102 Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 432 3176

8 April 2008:
Conference on domestic violence at the Parliament of Finland, opening address by the President of the Republic Tarja Halonen (PDF, finnish version/english version) (more...)

6 November 2007: Employment and Equality committee of the Finnish parliament organised an expert hearing

10 October 2007: Meeting of Regional Grouping A in Helsinki

1 November 2006: Presentation of the upcoming Council of Europe Campaign to combat Violence against Women, including domestic violence, by Ms Cliveti, Chair of the Committee on Equal Opportunities of Women and Men of the Parliamentary Assembly, at the Meeting of the Network of Parliamentary Committees for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in Parliaments of the EU Member States and the European Parliament (NCEO), organised by the Finnish EU Presidency

Documents and publications
National Law - 2007
Contact Parliamentarian
Sénat Sénat, Palais du Luxembourg
15, rue de Vaugirard
F-75291 Paris CEDEX 06
Tel: +33 1 42 34 20 00
Fax: +33 1 42 34 26 77

Ms Claude GREFF
Assemblée nationale
Palais Bourbon
F-75355 Paris CEDEX 07 SP
Tel: +33 1 40 63 60 00
Fax: +33 1 45 55 75 23

24 June 2008: Photo exhibition ‘Break the silence on domestic violence’ to open at the French Senate. (more...)

15 May 2008: Colloquy at the Parliament on Combating domestic violence against women: a challenge for social development (more...)

28 November 2007: Meeting of Regional Grouping B in Paris

18 to 21 October 2007: the Delegation for the rights of women visited shelters in the ultramarine district of La Réunion. The Delegation was especially interested in the experiment of providing shelters by hosting families and the existence of group of talk formed by violent men.

18 December 2007: Theatre play "L'autre guerre" in Dammarie-les-Lys followed by a debate, organised by Mr Jean-Claude Mignon, chief of the French Delegation to the PACE Programme of the event in Dammarie-lès-Lys (PDF, in French only)
Press release "Le théâtre pour sensibiliser les acteurs de terrain aux violences faites aux femmes" (PDF, in French only)

Documents and publications
Web Blog of Mr Branger (french)

Action Plan against domestic violence - November 2007

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Member of the Georgian Parliament
8, Rustaveli Avenue
GE-0118 Tbilisi


Documents and publications
Contact Parliamentarian
Deutscher Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1
D-Berlin 11011
Tel: +49 (30) 227 32 830
Fax: +49 (30) 227 36 123

7 March 2008: the Bundestag held a plenary debate on the 6th Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on CEDAW.
Documents and publications
National Law - 2007

Handbook for Parliamentarians in German
Contact Parliamentarian
Chairwoman of the Committee on Equality of the Parliament
Patriarchou Grigoriou Z
62125 Serres
Tel: +30 23210 99880
Documents and publications

Speech of the chairperson for equality and Human Rights of the Greek Parliament on “Measures Combating Domestic Violence Adopted by Greece”, Ms Maria Kollia Tsaroucha, 2006

Contribution of the Contact Parliamentarian – 2006, State of play in Greece

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
National Assembly
Képviselői Irodaház
Széchenyi rakpart 19
Budapest HU - 1358
Tel: +361 441 00 00

1 April 2008:
The closing conference of the campaign "Stop domestic violence against women"

March 2008: Conference on domestic violence

Documents and publications
National Law - 2007
Contact Parliamentarian
Mr Steingrímur J. SIGFÚSSON
Member of Parliament
Is- 150 Reykjavik
Tel: +354 5630 500

8 March 2008: Mr Steingrimur Sigfusson, chairman of the Committee on Equal Opportunity for Women and Men and Contact Parliamentarian for Iceland,  signed a newspaper article on the parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe Campaign to celebrate the International Women's Day.. (PDF, in Icelandic)
Documents and publications
Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Kathleen LYNCH
Farrancleary House,
5, Assumption Road
IR-Blackpool - Cork
Tel: +353 (021) 4399930;
Fax: +353 (021) 4304358

17 January 2007:
The Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights (of which the Contact Parliamentarian Ms. Kathleen Lynch is a member) will mark the 'Parliamentary Day of Action' by inviting domestic violence groups from around Ireland to a public meeting of the Committee to make presentations.
Documents and publications
National Law - 2007
Contact Parliamentarian
Chair of the Committee of Equal Opportunities of the Chamber of Deputiess
Camera dei Deputati
Palazzo Montecitorio
I- 00186 Roma
Tel: +39 06 6760 3271
Fax: +39 06 6796 116

23 November 2006:
Parliamentary day against gender-based Violence organised by the Chamber of Deputies Program of the day
Documents and publications
National Law - 2007
Contact Parliamentarian
Documents and publications
Contact Parliamentarian
M. Gebhard NEGELE
Landtag Kirchgasse
LI 10 Vaduz 9490
Tel: +423 236 65 70
Fax: +423 236 65 80

19 September 2007:
Ms Renate Wohlwend, Head of the Liechtenstein delegation to the PACE and Mr Gebhard Negele, Contact Parliamentarian, tabled a question on the issue of domestic violence to the government at the next session of the parliament (19-21 September 2007) [press release]
Answer by the Minister on 18 March 2008 (PDF, in German)

24 November 2006:
Poster campaign organised by the Women's House of Liechtenstein, in co-operation with the Parliament of Liechtenstein
Documents and publications

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Marija Ausrine PAVILIONIENĖ
Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
Gedimino ave. 53
LT Vilnius
Tel: +370 5 239 66 40

28 October 2007:
Conference "Stop Domestic Violence" at the Parliament of Lithuania (PDF)

28 June 2007: Ms Marija Aušrinė Pavilionienė, Contact Parliamentarian, introduced a law proposal on the family violencee. Discussions in the parliament are due to be held during the spring 2008 session.

24 November 2006: Lithuanian parliament had a special session under the slogan "stop Violence against Women" and adopted a
resolution. (PDF, in Lithuanian). The Speaker Viktoras Muntianas hold the opening address.  followed by Ms Marija Ausrine Pavilioniene, contact parliamentarian for Lithuania and Ambassador of Sweden J.E. Malin Karre. (PDF, in Lithuanian)

Documents and publications

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Lydie ERR
Chambre des Députés
9 rue du Saint-Esprit
LU Luxembourg 1475
Tel: +352 466 966 1
Fax: +352 220 230

19 March 2008: Members of the Parliament Ms Lydie Err, Ms Claudia Dall’Agnol, Mr Marc Angel and Mr John Castegnaro tabled the draft law no 5857 on prostitution (annex PPL5857)

13 March 2007: Ms Lydie Err, Contact Parliamentarian, tabled the draft law no 5701 to modify the law of 15 November 1978 on sexual education, prevention of clandestine abortion and the regulation on legal interruption of pregnancy (annex PPL5701)

23 November 2006:: adoption of a resolution

Documents and publications

Contribution of the Contact Parliamentarian, 2006, State of Play in Luxembourg

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
House of Representatives of Malta
The Palace
Tel: +356 25 59 60 00
Fax: +356 25 59 64 00

25 November 2007:
A Malta White Ribbon Campaign was launched by the Commission on Domestic Violence and the Foundation for Social Welfare Services where white ribbons were distributed to parliamentarians entering Parliament
Documents and publications

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian

Secretary of the Committee for Social Protection, Health and Family


9 November 2007:
Concert of the National Philharmonic Orchestra and young artists to commemorate the Action Day activity on Stop Domestic Violence against Women organised by IOCE

22 November 2006: OSCE Mission hold a conference to announce the campaign against gender Violence in Moldova, Press release,

Documents and publications

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Catherine FAUTRIER
President of the Committee on Women’s rights and Family Affairs of the National Council of Monaco
Conseil National de la Principauté de Monaco
12, Rue Colonel Bellando de Castro
MC 98000 Monaco
Tel: + 377 93 30 41 15
Fax: + 377 93 25 31 90

30 April 2008:
Allocution by Ms Catherine FAUTRIER at the Final Conference in Vienna (in French)

7 March 2008: Speech by Speaker Stéphane VALERI to celebrate the International Women's Day (in French)

14 December 2007: Draft Law n°190 on the fight against domestic violence (Doc, in French). The Law should be adopted by the end of the COE campaign.

25 November 2007: Celebration of the International Day against domestic violence (in French)

10 May 2007: Working group of the field operators fighting domestic violence

8 March 2007: Speech by Speaker Stéphane VALERI to celebrate the International Women's Day (in French)

24 November 2006: Adoption of a Solemn declaration against domestic violence by the Committee for Women and family rights of the National Council (in French)

11 December 2006: Vote of the National Council high Assembly during a public session, for the adoption of a solemn declaration against domestic violence. Speech « Violences Domestiques » by Ms Catherine FAUTRIER (in French)

Documents and publications

Contribution of the Contact Parliamentarian, 2006, State of Play in Monaco (in French)

Synthesis of the actions lead by par Monaco (in French)

The Netherlands
Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Marleen de Pater – van der Meer
Tweede Kamer
Postbus 20018
NL-2500 EA Den Haag

21-22 February 2007: the 1st Regional Seminar occurred in The Hague, Netherlands
Documents and publications
National Law - 2007
Contact Parliamentarian

Karl Johans Gate 22
Oslo 1 NO - 0026
Tel: +47 (23) 31 30 50
Fax: +47 (23) 31 38 50


24 November 2006:
Ceremony on domestic violence at the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget)
Documents and publications
"Mannspanelet” (headed by Arild Stokkan-Grande, parliamentarian)

Action Plan to combat human trafficking 2006-2009 (PDF)

Action Plan to combat domestic violence 2004-2007

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Mirosława NYKIEL
ul. Wiejska 4/6/8
Warszawa PL - 00-902
Tel/Fax: 014 627 6817

9 November 2007:
Theater play "The love that detroyed..." performed by the women prisoners from the prison in Lubliniec followed by seminar organised by the Information Office of the Council of Europe and Center for Women’s Rights Foundation at Teatr Terapeutyczny

21 February 2007: Organisation of a special debate in the Senate on the situation of Women in Poland, devoted partly to the issue of domestic violence against women, at the initiative of Ms Urszula Gacek, Contact Parliamentarian, in the presence of the Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

Documents and publications
Translation of the handbook for parliamentarians and the Campaign material in Polish

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Assembleia da República
Palácio de S. Bento
Lisboa cedex 1249-068
Tel: +351 213919000/11606
Fax: +351 213917440
Website of Mr Mendes Bota dedicated to the campaign (in Portuguese)

June 2008: Formal parliamentary session to close the Campaign (launch of a publication containing the formal commitments approved by the Assembly of the Republic, speeches during the plenary sessions, public hearings and regional conferences)

12 May 2008: 4th Regional Conference "Parliaments United in Combating Violence Against Women" in Santarem

4 April 2008: 3rd Regional Conference "Parliaments United in Combating Violence Against Women" in the Autonomous Region of the Azores

6 December 2007: Updated list of the 11 seminars organised by Mr Mendes Bota all around Portugal in the framework of the 16 Days of Activism. (PDF, in Portuguese only)

25 November 2007: Mr Mendes Bota sent a letter to all Portuguese male Members of the Parliament to create a network of male parliamentarians involved against domestic violence (PDF, in Portuguese only)

24 November 2007: list of the 11 seminars organised by Mr Mendes Bota all around Portugal in the framework of the 16 Days of Activism. (PDF, in Portuguese only)

12 November 2007: Second Regional Conference “Parliaments United in Combating Domestic Violence Against Women” in Algarve

12 October 2007: Press article published by Café after the adoption of the Mendes Bota Report on 5 October 2007 (In French)

27 July 2007: Intervention of Mr José Mendes Bota, Assembly of the Republic of Portugal, Permanent session.  (in Portuguese only)

5 July 2007: Mr Mendes Bota, Contact Parliamentarian for Portugal and PACE Rapporteur on “Parliaments united in combating domestic violence against Women”: mid-term assessment, participated in a Regional seminar on data collection as a prerequisite for effective policies to combat Violence against Women. (interview) (more ...)

25 June 2007: Study visit of the Multi-partisan Parliamentary Group in Braganca (Press release by Mr Mendes Bota on 26/06/2007, information available on Mr Mendes Bota's website in Portuguese only)

24 April 2007: Public Parliamentary Hearing

12 April 2007: The Portuguese Parliament approves unanimously and by acclamation a Resolution against domestic violence. The Portuguese Parliament unanimously approved a Resolution against domestic violence on 12 April 2007. This decision confirms Portugal's accession to the Council of Europe Campaign and reflects its concern to find solutions (more...)

7 December 2006: Special Debate about the COE Campaign to combat Violence against Women in the Assembleia da Republica of Portugal, and the approval of the Solemn Declaration committing all Portuguese parliamentarians.
Launch of a Multiparty Working Group coordinated by M. Mendes Bota in the Assembleia da Republica, to propose and promote all the activities that will be drawn by the Portuguese parliament within the Initiative “Parliaments United against Domestic Violence” in 2007 and 2008.

Documents and publications

Translation of the Campaign material in Portuguese, 7.500 posters displayed in public places

Internet Web site dedicated to the Campaign (in Portuguese only)

Draft Resolution on the initiative "Parliaments united in combating domestic violence against women" 14.04.2007 (in Portuguese only)

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Cornelia CAZACU
Chair of the Equality Committee of the Senate
Senatul României
Calea 13 septembrie nr. 1-3, Sector 5
Tel: (40 21) 31 50 200 (switchboard)
Fax: (40 21) 31 50 300 (general)

17 December 2007:
Cornelia Cazacu, Senator and contact parliamentarian for Romania and Mihaela Mostavi, President of the National Agency for the Protection of Family participated in the 9th broadcast of the joint program of the Information Office dedicated to the National Awareness Raising Campaign on Combating Violence in Family against Women (28 November – 10 December).

10 December 2007: Romanian Senators participated in the round table “Stop Domestic Violence against Women” organised by the Information Office of the Council of Europe in Bucharest, in partnership with the Romanian Parliament and the National Agency for the Protection of Family. The ways and the methods to improve the national legislation in the field of the domestic violence were debated by the participants, including representatives of international organisations, ministries, NGOs and media. A press conference dedicated to the end of the National Awareness Raising Campaign on Combating Violence in Family against Women followed the debate.

10 December 2007: Round-table: “Stop domestic violence against woman”

4 December 2007: The Equality Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, chaired by PACE Member Minodora Cliveti, organised an exhibition of cartoons proposed by Romanian artists on the issue of domestic violence. The Committee also awarded diplomas to prominent medias and NGOs interested in this topic and organised a meeting with representatives of the Municipality of Bucharest.

28 November 2007 to 10 December 2007: Launching of the National Campaign “Stop domestic violence against woman”, Romanian Parliament in partnership with The European Council’s Bureau and the National Agency for the Family Protection (Creation and broadcasting of an audio-video material, Schools and high-schools debates, Launching of the Intervention Guide in case of domestic violence, NGOs meetings) (in Romanian)

27 July 2007: Signing of a Protocol between the Ministry of Justice, the Public Ministry and the Ministry for Labour, Family and Equality Opportunities, with the help of the National Agency for Family Protection, regarding cooperation in the field of prevention and combating domestic violence.
Hearings, meetings with the representatives of the Ministry for Labour, Family and Equality Opportunities and those of the National Agency for Family Protection
Public speeches held with all of the above mentioned events
Amendments proposed by the Chamber of Deputies’ Committee for Equal Opportunities between men and women – in order to modify and complete the law no. 217/2003

28 March 2007: Press conference organized by GRADO and 9 other NGOs, members of the National Coalition against Violence, within the “Public Affairs and a transparent financing in the field of domestic violence” Project

10/22 March 2007: Exibition of pictures "LA FEMININ" (in Romanian)

13 December 2006: Debate: “Violence against women – a priority or not in Romania?” – National Coalition against Violence

29 November 2006: Debate: “Preventing and combating domestic violence – legislative measures towards a real protection of the domestic violence victims”

24 November 2006: Debate: “When you loose your control, the other may loose his/her life”, Sensiblu Foundation

23 November 2006: Organisation of a Parliamentary Day of Action (declaration)

Documents and publications

Declaration adopted by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate in their joint session on 23 November 2006

National Law - 2007

Russian Federation
Contact Parliamentarian
State Duma
Okhotny Ryad 1
Moscow RU - 103265
Documents and publications
San Marino
Contact Parliamentarian

Great General Council
Palazzo Pubblico
Piazza della Libertà
SM- 47890 San Marino


17 November 2006
: Adoption of a Solemn declaration by the Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly
Documents and publications
Contact Parliamentarian
  Ms Gordana ČOMIĆ
Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
Trg Nikole Pasica 13
11000 Beograd

21 September 2007
: Ms Gordana Čomić, Contact Parliamentarian for Serbia, took part in the official opening of the Office for gender equality, psycho-social and legal aid for the victims of Violence in the municipality of Palilula, in the presence of Danilo Basic, President of the Palilula municipality, and Ms. Snezana Lakicevic-Stojacic, President of the Government's Gender Equality council. On this occasion, the Serbian version of the exhibition "Break the silence on Domestic Violence", originally shown at Sava Centre in Belgrade with the support of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, was displayed. This exhibition had been inaugurated in May 2007 by the the Parliament of Serbia and the Parliamentary Assembly . This exhibition raised a lot of interest amongst gender activists, NGOs, Centres for social welfare and police forces. The exhibition is, therefore, due to be displayed in other municipalities in Belgrade and in Serbia, with the support of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade.

23 May 2007: Organisation of a parliamentary round table on “the role of parliament in promoting gender equality and combating domestic violence”, in the framework of the PACE/EU joint initiative to support parliamentary institutions in Serbia, with the participation of Ms Gülsün Bilgehan (Turkey), Chairperson of the PACE Equality Committee, PACE member Mr Lluis Maria de Puig (Spain) and Ms Darinka Stancheva (Bulgaria), regional co-ordinator for the PACE Campaign.

Documents and publications
Contact Parliamentarian
Mr Martin KURUC
Národná rada Slovenskej republiky
Námestie Alexandra Dubčeka 1
SK - 812 80 Bratislava 1
Tel: +421 2 5972 1111, +421 2 5972 1112
Fax: +421 2 5441 9529 

21 September 2007:
Plenary debate on the report of the government of the Slovak Republic concerning the fulfilment of the National Action Plan for prevention and elimination of Violence against Women for the period 2005-2008.

7 December 2006: Adoption of a statement on domestic violence against women by the Committee on Human Rights, Nationalities and the Status of Women of the National Council.

Documents and publications

National Law - 2007

Contact Parliamentarian
Chair of the Commission for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal Opportunities of the National Assembly
Drzavni Zbor Republike Slovenije
Subiceva 4
SL-Ljubljana - 1000
Tel: +386 (1) 478 94 00
Fax: +386 (1) 478 98 45


17 March 2008: President De Puig published an editorial in Delo (PDF, in Slovenian)

7 March 2008: The international conference on violence against women is hosted in Ljubljana by the Association SOS Help-line and by the Commission for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal Opportunities. (PDF)

5 February 2008: National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the new Family Violence Prevention Act. (PDF)

23 November 2007: On the occasion of the International Day Against Violence Against Women (25  November), the President of the Commission for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal Opportunities, Ms Majda Potrata organized a press conference to present the activities of the Commission and the National Assembly in combating family violence against women.

25 May 2007: Participation of women parliamentarians at the Round Table organised by the Office for Equal Opportunities to present the basis of an Act on the prevention of domestic violence.

30 January 2007: National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on its session on 30 January 2007, unanimously adopted a solemn declaration on "Parliaments united in combating Domestic Violence against Women" at the occasion of the vote of the act against domestic violence.

2 March 2007: Hearing organised by the Commission for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal Opportunities on issues to promote the co-ordinated co-operation among the executive power, the parliament and the non-governmental actors. This hearing notably addressed the issue of the role of co-coordinator for the prevention of violence, the activities of the department of social security in respect to restraining orders, the role of men in domestic violence, the findings of the Association against violence communication in relation to violence, the recommendations of Amnesty International for preventing domestic violence, and the positions regarding the drafting of a law on the prevention of domestic violence.

30 January 2007: Member of the Parliament Ms Majda Potrata suggested the National Assembly adopt the Declaration on the Support to a Solemn Declaration of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - Parliaments united in combating domestic violence against women. The National Assembly adopted the Declaration on its session on 30 January 2007. The declaration was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia no, 9/07 on  2 February 2007.

24 November 2006: Sitting of the Parliament. At the beginning of the sitting (it was not a session devoted solely to this subject) the president informed the Slovene Assembly about the parliamentary day of action against domestic violence against women and that the Pan-European campaign begins on 27 of November in Madrid.
The MPs also got the text of the solemn declaration (together with the translation into Slovene) adopted on 17 November in San Marino.
The representatives of the NGOs in Slovenia dealing with the issue concerned were invited into the parliament. They could distribute various materials to the M.Ps and also distributed white ribbons to each of the MPs present in the session.
The solemn declaration was officially put into the procedure on November 30, to be discussed about and adopted on the relevant committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia in the nearby future.

10 November 2006: the Committee for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal Opportunities took note of the Resolution 1512 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe "Parliaments united in combating domestic violence against women" and suggested to the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia to present the solemn declaration to the deputies of the National Assembly on 24 November 2006. The Commission called upon the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to inform the National Assembly on the implementation of the recommendations on the protection of women against violence made by the Committee of Ministers to the Member States.

Documents and publications

Act against domestic violence (available soon)

Translation of the handbook for parliamentarians and the Campaign material in Slovenian

National Law - 2007

Resolution 1512 (2006) (Slovenian)

Contact Parliamentarian
Congreso de los Diputados
Floridablanca s/n
ES-28071 Madrid

1 October 2007:
Ms Quintanilla, contact parliamentarian for Spain, proposed a cartoon exhibition entitled "Por una vida sin malos tratos" on the occasion of the PACE part-Session in Strasbourg (1-5 October 2007).

27 November 2006: Launching conference of the Council of Europe Campaign to combat Violence against Women, including Domestic Violence

Documents and publications
Constitutional Act 3/2007 of 22 March for effective equality between women and men (PDF)

National action plan to raise awareness on domestic violence

National Law - 2007

Organic Law 1/2004 of 28 December 2004 for the Development of Integrated Protection Measures relating Domestic Violence (PDF, in Spanish only)

Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Carina HÄGG
Sveriges Riksdag
S-Stockholm 10012
Tel: (46.8) 786 40 00
Fax: (46.8) 786 61 43
Website of Ms Hägg

21 February 2008:
Seminar organised on the protection of identity by the Register Office. (PDF, in Swedish only)

5 March 2008: The Speaker Per Westerberg with Ms Carina Hägg, contact parliamentarian for Sweden, inaugurated the Photo exhibition produced by the PACE inside the Parliament on domestic violence against women. (jpeg)

4 March 2008: Public hearing on Men's violence against women, crimes perpetrated in the name of honour, stalking and violence inside same sex relation.

21 February 2008: Seminar organised on the situation of Roma Women victims of domestic violence. (PDF, in Swedish only)

20 February 2008: Answer by Minister Sabuni (PDF, in Swedish)

14 February 2008: Seminar organised by Q-sam on Forces Marriage. (PDF, in Swedish only)

13 February 2008: Seminar organised by the Handicap Forum of the Swedish Parliament on Men's violence on Handicapped Women. (PDF, in Swedish only)

12 February 2008: Seminar “To treat sexual offenders and reduce the number of crimes – utopia or reality” (PDF, in Swedish only)

11 January 2007: Seminar organised in cooperation with the Federation of the Swedish Shelters. (PDF, in Swedish only)

13 December 2007: Seminar on Violence in Gender Relations at the Riksdag (PDF, in Swedish only)
Article by Ms Carina Hägg sent to the local press (PDF, in Swedish only)

5 December 2007: Seminar on the Situation of Sami Women in Sweden at the Riksdag (PDF, in Swedish only)

22 November 2007: Seminar on the Cost of Domestic Violence for the Swedish Society at the Riksdag (PDF)

15 November 2007: Interpellation by Carina Hägg to Minister of Finance Anders Borg about Men’s violence against women.
Answer by the Minister for Integration and Gender Equality.

14 November 2007: screening of Ake Sandgren’s last movie « Den Man älskar » (« To Love Someone »)

24 October 2007: Seminar organised by the male network in Riksdagen

22 October 2007: Question to the Government concerning the report about Violence against Women with disabilities, Stockholm, 22 October 2007
Request for the translation of Handu AB report "Men's Violence against Women with disabilities" (PDF, Swedish only)

19 September 2007: Hearing “Violence against Elderly People”, Committee on Health and Welfare

19 June 2007: Ms Hägg invites all MPs to visit local branches of shelters  [Letter sent to all members of the Swedish parliament]

30 May 2007: Seminar held in the Swedish parliament. The seminar concerned Men's Violence against Women and how to improve the implementation of the legislation. It was arranged by the Swedish branch of Amnesty International, Foundation of Women's Forum, the Swedish NGO Foundation for Human Rights and Ms Hägg. There were about 90 participants. Among the speakers were Ms Hägg, Ms Katarina Bergehed (Amnesty), Ms Halida Nasic (Associate Human Rights Officer, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights), Professor Gun Heimer (head of the National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence against Women), Ms Abigail Choate (Swedish National Police Board) and Ms Kajsa Rapp (Office of the public prosecutor).

25 April 2007:: Seminar on Men’s Violence against Women.

18 April 2007: Contribution of Ms Hägg to the debate on the situation of human rights and democracy in Europe, Council of Europe, Strasbourg

8 March 2007: Parliamentary Day of Action in Sweden. Reply to interpellation tabled by Ms Carina Hägg about the Council of Europe Campaign to Combat Domestic Violence against Women, by the Minister for Integration and Gender Equality Nyamko Sabuni (English) (Swedish)

7 February 2007: Question tabled by Ms Carina Hägg to the Minister for Integration and Gender Equality Ms Nyamko Sabuni (link to the Swedish Parliament, in Swedish) (English translation)

23 November 2006: Organized by UNIFEM,  ”Stop Men´s Violence against Women!”

20 October 2006:: Interview by Carina Hägg at the occasion of the coordination meeting of the Contact Parliamentarians (wave doc)

13 December 2006: Distribution of the Campaign white ribbon at the Annual St. Lucy celebration in the Swedish Parliament

Documents and publications

Analysis of the Swedish legislation on Domestic Violence (PDF, in English)

Action plan for combating men’s violence against women, violence and oppression in the name of honour and violence in same-sex relationships (PDF, in English)
    Draft version of the Action Plan with reservations an motions before voting (PDF, in Swedish)

Study on the resources allocated by public authorities to combat violence against women, in Sweden as well as in Nordic and Baltic countries (PDF, in English)

Group of Male Parliamentarians initiated by Lars U Granberg with colleagues

Handbook for Parliamentarians in Swedish

Blueprint of the Campaign in Swedish

National Law - 2007

Study on the cost of domestic violence in Sweden (PDF, extensive summary of a report published in Swedish in December 2006)

European Campaign to stop Domestic Violence against Women, 22 November 2006

Declaration by Speaker Per Westerberg (Moderate Party) and Carina Hägg (Social Democratic Party), 28 November 2006

Human Rights in the 2006 election campaign in Sweden: issues relating to Violence against Women and the rights of the child
At the request of the Swedish Delegation to the Council of Europe this memorandum gives an account of how issues relating to Violence against Women and the rights of the child have been dealt with by the political parties in the 2006 election campaign

Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Doris STUMP
Conseil national
Palais du Parlement
CH-Bern 003
Tel: + 41 31 322 98 77
Fax: + 41 31 322 53 74

9 October 2007: Ms Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold, contact Parliamentarian for Switzerland, moderated the concluding discussion panel of the Council of Europe Regional Seminar on “Support and protection for victims of domestic violence: Services needed”
Documents and publications
National Law - 2007
"The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
Contact Parliamentarian
Chair of the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men of the Parliament
11 Oktomvri bb 1000 Skopje
"the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"

June 2008:
Round table on the situation with domestic violence in the country, where relevant people form the state bodies and NGOs were invited.
Visit to the shelters in the country.

March 2008: The Assembly celebrated five years from the establishing and functioning of the Women Parliamentarian's Club

March 2007: Amendment to the Draft-Law on Games of Chance
In Article 3, that is changing Article 79-a, paragraph is changes and now reads: "The funds from the special tax from Paragraph 1 of this Article in the amount of 40% to be reserved for a special fund for establishing and maintenance of sports facilities and objects in the property of the Republic of Macedonia, and 10% for a special fund for combating domestic violence.

8 March 2007:
Hotel “Holiday Inn”: Women Parliamentarian's Club and Macedonian Women's Lobby organized a seminar with representatives of Women Parliamentarian's Club from Kosovo, dedicated on objectives and initiatives aimed at securing equal opportunities. Another topic for discussion were: the structure, budget and financing, the achievements and the cooperation with the NGOs.

11-12 September 2007: Seminar on Protection and specialised support for victims of domestic violence

24 November 2006: Adoption of a solemn declaration on combating Violence against Women, including domestic violence. 
The Chairperson of the Committee on Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, Mrs. Liljana Popovska, participated in a TV show on the National TV Network MRTV, together with other public persons such as journalists and NGO representatives, and she promoted the Council of Europe Campaign dedicated to combating violence against women, as well as the activities of the Parliament during this campaign.

7 November 2006: Organisation of a public hearing concerning the security of the people from a gender perspective by the Committee on Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, in association with the "Macedonian Women's Lobby". Visit of several shelters located in "the  former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" by Committee members to collect information on the situation of the Women living in these facilities

23 October 2006: Ms Ljljana Popovska, Chair of the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the Assembly of the Republic, hold a Press Conference and announced that the Assembly will participate in the Pan-European campaign against Violence against Women, organised by the Council of Europe. Information material was disseminated to all local Women organisations in "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and Centers for social affairs
The Chairperson of the Committee on Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, Ms Liljana Popovska, participated in a TV show on the National TV Network MRTV, together with other public persons such as journalists and NGO representatives, and she promoted the Council of Europe Campaign dedicated to combating Violence against Women, as well as the activities of the Parliament during this campaign.

Documents and publications

National Law - 2007

Declaration on combating Violence against Women, including Domestic Violence, Skopje, 24 November 2006

Contact Parliamentarian
Nursuna Memecan Ms Nursuna MEMECAN
Grand National Assembly
Türkiye Büyük Millet Miclisi (TBMM)
TR - Ankara 06543

8 March 2008:
“Stop violence against women”. Trained Lawyers and Community Counsellors and psychologist took place in this event to advocate women who are coming from rural part of the city. Guide brochures are given to them

4 March 2008: Ms Memecan, contact parliamentarian for Turkey, participate to Mardi de l'Europe organised by the Madariaga European Foundation in Brussels based on he PACE initiative, Men Get Involved, with contributions of Ms Axelle Red, singer and goodwill ambassador for UNICEF, Mr Olsson, Chairperson of the sub-committee on trafficking of the PACE and Mr Romeva, MEP.

20 January 2008: Ms Bilgehan, contact parliamentarian for Turkey, took part to the debate with Zülfü Livaneli after the screening of Mutluluk at the Odyssee cinema. At this occasion, she introduced the campaign organised by Hürriyet.

7 December 2007: Hearing on domestic violence in Istanbul.

Spring 2007: Several meetings organised by Ms Gülsün Bilgehan in her constituency to raise awareness on the Council of Europe Campaign

7 March 2007: Special sitting at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on the occasion of the International Women's Day

Documents and publications

Translation of the handbook for parliamentarians and the Campaign material in Turkish

National Law - 2007

Contribution of the Contact Parliamentarian, 2006, State of Play in Turkey

Contact Parliamentarian
Verkhovna Rada
vul. Hrushevskogo, 5
UA - Kyiv - 01008
Tel: + 38 044 253 32 17
Fax: + 38 044 253 32 17

June 2008:
Seminar for gender focal points in Parliament’s Committees on the Optional Protocol to CEDAW
Working group on the group of male parliamentarians who are committed to combating violence against women

23 November 2007:
Changes to the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence

2007: Regional Hearings “The situation and main objectives in the area of gender violence elimination” (Lviv, Zhitomyr)

21 November 2006: Parliamentary session dedicated to Violence against Women: Two Parliamentary hearings in Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, on "Current situation and urgent tasks in field of gender Violence prevention", and on "Equal rights and equal opportunities in Ukraine: realities and perspectives".
Speech by Ms Bondarenko on domestic violence.

Documents and publications

Address by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine H.E. Mr Oleksandr Moroz for the Conference in Madrid, 27 November 2006

National Law - 2007

United Kingdom
Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Christine McCAFFERTY
House of Commons
Overseas Office, 7 Millbank
UK - SW1P 3JA London
Tel: +44 207 219 3293
Fax: +44 207 219 6832

Home Affairs Committee's Domestic Violence forum

November 2007:
Contribution by Mr Austin, Member of the UK Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Committee (PACE) to the blog "End violence against Women"
Documents and publications
National Law - 2007
Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Lorna MILNE
Senate of Canada
Suite 247, East Block
Ottawa, Ont
Canada, K1A 0A6
Tel: 613-947-9744
Fax: 613-947-9589

28 November 2006:
Statement by Ms Lorna Milne in the Senate to inform the members about the launch of the Campaign

27 November 2006: Address by the Speaker Kinsella at the occasion of the launching conference of the Council of Europe campaign in Madrid

Since 1991, the Parliament of Canada set 6 December as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. It marks the sad anniversary of the tragedy at Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal in 1989, when a deranged gunman singled out and killed 14 young women.

Documents and publications

Contact Parliamentarian
Mr Guideon SA’AR
Chairperson of the Committee for the status of Women of the Knesset
The Knesset, Jerusalem
Tel: (972.2) 5541 111 (switchboard)
Fax: (972.2) 303 367 (general)
Documents and publications
Contact Parliamentarian
Ms Blanca Judith DÍAZ DELGADO
Torre Azul
Piso 9, Oficina C
Reforma 1366
Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc
México DF, 06600

6 September 2007:
At a hearing on feminicides organised by the PACE Sub-Committee on Violence against Women,  Ms Diaz Delgado, Chairperson of the Committee on Gender Equality of the Senate of Mexico, spoke about the contribution of Mexico's Senate and Congress to the Council of Europe Campaign, in particular the adoption of the "General Law on access for Women to a life free of violence"(01.02.2007). (PDF, in Spanish only)

Documents and publications
Action Plan 2007 (PDF, in Spanish only)

General Law on access for Women to a life free of violence (1 February 2007). (PDF, in Spanish only)

European Parliament
Contact Parliamentarian
Chairperson of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality

11 April 2007:
Exchange of views with the European Parliament, Ms Bilgehan, Chair of the PACE Equality Committee and Ms Hägg, Chair of the Sub-Committee on Violence against Women, presented the project "Parliaments united in combating domestic violence against women" at the mini-hearing devoted to domestic violence organised by the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality of the European Parliament in Brussels (more ...)
Documents and publications
Nordic Council
Contact Parliamentarian
 NN, Chairman of the Committee on Citizens’ and Consumer rights

The question of a common Nordic action plan to combat domestic violence has been put on the agenda

30 January 2007: Carina Hägg Chair of the PACE Sub-committee on Violence against Women, presented the action "Parliaments United in Combating Domestic violence against Women" at the Nordic Council meeting in Helsinki (Finland) devoted to Council of Europe Campaign [Programme].  The Nordic Council and the Baltic Assembly have also decided to carry out joint actions in 2007 to support the parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe Campaign

Documents and publications
Declaration on 25 September 2007 to set up a conference in relation to the campaign “Stop domestic violence against women 2006-2008” of the Council of Europe (PDF in Danish only)
Proposal to set up a conference in relation to the campaign “Stop domestic violence against women 2006-2008” of the Council of Europe (PDF, in Danish only)

Joint Action Plan 2007 for Baltic Assembly - Nordic Council Cooperation