Назад The Leeds Learning Alliance

The Leeds Learning Alliance (LLA) is a consortium of organisations formed in 2019 by a group of leaders, aiming to improve education in Leeds, United Kingdom (UK). The Alliance is unusual in the UK in that it includes education, the public, private and third sector trying to explore what genuine partnership could mean. The Alliance includes 15 partners and associates, including universities, colleges, schools (primary and secondary), Leeds City Council, the Leeds Rhinos Foundation, Ahead Partnership and CATCH (Community Action to Create Hope): a civil society organisation working with young people from diverse backgrounds.

The LLA partners recognised that children were facing challenges and families in some communities were having the same problems with the same negative outcomes for children, with little changing over several years despite intervention programmes. At the same time the city workforce did not represent the diversity or the talent in the city and not all children were able to benefit from the opportunities a city like Leeds had to offer.

The LLA created the Restore Provision, which is unique in the city. It supports up to 16 children at one time who are at risk of being excluded from school. During a pupil’s placement at Restore their educational, behavioural and social needs can be addressed with a view to them returning promptly, as appropriate, to mainstream education. Carr Manor Community School employs the staff team and rents a space at the CATCH community centre. The school is able to use all the CATCH facilities for respite and restoration to help that child return to school. CATCH are responsible for the education provision on the premises and also contribute to education at the school itself. At CATCH children and young people are encouraged to learn a whole suite of competencies for more effective pathways including working in public services and digital skills.

As well as the practical work with young people, LLA is developing a LLA Centre for Inclusive Practice working alongside the Leeds Trinity University Research Centre for Inclusion, Diversity and Social Justice. LLA is also developing an Anti-Racism Action Plan and toolkit for LLA leaders.

Since 2019
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