Chairmanship - Andorra

The Ministers' discussions chiefly revolved around a report by the Secretary General on strengthening the impact of the actions undertaken by the Council of Europe concerning democracy, human rights and rule of law. They encouraged the Secretary General to continue his efforts to optimise the functioning and co-ordination of the Organisation's monitoring mechanisms while taking care that better use was made of the conclusions drawn from the monitoring actions. For that purpose, the Ministers invited the Secretary General to present them regularly with a situation report on democracy, human rights and rule of law in Europe founded on the conclusions of the monitoring mechanisms, accompanied by definite proposals for action.
Co-operation with the European Union and Council of Europe policy towards neighbouring regions were also on the meeting agenda.
During the session, the Committee of Ministers also adopted Protocol No. 15 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The Protocol will be opened for signature by member states on 24 June 2013.
Armenia will chair the Committee of Ministers for the next six months.
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15- - Andorran Minister of education and youth inaugurates a seminar on young people's role in conflict transformation and intercultural dialogue
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Reference sites
- Chairmanship
- Priorities
- Schedule activities
- Stocktaking
- Previous Committee of Ministers' Chairmanships
Andorra and...
- the Council of Europe
- the Parliamentary Assembly
- the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
- the European Court of Human Rights