Retour RIOL ROJO Victoria (Marivi)

Enpresa Sustapena, Promoción Empresarial - Bilbao, Spain
RIOL ROJO Victoria (Marivi)

Marivi is a technician working in the area of strategic sectors and is coordinating the relationships with the companies installed in one of our Auzo Factories.  BILBAO EKINTZA, the company I work for, is a municipal entity that promotes the generation of economic and social wealth for Bilbao, promoting the city as an attractive investment destination, and the creation and growth of companies, improving access to employment opportunities.  One initiative run by Bilbao Ekintza is the Auzo Factory that involves setting up new creative urban spaces by regenerating old disused areas, and creating an attractive space as incubators for entrepreneurs and companies.  It is focussing activities on the strategic sectors for the municipality of Bilbao.  Strategic Sectors involved include: creative and cultural industries. technology. tourism. Health and quality of life and advanced  services to companies.

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