Preventing the potential discriminatory effects of the use of artificial intelligence in local services
Welcome to this online course!
Municipalities provide a wide range of public services to their residents, and this is increasingly supported by information technology (IT) including automated decision-making (ADM) tools and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. The deployment of IT tools in public services has brought new challenges and potential risks of bias and prejudice towards certain groups, as well as an increased risk of open and hidden discrimination.
Some cities have already implemented measures to prevent such irregularities, while others are only starting to consider what steps they should take. Intercultural cities aim to develop policies and expertise in social inclusion and equality, prevention of discrimination, and raise awareness around important societal challenges. It is useful for them to understand the potential biases and risks of artificial intelligence and learn about ways of mitigating such risks. The experience of advanced cities could further help build trustworthy and ethical artificial intelligence.
Why take this course?
This course is a starting point to build capacity among the members of the Intercultural Cities programme on the potential discriminatory effects in the use of artificial intelligence and automated decision-making. The material is based on a webinar and its following policy brief. We invite you to familiarise yourselves with the materials, ask questions and to share it with your colleagues. The first step towards an informed use of new tools, is to raise awareness of both their benefits and the potential pitfalls.
Practical elements
This course is based on the Intercultural Cities webinar on artificial intelligence and anti-discrimination at the local level presented by Krzysztof Izdebski from the ePanstwo Foundation and it subsequent policy brief. All modules include a reference to the policy brief and a video as well as a short quiz and further questions to consider. The modules vary in length from 15 to 30 minutes. The course can be taken as many times as you wish, and you are invited to save the policy brief and other materials for future reference.
In each quiz there can be one or several correct answers. Please choose the answer options which best correspond to the question. You will receive the correct answers and feedback after each question.
The participation in the course is anonymous and participation is free for all. There is no certificate of completion for this course.