Since the crisis in Crimea, many Crimean Tatars who profess Islam have moved to other cities of Ukraine. As of 2018, the city of Lutsk has welcomed more than 300 of them.
Working to prevent stereotypes about the tenets of Islamic faith in Lutsk, the city administration organized an open public discussion titled "Ask a Muslim", and invited the spiritual leader of Ukrainian Muslims, Sheikh Sayid Ismagilov, the Ukrainian translator of the Quran, Mikhail Yakobuvich, and the city/s community, including Muslims.
During the discussion, the essence of many controversial Surahs of the Quran was interpreted; and, consequently, many prejudices about Muslims and their religious principles were demolished. Here are some of them: the Quran does not justify violence; does not call for attacks or murders of “kafirs"; does not encourage humiliation or contempt for women; Muslims respect the laws and sovereignty of their country of residence.
The event also served as a platform for establishing closer contact among locals and the Muslim religious community "Rahma" in Lutsk, as well as for considering opening the first mosque in Lutsk in the near future.
Most Lutsk residents are convinced that by holding such dialogues, exchanges of views and practicing ‘mutual understanding’ it is possible to build a peaceful and tolerant society, where everyone feels at home regardless their origins or religious beliefs.
Prejudices about Muslims and their religious principles were acknowledged and discussed to create mutual understanding. Links were made between the Muslim religious community and others in Lutsk.
Key reference documents:
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