Powrót Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme presented at BSEC Workshop for Young Diplomats

Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme presented at BSEC Workshop for Young Diplomats

On Tuesday 22 March Mr Stefano DOMINIONI – Executive Secretary of the EPA and Director of the EICR - delivered a speech on ‘The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe’s approach to Cultural Diplomacy’ at the 5th edition of the Workshop for Young Diplomats from BSEC Member States.

The Workshop, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, was organised by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in cooperation with the Permanent International Secretariat of the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC PERMIS). The Workshop was opened on the evening of Monday 21st March, with introductory remarks from Mr. Walter GLOS, Director of KAS Turkey, and H.E. Ambassador Lazǎr COMǍNESCU, Secretary general of BSEC PERMIS, followed by a keynote speech on Cultural Diplomacy delivered by Ambassador Karl-Erik NORRMAN, Secretary General of the European Cultural Parliament. Ms. Margarita LIOULIA, Vice-Chair of the Governing Board of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes (Ministry of Culture and Sports of Greece), and Mr. Dmitry PANKIN, President of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB), also attended the event.

Mr. Stefano DOMINIONI’s speech was delivered within the framework of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe’s official cooperation with BSEC. BSEC is a regional international organisation which fosters multilateral cooperation between its 13 member States. In 2021 it was granted ‘participative Status’ to the EPA on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. With Routes such as ITER VITIS and the European Route of Industrial Heritage operating in the Black Sea Region, BSEC has a strong history of cultural diplomacy and shares in the Council of Europe’s vision and ambitions.

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