Επιστροφή Join us in building an inclusive integration approach in Finland

(anglais seulement)
Join us in building an inclusive integration approach in Finland

The project “Building an inclusive integration approach in Finland”, jointly implemented by the European Commission and the Council of Europe together with the Ministry of Justice of Finland, aims to improve community relations and support better integration of migrants in society. It covers areas such as participation, education, cultural and social life, urban planning, business, labour market, anti-discrimination and multilingualism.

To achieve this goal, the project will support all levels of government to review and implement inclusive integration policies based on the Finnish Good Relations concept and the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Integration model.

The project is now looking for up to seven municipalities from across Finland wishing to participate in this project in 2023-2024.

The project aligns with the ongoing changes in the responsibilities of municipalities in relation to integration and Good Relations and aims to provide the participating municipalities with practical tools and guidance to support policymaking and service provision within these new areas of responsibility.

The participating municipalities will receive support and guidance to:

  • Set up a cross-sectorial working group.
  • Complete the Index analyses which assesses policy areas relevant to the Good Relations concept and receive recommendations through the Index Report.
  • Receive a visit from an expert to follow good practices and recommendations from the Index Report.
  • Draft a local integration strategy reflecting the Good Relations concept and following up the recommendations.

All participating municipalities will benefit from several training sessions which will be tailored to the needs of the participants, a study visit to another EU or Council of Europe member state as well as support in creating structures and policies for the implementation of the Good Relations concept at the local level.

The main working language of the project will be English. However, several materials will be made available in Finnish and Swedish throughout the project. Interested municipalities are expected the take active part in the project as of 1 January 2023 until the end of the project on 14 September 2024.

Does this sound interesting? Join us online on 27 October, 10:00-12:00 to hear more about the project and to find out how to apply!

The project is co-funded by the European Commission via the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) 2022 and the Council of Europe, and implemented by the Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities programme in co-operation with the European Commission and the Ministry of Justice of Finland.

Registration form

Strasbourg, France 18 October 2022
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The joint project “Building an inclusive integration approach in Finland” is co-funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument and the Council of Europe, and implemented by the Council of Europe in co-operation with the European Commission.

Duration: 15.9.2022-14.3.2025

Total Budget: €667,000

Implementer: Intercultural Cities (ICC) programme of the Council of Europe in co-operation with the European Commission and the Ministry of Justice of Finland.