Geri ICC national networks publish their Q3/2024 reports

ICC national networks publish their Q3/2024 reports

The ICC national networks in Italy (Rete Città del Dialogo), Portugal (Rede Portuguesa Cidades Interculturais), and Ukraine (Ukrainian Network of Intercultural Cities) have produced their quarterly activity reports (July-September 2024) which can be found online.

In Italy, the network continued its work on anti-discrimination, in particular on strengthening prevention and anti-discrimination services and engaging youth at different levels, and on alternative narratives, including against disinformation. ICEI was awarded the EU project “ STAND ‘Strengthening Towns’ Activation for new Narratives on Diversity” which will contribute to continuity of its work and increased collaboration with other members of the ICC network.

The Portuguese network continued its work to foster intercultural competencies among school staff and strategic partners. Capacity building activities involved students as well as school administrators, teachers and local partners interested in developing intercultural competences and more interculturally inclusive schools. It coincided with the launch of a new EU project to foster youth participation and engagement for the future of the EU.

Members of the Ukrainian network, in collaboration with other ICC international cities such as Stavanger (Norway), continued their efforts to address their immediate needs within the intercultural framework through creative expression. The network encouraged its members to include youth and young artists in their activities and strengthen intercultural dialogue. Furthermore, emphasis was put on promoting intercultural solidarity through commemorative events such as honoring Roma* victims of the Holocaust. 

More detailed information is available in the network reports:

* The term “Roma and Travellers” is used at the Council of Europe to encompass the wide diversity of the groups covered by the work of the Council of Europe in this field: on the one hand a) Roma, Sinti/Manush, Calé, Kaale, Romanichals, Boyash/Rudari; b) Balkan Egyptians (Egyptians and Ashkali); c) Eastern groups (Dom, Lom and Abdal); and, on the other hand, groups such as Travellers, Yenish, and the populations designated under the administrative term “Gens du voyage”, as well as persons who identify themselves as Gypsies. The present is an explanatory footnote, not a definition of Roma and/or Travellers.

Strasbourg, France 18 December 2024
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