Pilot Action of Intercutural Cities


In today’s globalised world organisations in both the public and private sectors need to attract and maintain a diverse workforce to make use of its differentiated knowledge, skills, and capabilities and of the international networking potential of employees of migrant background. Diversifying company workforce fulfils both economic and social objectives by increasing opportunities for employees of under-represented groups and, in particular, those of migrant background.

The Rating Diversity in Business project focuses on assessing the economic potential of workforce diversity in specific companies to inspire and encourage them to diversify their workforce.

The project develops an assessment tool for rating and identifying the most diverse companies in a city through surveys and ratings of companies focusing on the link between diversity in management and the companies’ economic performance.

The expected impact of the project is to help local businesses to grow by enhancing economic performance through diversity. It will thus also help local labour market by creating new workplaces for an increasingly diverse workforce.

Project’s partners:

  • The Association New Dane:  one of Denmark’s leading independent, knowledge-based centers for diversity. The Association works to lower the barriers for ethnic minorities and immigrants onto the labour market and to make diversity management a natural and valued element within Danish industry. The Association has over 100 member companies from both the public and private sectors, who contribute towards keeping the focus on integration and diversity. It is also the Danish Diversity Charter focal point.
  • Intercultural Cities member cities – 5 pilot cities
  • Stockholm School of Economics
  • Proacteur: consultancy company which focuses on change management, leadership and organisational development, project and program management.
  • ISS Facility Services A/S: founded in Denmark in 1901, it is today on of the world’s leading Facility Services company, offering a wide range of services, such as Cleaning, Catering, Security, Property and Support services and more.
  • Diversity charters: the assessment tool will be directed at diversity partners in Intercultural Cities, especially diversity partners in charge of diversity charters in larger European cities.



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