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Intercultural cities: good practice examples

The Intercultural city aims at building its policies and identity on the explicit acknowledgement that diversity can be a resource for the development of the society.

The first step is the adoption (and implementation) of strategies that facilitate positive intercultural encounters and exchanges, and promote equal and active participation of residents and communities in the development of the city, thus responding to the needs of a diverse population. The Intercultural integration policy model is based on extensive research evidence, on a range of international legal instruments, and on the collective input of the cities member of the Intercultural Cities programme that share their good practice examples on how to better manage diversity, address possible conflicts, and benefit from the diversity advantage.

This section offers examples of intercultural approaches that facilitate the development and implementation of intercultural strategies.

Template for collection of Good practices >>


Germany Erlangen 2013 onwards

Purpose: Promote diversity within organisations and societies Process: At the initiative of the Diversity Charter, “Diversity Day” was launched in 2013 and since then has taken place annually in...

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Community – Police relationship

Israel Haifa Four months from March to June 2017 (pilot in one neighbourhood)

Mediation and conflict Resolution The goal of the programme is to increase the feeling of security among Haifa’s more vulnerable residents and neighbourhoods and to improve the police force’s...

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Haifa Center for Dialogue and Conflict Management

Israel Haifa Ongoing activities

Mediation and conflict resolution, capacity-building The Haifa Centre for Dialogue and Conflict Management works to strengthen communities and improve the quality of life for all of Haifa’s...

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Italian Language courses for migrant women

Italy Novellara October 2017-January 2018

Purpose: The goal of this project is to promote the participation of migrant women into the Italian Language courses organized in the city of Novellara. Stimulus/Rationale: The local administration...

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The Ubuntu Bridges Programme in Lisbon (“Programa Pontes Ubuntu”)

Portugal Lisbon 2010-ongoing

Purpose: Tackling social exclusion and restoring human dignity, empowering young people to make a change and to fulfil their potential, building bridges and promoting a culture of care, respect,...

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Mainstreaming the intercultural perspective in Barcelona districts

Spain Barcelona Since 2018

Purpose: Mainstreaming the intercultural perspective into the work of all the districts. Stimulus/Rationale: The Barcelona Interculturality Plan (2021-2030) states that Barcelona can only progress...

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The Fusion Market (“Mercado de Fusão”)

Portugal Lisbon 2012 - ongoing

Purpose: In one of the areas of Lisbon with most foreign communities, the Fusion Market brings people from diverse origins closer together via a journey through its typical flavours....

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International Migrants Day in the Lisbon City Hall

Portugal Lisbon 2017-2021

Purpose: Show political commitment towards interculturalism Stimulus/Rationale: It is important to show political commitment to Diversity and Migration, and a positive image of migrants as an asset...

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City of Sanctuary – welcome and settlement

United Kingdom Swansea 2016

Purpose: Welcome and Settlement Stimulus/Rationale: Swansea Council has pledged its commitment to supporting its status as a City of Sanctuary – welcoming those fleeing from war/persecution....

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Don’t Feed the Rumour

Portugal Amadora From September 2014 to May 2015 (still ongoing as part of the municipal strategy for promoting interculturality)

Fight against misconceptions, prejudices, rumours and stereotypes about migrants and the city of Amadora, and provide correct information on migration and ethnic and cultural diversity “Immigrants...

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Salut l'étranger-ère!

Switzerland Neuchâtel 2016

Acknowledging and rewarding the intercultural heroes of Neuchatel Since 1995 Neuchâtel State Council has been making an annual award of 7,000 CHF to a group or an individual who, through a work, a...

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House of Peace and Human Rights

Spain Donostia-San Sebastian Since 2010

Purpose: The House of Peace and Human Rights aims at disseminating the culture of peace, the promotion of human rights, peace processes and the recovery of historical memory. It does so in...

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Intercultural Museum

Norway Oslo 2016

Purpose: The aim of the museum is to exhibit and tell the history of diversity in Norway, conceptualizing the museum as a space of dialogue that involves as wide and diverse a range of people as...

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Maio - Diálogo Intercultura / May Intercultural Dialogue

Portugal Setúbal 2008 - ongoing

Purpose: May – Intercultural Dialogue is affirmed in Setúbal as a moment of sharing and joint work, with the aim of promoting intercultural dialogue and coexistence, through the promotion of...

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The Welcome App

Germany Erlangen 2016 onwards

Purpose: An App to help refugees organising their everyday lives in Germany - Helps overcoming the language barrier - Provides information regarding asylum law Stimulus/Rationale: A considerable...

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Diversity in the workforce

Norway 2013-

Purpose: To ensure and encourage diversity in the workforce in Bergen municipality, by supporting and facilitating career development for people with a minority background. Stimulus/Rationale: The...

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Having Faith in Lewisham

United Kingdom London-Lewisham 2016 onwards

Purpose: Putting faith groups at the heart of community building Stimulus/Rationale: A large number of residents subscribe to a religion and of the rapidly growing number of faith groups (over...

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Centre for Conflict Mediation

Italy Reggio Emilia 2016

Purpose: The intervention is aimed at managing conflicts arising from neighbourly relations and proximity between people and is intended to improve social relationships so there is an alternative...

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School Approaches for Family Empowerment (SAFE)

Italy Reggio Emilia 2016

Purpose: SAFE aims to reach and involve public servants, intercultural mediators, school principals and families. It has been developed to give the school a central role in the process of social...

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Johannes Learning Centre - a bilingual school which teaches and hires minorities

Norway Stavanger Running for several decades

Purpose: Johannes Learning Centre is Stavanger’s main vehicle for building language competence. Although originally all the staff were Norwegians, 40% are now of minority background. The school has...

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